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2012. Progress Report of the APEC Virtual Center Project. August 22, 2012. APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange. Contents. Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. APEC Virtual Center Project. Past Activities of the APEC-VC. Future Plan for Project. 1. APEC Virtual Center Project.
2012 Progress Report of the APEC Virtual Center Project August 22, 2012 APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange
Contents Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ APEC Virtual Center Project Past Activities of the APEC-VC Future Plan for Project
1. APEC Virtual Center Project • APEC-VC Status It has been 17 years since APEC-VC for Environmental Technology Exchange Project was approved as one of the official APEC projects at the APEC conference in Osaka, 1995. 12 economies in the APEC region have opened its website called “Virtual Center”, creating a global network regarding the information on any environmental field and energy-saving across the Pacific Rim. The mandate of APEC-VC Project will be expired at the end of this year. We had Osaka workshop on July 16, 2012 held by VC Japan. VC economies have unanimously agreed that this project should be continued and VC Korea is the strongest candidate for next secretariat. We discussed, debated and ruminated on this issue how this project can accomplish APEC mission in terms of strengthening the regional economic integration and expanding the trade . 1
2. Past Activities of the APEC-VC 1) Held APEC-VC Workshop • 2012 Osaka Workshop on July 14 - 17 • 2010 Osaka Workshop on Nov 22 - 25 Participants : 17 representatives from 6 APEC-VC economies 2
2. Past Activities of the APEC-VC 1) HeldAPEC-VC Workshop • 2009 Canberra Symposium on Oct 27 - 31 Participants : 15 representatives from 5 APEC-VC economies • 2007 Seoul Workshop on June 11 - 13 Participants : 30 representatives from 11 APEC-VC economies 3
2. Past Activities of the APEC-VC 2)Management of APEC-VC websites • VC Websites VC Korea VC Malaysia VC Japan VC China VC Chile 4
2. Past Activities of the APEC-VC 2)Management of APEC-VC websites • 6 Main Categories • - About : Introduction of website • - Website : Linkage to relevant websites • - News room : Domestic, Overseas and APEC News • - Database : Global, Local, Program • - Business : Exhibition of environmental goods, Technologies • - Information : Announcement, Event ※Each VC website consists of six main categories according to APEC-VC criterion. 5
3. Future Plan for Project • The relevance of VC Project We realized our gap to this mission and defined such issues on the lack of budgetary support, environmental technology related contents and responsible site administrator. However, among APEC projects, there was no environment related working group, except the climate change and no international environmental technology information site either. We will ambitiously promote VC project becoming a global hub of environmental technology exchange. As a result, the technology gaps between the developed and the developing countries would be closed. We will use all possible appropriate measures to lessen the technological dependence of developing countries in ISTWG. For Korea, to achieve our ambition towards the developing countries, resolve the gaps and issues and catch a great opportunity to play an enormous role, it solely depends upon approval of project extension for next five years. 6
3. Future Plan for Project • The strategies of VC Project Single Entry Point as a VC gateway • Green Economy Improvement • Focus on developing countries and SME’s environmental industry • Engage environmental companies and give opportunity for business promotion Korea Japan Thailand Australia R&D Knowledge Base APEC-VC Hub of Environmental Technology Exchange Chinese Taipei Chile • Develop R&D knowledge base to share R&D ideas and outputs • Get environmental research center involved Vietnam China Malaysia Indonesia Philippines • Environmental NetworkingEnforcement Environmental Technology Industry Research & Development Institution • Single entry point as a VC gateway • Cooperate with other ISTWG projects • Steady capacity building Environmental Public-Private Sector Networking 7
3. Future Plan for Project • The alignment of ISTWG Medium-Term Plan 8
3. Future Plan for Project • The direction of VC site VC economies have agreed to share the information on environmental technology by setting the common classification system, called as a comprehensive website. In order to activate VC project, the main VC gateway website seems to be absolutely required. From that point, each VC site should be branched. The gateway will offer online community board for environmental industry players in each country to share laws, market trends, product and services. It means the primary contents manager should move from public sector to private sector for site to invigorate by users’ hands voluntarily. Then, the global users having inquiries and promotion contents can share their information in the environmental field. Also we can manage each VC’s contact point, operation status and bulletin board. VC sites should be recommended as a ‘website must visit’ in terms of searching any relevant foreign environmental technologies. 9
3. Future Plan for Project • Conceptual diagram of APEC-VC single entry point http://www.apec-vc.org [ Introduction of APEC-VC ] [ Bulletin Board ] [ Information Sharing ] Notice Environmental technology brokerage VC Recent News Match Making (Supplier vs. Customer) Market Trend Business Promotion Photo / Video Clips Yellow Book Research & Development Q&A, Free Talks [ VC links ] [ Each VC Contact Point ] Korea Australia Malaysia Chinese Taipei Japan Vietnam Chile The Philippines China Thailand Indonesia New Zealand 10
3. Future Plan for Project • Roadmap for 2013 Gateway design Gateway development Opening & operating new site Enhancement 2012 Q4 2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2014 Q1 Q2 Planning for 2014 Compiling what we achieved SeoulWorkshop Project Proposal APEC Fund Request - Review and update gateway prototype Various Communications and Activities to launch the site First Release Available • Apec-vc.org domain • Single entry point • Contact point update Mid-Long Term • Each VC sub URL • R&D Knowledge Base • SNS linkage in uploading 11 13
3. Future Plan for Project • Next Secretariat: Roles of APEC-VC Korea The most important requirement for VC project is to activate each VC site so as to secure budget and staff. It seems to be demanding whatever VC takes responsibility. As the nominee for next secretariat VC Korea is confident to say that we can play its role since we have been assiduously operating VC site and making an effort to build continuous English contents based upon the governmental support for nine years. As of end-2011: Established the 15,866 DB on the website since 2002. We will place particular emphasis on strengthening its collaboration with centres of excellence based upon APEC and Ministry of Environment support. APEC-VC is operated by Korea National Environmental Information Center (KONETIC) which manages various websites of KEITI. Please visit VC Korea:www.apec-vc.or.kr 12
Appendix • APEC-VC in the World APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange is a website to exchange environmental technology information provided by various national and regional members of APEC over the internet. APEC-VC was approved as a format APEC joint project at the Osaka APEC meeting in 1995. In 1996, Supporting Committee for APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange was established in Japan. In 1997, VC Japan began its operation. APEC Virtual Centers in 12 APEC economies are in operation as of July 2005. Each APEC economy sets up its Virtual Center in order to create its unique site for environmental technology information, paving the way to creating a network of environmental technology information within the region. 13