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Introducing Portfolio-based Assessment in International Studies

Introducing Portfolio-based Assessment in International Studies. To provide a central organizing construct to support and assess student development and to promote students’ synthesis of their experiences at Illinois. General Purpose. Measuring achievement toward Global Studies Goals Knowledge

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Introducing Portfolio-based Assessment in International Studies

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  1. Introducing Portfolio-based Assessment in International Studies

  2. To provide a central organizing construct to support and assess student development and to promote students’ synthesis of their experiences at Illinois General Purpose

  3. Measuring achievement toward Global Studies Goals • Knowledge • Skills • Values • Setting specific goals and assessing progress toward them can lead to higher quality educational experiences See AACU VALUE Project: Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education http://www.aacu.org/resources/assessment/portfolio.cfm Document Progress toward Global Learning Goals

  4. Global Learning Assessment Matrix

  5. Promote reflection on and articulation of their academic and personal goals, their intersections: • Coursework • Study abroad • Volunteer and service experiences • Student organizations and leadership roles • Part-time jobs, internships • Provide a way for students to get to know each other • Ultimately used for presenting students for job consideration, committee participation or other recommendation Establish Academic E-identity

  6. Interest in developing students’ technology skills through website development Interest in developing students’ collaborative project work through website development Interest in linking their project work to their on-line academic profile Support Development of On-line Project

  7. eFolio Minnesota: http://sample19.efoliomn.com/ Task Stream: http://www.taskstream.com/pub/PDF/ToolsBrochure.pdf Mahara: https://portfolio.atlas.uiuc.edu/ The Contenders

  8. American Council on Education: Assessing International Learning Outcomes http://www.acenet.edu/Content/NavigationMenu/ProgramsServices/cii/res/assess/index.htm CHOOSING AN e-Portfolio

  9. Set-up and purpose of course Three major assignments: Individual Profile Danielle Kolecki Bianca Serrato Mid-Term Project Molly Schmidt Final Group Project Central America and the Caribbean Pedagogical Aspects

  10. Steep learning curve using the tool Problems of plagiarism Useful in writing letters of recommendation and advising What we learned

  11. Possibility to create templates that will help them frame their experiences overall, listing courses with links to artifacts Exploring ways to motivate students to maintain their portfolio throughout the four years In the Future

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