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ABA therapy is a treatment commonly used for children with autism spectrum disorder. ABA therapy is highly effective, but it is important that the parents play an active role in order for the therapy to be successful in the long term. In this slide, we discuss the role of parents in ABA therapy and how they can help their child get the most out of this treatment.
ABAtherapyisone ofthemost common treatmentsfor autismspectrum disorder PATH2POTENTIAL
ABATherapy Treatmentfor AutisminKids ABAtherapycanbevery effectiveinhelpingchildren withASDlearnandfunction moreeffectively PATH2POTENTIAL
ABA therapy focuses on improving specific skills or behaviors that are important to success in life PATH2POTENTIAL
ABAtherapycan betailoredto meettheneeds ofeachindividual child PATH2POTENTIAL
Parentsplayacritical roleinreinforcing therapygoalsathome andhelpingtheir childrenmaintain progressbetween sessions PATH2POTENTIAL
Let's discuss the role of parents in long-term success of ABA therapy treatment PATH2POTENTIAL
1. ReinforceTherapy ThroughDaily Activities Parentshavethe advantageofbeing aroundthechildto involveinday-to-day activities PATH2POTENTIAL
2. Report Improvementsto theTherapist Parentsshouldkeeptrackof theirchild'sprogressand communicatewiththeir therapistregularly PATH2POTENTIAL
3. Help Therapist to Understand the Child Better PATH2POTENTIAL
Parentscanhelp theABAtherapist toplanthesession bymakingthem understandthe childbetter PATH2POTENTIAL
4. SeeImprovementin Cognitive, Social, and BehavioralAbilities PATH2POTENTIAL
ABAtherapycanimprove cognitiveabilitiesand socialskillsinachild, therebymakingthem independent PATH2POTENTIAL
5. SupportYour ChildforTheir BrightFuture Withthepropertraining, parentshavetheadvantage ofcommunicatingwellwith thechildbetterthananyone else PATH2POTENTIAL
Withpatience, understandingand love, youcanhelp yourautisticchild thrive PATH2POTENTIAL
ABATherapyTreatmentin LongIsland For children with autism and other developmental disabilities, receiving early intensive ABA therapy is critical for their success PATH2POTENTIAL
Mailing Address Talk to Us 71-19 80th street Suite 8213 Glendale, NY 11385 Phone Number +1 833-AUTISM2 (288-4762) Website https://www.path2potential.org/what-is-aba-therapy/