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US SEAS REPORT Gustavo Jorge Goni NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida gustavo.goni@noaa.gov. AOML: Acknowledgements: Steve Cook Science support: Molly Baringer and Silvia Garzoli Data support: Gary Soneira, Derrick Snowden and Joaquin Trinanes
US SEAS REPORT Gustavo Jorge Goni NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida gustavo.goni@noaa.gov AOML: Acknowledgements:Steve Cook Science support: Molly Baringer and Silvia Garzoli Data support: Gary Soneira, Derrick Snowden and Joaquin Trinanes Software development: Janet Roseli and Paul Chinn Data tracking: Gary Soneira and Francis Bringas Operations:Derrick Snowden, Robert Roddy, James Farrington, AOML techs, Steve Noa and Carrie Wolf SIO: Dean Roemmich, Janet Sprintall, Glenn Pezolli, Carrie Wolf, Steve Cook Funded by the NOAA Office of Climate Observations JCOMM SOT-4 Meeting Geneva, April 16-21, 2007
NOAA/AOML autolauncher mounted in Hawaii (AX10) SEAS 2000 PC screen Temperature/depth cross-section created from SEAS 2000 high density SIO Pacific run in 5/05. Record of SEAS 2000 XBT drops from April 2005- April 2006. AMVER SEAS 2000 Environmental Acquisition and transmission System
SEAS 2000 developments during last two years • Automated Met Observations, operational within the NOAA fleet. • Automatic re-drops on failed drops in HD mode. • Migration from DOS system to Windows in LD. • Automated production of monthly, semestrial and annual reports. • Automated detection of problems with the transmission of data into the GTS. • TSG transmission (SBE21, SBE45) and external temperature sensor via Iridium (being implemented). • XBT transmission transition from Inmarsat to Iridium (in its very early stages). • pCO2 system, fluorometry and oxygen transmission (under development). • Seas 2000, autolauncher and HD set up manuals.
NOAA/AOML SIO AX18 NOAA/AOML and SIO high density XBT transects
NOAA/AOML- Low Density and Frequently repeated transects
France: 500 probes ? Noumea* : 324 probes Australia: 650 probes Brazil: 324 probes NOAA/AOML International Collaboration Approximate number of probes contributed by NOAA/AOML every year to international programs: 1800 Lines partly supported by NOAA/AOML contributions
# obs = 3145 AX07 AX10 AX08 AX18 AX25 NOAA/AOML HD XBT 2006 SEAS TRANSMISSIONS www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt
# obs = 5359 PX44-10-37 PX09 PX08 IX21-15 PX50 AX22 SIO HD XBT 2006 SEAS TRANSMISSIONS
NOAA/AOML 2006 SEAS FRX XBT transmissions # obs = 2551 PX26 PX44-10-37 AX07 PX13 PX08
NON SEAS OBSERVATIONS INTO GTS # obs = 5754 US non-SEAS obs: Navy Universities Non AOML NOAA labs Other int’l. labs
2006 GTS XBT OBSERVATIONS # obs = 17,922
2006 GTS SEAS XBT OBSERVATIONS # obs = 12,168
SEAS vs NON SEAS XBT transmissions into GTS
2006 SEAS quality control Automated detection of anomalies in the transmission
2006 SEAS 2000 quality control statistics AOML= # profiles that arrived to AOML GTS= # profiles that were inserted into GTS Good AOML= # profiles passing auto QC Good GTS= # those good AOML inserted into GTS Good no GTS= # of good profiles that never arrived to GTS Bad AOML= # of profiles that did not pass AOML auto QC and went to visual QC Bad GTS= # of bad profiles that did not pass auto QC but passed Visual QC Bad no GTS= # of bad profiles that were never inserted into GTS
NOAA/AOML HD XBT SEAS TRANSMISSIONS INTO GTS http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/goos/ldenxbt/index.php www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt http://goos142.amverseas.noaa.gov/db/xbtplotapp.html
SIO HD XBT SEAS TRANSMISSIONSINTO GTS http://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/links.html
Some reasons for maintaining XBT transects Quarterly reports on meridional heat advection in the SA Detection of long period signals in the upper ocean thermal structure
Evaluation of thermal vertical structure from altimetry
Deficiency of the Observing system…. Deficiencies in the observing system
98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Status of altimetry missions Medium accuracy SSH GFO ICESAT ERS-2 Problem area for capturing mesoscale Envisat High accuracy SSH CRYOSAT/LRM TOPEX POSEIDON JASON-1 JASON-2/OSTM ESA GMES S-3 GODAE Crashed after launch In orbit Source: modified from NASA/JPL Approved Planned/Pending approval
SEAS 2000 plans • TSG • Inmarsat to Iridium migration, reducing significantly the transmission cost of each XBT profile, from approximately $15 to $1.5 per profile. • BUFR and Metadata.
Issues • Recruiting: AX08 and PX08 transects • GTS: Some (very few) SEAS data still not inserted into GTS • Is each of the currently maintained lines really needed ? • Can profiling float observations really reproduce signals detected in LD transects ? • Do we need to restore any of the dropped LD XBT lines ? • Do we need additional LD/FRX/HD lines ? • Update, in coordination with scientific community, the national, regional and international requirements (e.g, CLIVAR-Indian Ocean recommendations recently updated). • Use of T-5 (~2000m deep). • Fall rate equation. • Coordinate bulk purchases of XBTs among institutions.
US SEAS REPORT Gustavo Jorge Goni NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida gustavo.goni@noaa.gov