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Transborder Control and Optimal Transborder Logistics (information on APEC Project TPT 06/2010)

Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia 13-17 June 2011. Transborder Control and Optimal Transborder Logistics (information on APEC Project TPT 06/2010) Name: Tagir Khuziyatov Organisation: Far Eastern Federal University

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Transborder Control and Optimal Transborder Logistics (information on APEC Project TPT 06/2010)

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  1. Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia 13-17 June 2011 Transborder Control and Optimal Transborder Logistics (information on APEC Project TPT 06/2010) Name: Tagir Khuziyatov Organisation: Far Eastern Federal University Under the overseeing of the Ministry of Transport Economy: The Russian Federation

  2. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 • What has been done • APEC fora (ECSG, SCCP, ABAC) contacted. • Special thanks to Chinese Taipei! • Experts from non-APEC organizations (ESCAP, UNDP GTI, ICAO, IRU, IATA etc.) contacted. • Appropriate previous and current activities of APEC fora and external organizations scrutinized to inform the project (work with literature, information of web-sites, statistics, survey from previous step and other relevant data). • The questionnaire on transborder control and transborder logistics developed and sent to relevant focal points.

  3. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 • What has to be done • More experts from APEC economies needed! • The cases will be gathered in context of legal and regulatory frameworks of APEC Economies. • Working with questionnaire. • The project team will study the gathered cases and issues of transborder multimodal connectivity, business and government bodies’ cooperation, paperless transborder document flows, etc. • The team will develop a draft of APEC principles of transborder logistics services optimization.

  4. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 • APEC Seminar (Sept – Oct2011) • The Workshop holding (Vladivostok, Russia – the largest regional and the main in Russian Pacific logistics hub) to enrich analysis results, present and debate the findings of the investigation stage, collect and analyze amendments, comments and proposals to the APEC principles of transborder logistics services optimization.

  5. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 • Outputs • The project executors in close collaboration with key stakeholders on the basis of Workshop outcomes will develop the final version of APEC principles of transborder logistics services optimization.

  6. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 • Stakeholders • Policymakers in transportation and border control agencies in APEC Member economies. • Transport industry and logistics in the whole. • APEC fora, TPTWG in the first place. • APEC Member economies, especially developing ones, and their societies.

  7. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 Contacts Project Overseer - Arthur Karlov, Division on International Organizations, Transport Policy and Regional CooperationInternational Cooperation DepartmentMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation1/1 Rozhdestvenka St., Moscow, 109012Tel.: +7 (495) 626-95-31Fax.: +7 (495) 626-96-01karlovAV@mintrans.ru www.mintrans.ru c/c Tagir Khuziyatov tagirkh5@hotmail.com

  8. TPT-WG34, Brisbane, Australia Thirty Fourth APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia , 13-17 June 2011 Comments, opinions, recommendations, answers to the questionnaire Welcome! Thank you for your attention! Tagir Khuziyatov tagirkh5@hotmail.com

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