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Los adjetivos demostrativos. Cap. 2B, pág. 114. You are already familiar with the concepts of adjectives as words used to modify a noun. In Spanish, adjectives that describe a noun usually go after it. These are called descriptive adjectives. Lleva un chaleco floreado .
Los adjetivos demostrativos Cap. 2B, pág. 114
You are already familiar with the concepts of adjectives as words used to modify a noun. In Spanish, adjectives that describe a noun usually go after it. These are called descriptive adjectives. Lleva un chaleco floreado. She is wearing a flowered vest.
However, demonstrative adjectives, those that are used to point out people or things that are nearby, go before a noun, and agrees with it in number and in gender. There are three types of demonstrative adjectives. These are:
Este/esta/estos/estas • Ese/esa/esos/esas • Aquel/aquella/aquellos/aquellas 1. 2. 3.
To point out things that are next to you, we use: este/esta/estos/estas. Este es mi bolso. (This is my purse.) Esta mochila es mía. (This backpack is mine.) _______ muchachos son mis alumnos. (These boys are my students.) Estos
To point out things that are farther away from you, we use: ese/esa/esos/esas. Ese niño es bien educado. That boy is polite. _______ platos están sucios. Those plates are dirty. Esos ¿De quiénes son _______ muñecas? Whose dolls are those? esas
To point out things that are very far away from you, we use: aquel/aquella/aquellos/aquellas. Aquella corbata es más elegante que ésta. That tie (over there) is more elegant than this one. Queremos comprar ______ mapa. We want to buy that map over there. aquel
Demonstrative pronouns are used to replace a demonstrative adjective + noun, when the meaning is understood in the sentence. • Éste/éstos/ésta/éstas • Ése/ésos/ésa/ésas • Aquél/aquélla/aquéllos/aquéllas
-¿Cuál de los dos vestidos te gusta más? ¿Éste o ése? (Which of the two dresses do you like more? This one or that one?) -Me gusta ______. (I like that one.) ése
1.-¿Cuál de estos trajes te • gustan más? ¿Éste o ése? • -Prefiero ____que está allí. • -Señor, ¿cuánto cuestan • ____ bolsos de cuero aquí? • -____ cuestan treinta dólares. • Son de cuero. ése estos Éstos