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INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. Promotes and develops opportunities for :
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO Promotes and develops opportunities for: International research – Solicited and unsolicited; Canadian and non-Canadian funding. Federal GC and Tri-Council funding such as SSHRC IOF, NSERC SRO, CIHR Global Health Research Initiative, CFI International, DFAIT, IDRC, CIDA, ISTPP, GO funding such as the MRI OSIP; NIH, World Bank, Foundations like the Gates, Ford, Carnegie, USIP Development cooperation – Solicited and unsolicited including consultancies (CHEG; AUCC); tied to Official Development Aid (ODA) policies
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO • Graduate level research training – Incoming and outgoing; Canadian and non-Canadian funding; tied to faculty research; preference for countries of strategic interest to Western. Canadian funding sources include DFAIT, IDRC, Tri-Council, CIDA SFD and non – Canadian sources include The Fulbright program and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. In partnership with Faculty of Grad Studies and Center for New Students and SOGS • International internships and student mobility- Outgoing only; Canadian and non-Canadian funding; tied to faculty research and/or countries of strategic interest to Western. Funding sources include CIDA’s SFD program and Youth Internship Program and Shastri, DAAD. In partnership with relevant departments at Western - such as the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Centre for New Students, Students Development Centre • International faculty mobility – Outgoing and incoming; Canadian and non-Canadian funding; tied to international engagement and preference for countries of strategic interest to Western. Funding sources include The Fulbright Program, Irish-Canadian program, The British Council, Shastri, Royal Society, IDRC’s Lacreg program, CIDA, DFAIT
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO Development of multidisciplinary, collaborative international programs and projects – in collaboration with the Deans offices and VP Research and International Relations. • Stimulating and fostering – initiates discussions and networking among Western faculty, faculty from other Canadian universities and foreign collaborators, team building, forming linkages. Examples of activities are Research network days for Africa, France, India, China, Ukraine, the new Canada-California research group, and the new Western News International faculty column. Examples of research teams formed as a result of this process are the Traditional Chinese Medicine Network, Canada - Africa Ecosystem Health Research initiative; Western Heads East, The Western-Wales-Kenya collaboration etc • Coordinating – issue specific research discussion meetings; country specific meetings; visits by foreign teams including foreign missions in collaboration with office of VP Research and International Relations • Facilitating – research development by the research teams and individual faculty members. This also involves a great deal of internal and international communications and interventions on behalf of faculty members.
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO • Liaison liaises with external funding and other relevant agencies and participates at the Federal and Provincial International Liaison meetings on behalf of the University. Western’s ILO for the AUCC and the Canada –France Research Foundation. International Contact Person for Ontario Gov MRI and MTCU as well as the Canada –California Strategic International Partnerships and Fulbright Programs. Participating in Policy document inputs and reviews, policy meetings, teleconferences etc.
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO Mechanisms/instruments: • International faculty database – crucial instrument – available on line and also as access file • The country specific and issue specific working groups/teams • Internal international funding • Perfect collaboration with relevant units at Western – FGS, Registrar’s dept, Students Development Centre, Housing, Accounting etc • Perfect collaboration with the Deans’ offices/Faculty • Very enthusiastic faculty members • Very good access to external agencies • Research collaboration and Academic Agreement mechanism in place
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PORTFOLIO CHALLENGES a) Culture • Appreciation for multidisciplinary/cross-disciplinary research – lack of, limits success • Appreciation for the role of students especially grad students in advancement of the research agenda – lack of, is a missed opportunity b) International research track record – lack of, especially as it relates to large multi disciplinary grants limits competitiveness or altogether eliminates eligibility c) Recognition system for international engagement – lack of, limits participation/willingness to participate especially if labor intensive d) Chronic and severe shortage of funding for meaningful international engagement
Links to funding sources for international engagement * International Development Research Centre http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-54473-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html • The Commonwealth Fund – Health related http://www.commonwealthfund.org/programsgrants/programsgrants.htm • World Bank Development Market Place http://www.applytodm.org/# • Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) http://www.aucc.ca/programs/intprograms/index_e.html • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Education and Youth International Scholarships Programs Canadian Studies Program International Education Promotion http://www.international.gc.ca/culture/education-youth/menu-en.asp * Human Resources and Social Development Canada http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/hip/lld/lssd/iam/announcements.shtml
Links to funding sources for international engagement • IRELAND CANADA UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION http://www.icuf.ie/about.html • The Bernard van Leer Foundation funds and shares knowledge about work in early childhood development: Care, Transitions and Diversity http://www.bernardvanleer.org/about • German DAAD Funding http://www.daad.org/ * The Canada-US Fulbright Program http://www.fulbright.ca/en/award.asp • Global Classroom initiative http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/gci • Western’s Internal International Opportunities http://international.uwo.ca/assets/Western's_Internal_International_Funding_Opportunities.pdf