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Chaparral Biome

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Chaparral Biome

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    1. Chaparral Biome By: Gloria Li, Lynn Chou, Timothy Pan, Theodore Morris   G Block

    2. Conditions Temperature Range: 7° and 40° C Annual Precipitation: 15-39 inches Most of the rain falls during the winter, a period lasting between 2-4 months   

    3. Location & Conditions Between 30° - 50° North and South   This region is extremely dry in the summer and wet in the winter. In addition, fires occur throughout this zone around the Mediterranean. summers nor the winters since the climate is extremely dry in the summer and wet in the winter. In addition, fires occur throughout this zone around the Mediterranean.

    4. Conditions (Cont.) Around this region, there are:  the steppes the grasslands biome the deciduous forest.  The Chaparrel characterizes much of the landscape in California.  The conditions of this area protect against erosion of the area, and moderates the climate of local areas. It encompasses all biotic organisms and abiotic aspects of the regions around:  Central Chile the Mediterranean Basin South Africa Western Brazil.

    5. Abiotic Factors Occasonally, entire region is destroyed by wildfire Most wildfires occur due to the presence of humans, examples are downed power lines and car accidents Plants(such as malosma)  which can survive these wildfires are extremely successful   Rains which occur after fires allow many small plants to thrive until the other plants manage to re-sprout Smaller plants die out due to lack of sunlight

    6. Fruit bearing malosma

    7. Coastal Sage Scrub Exclusive to chaparral due to its need for a dry, Mediterranean climate near the coast Occurs in many different colors such as white, yellow, and black Subcategory includes shrubs and herbs Drops leaves in dry seasons, as opposed to most which drop leaves in cold seasons  

    8. Fairy Duster Is food for desert animals Low shrub that can bloom all year round Found in sandy, sloped areas  Fairy Duster is a member of the Pea Family

    9. Common Sagebrush Adaptation: shallow roots allow sagebrush to absorb water in the soil Thrives only in very dry places where others do not Provides food for elk, small mammals, and domestic sheep CANNOT grow back after forest fire

    10. Golden Jackal Eats rodents, birds, frogs, and gazelle as well as some plants. It grows a thicker fur coat during the winter months to keep it warm Its orangish-gray fur blends in with its chaparral environment, helping this animal to successfully hunt.  

    11. San Joachim Kit Fox Omnivorous, they eat various rodents as well as vegetation. Hairy paws provide traction in the sandy environment. Fur and body shape provide agility which lets them succeed in the chaparral environment.

    12. Spotted Skunk Avoids dense forests and wetland which means...it's perfect for Chaparrals!! Prefers desert, brush land, and rocky terrain Builds den from natural surroundings

    13. Black-Tailed Jackrabbit Accustomed to living in extreme environments Adaptation: fur-covered heat to insulate from scorching desert sand Can increase or decrease blood flow through ears to cool off or to retain heat

    14. Impressions of this Biome Extremely hot and dry during the summer, but wet and cold in the winters which makes it not such an ideal place to live Surprising hot it characterizes portions of the state of California where there is a huge population  In this biome, animals and plants must adapt to the extreme conditions in order to survive 

    15. Bibliography http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/chaparral_climate_page.htm Information about temperature and climate http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/B/Biomes.html Information about annual precipitation  http://www.centraliahs.org/personnel/teachers_faculty/science/becker/biome%20web%20page/chaparral Precipitation info (more) http://www.californiachaparral.com/chaparralfacts.html Range of latitude  http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plnts/shrubmallau/all.html Info about regions around the biome http://calflora.org/cgi-bin/species_query.cgi?where-calrecnum=3243 Additional information about location of biome http://smmtc.org/plantofthemonth/plant_of_the_month_200708_Buckwheat.htm   http://usda.gov/plantguide/pdf/pg_erfa2.pdf http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/chaparral_animal_page.htm http://www.ri.net/schools/West_Warwick-manateeproject/chaparral/plants.htm http://www.docstoc.com/docs/81935941/Chaparral-Biome-TeacherWeb  Used to get the picture on the second slide en.wikipedia.org/wiki/malosma  Malosma information, pictures en.wikipedia.org/wik/Coastal_Sage_Scrub  Information, pictures http://www.ecoindia.com/animals/mammals/golden-jackal.html  Golden Jackal pictures http://www.restoration-resources.net/learningcenter/real-kit.aspx  Sam Joachim Kit Fox pictures

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