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STUDENTS. OPINIONS. EXPERTS. TEACHERS. STUDENTS' OPINION. Intalnirile pentru audit au fost interesante, am aflat lucruri noi, mi-am cunoscut mai bine colegii de liceu pentru ca ne-am propus de la inceput sa formam o echipa. CLAUDIA DRAGHICI.
STUDENTS' OPINION Intalnirile pentru audit au fost interesante, am aflat lucruri noi, mi-am cunoscut mai bine colegii de liceu pentru ca ne-am propus de la inceput sa formam o echipa. CLAUDIA DRAGHICI The project meetings were interesting, we found new things about energy, I ‘ve known my colleagues better as we decided from the beginning to be a real TEAM.
Datorita lucrului in echipa, AUDITUL mi s-a parut o munca foarte usora. Imi cunosteam coechipierii foarte bine si de aceea a putut fi intretinuta o atmosfera deosebita, placuta, care alunga orice urma de stres. Intalnirile pe audit au fost o placere. Slovenia? Este o oportunitate de a-mi face noi prieteni, de a cunoaste obiceiurile din alta tara, nivelul de trai si nivelul ei economic. RADU IONUT The AUDIT seemed easy to me due to the teamwork.. I knew my team mates very well, so the atmosphere was relaxing and different form daily routine! The meetings were enjoyable. Slovenia? It’s an opportunity to get new friends, to find people’s customs, to acknowledge Slovenian level of living and their economy level.
Intalniriile pentru audit mi s-au parut foarte interesante, mi-a placut cum a a avut loc interactiunea intre profesorii coordonatori si elevii participanti, totul desfasurandu-se perfect. In privinta intalnirii din Slovenia,astept cu nerabdare cumpetiatia si sunt gata pentru orice provocare. Sper ca echipa noastra sa treaca cu brio prin aceasta experienta unica si extraordinara. DRAGOS SFANT The audit activities were very interesting, I liked how the coordinators interacted with students. Regarding the project meeting in Slovenia, I can hardly wait the start of the championship and I am ready for any challenge! I hope our team will be the best during this unique and extraordinary experience.
TEACHERS' OPINION Pe langa faptul ca mi-am cunoscut elevii mai bine, acest proiect mi-a deschis noi perspective in privinta educatiei in domeniul energetic. LORENA DIMA Besides getting to know my students better, this project offered me new perspectives in the domain of energy education.
Proiectul EyeManager a adus deja beneficii tuturor actorilor implicati: elevi, profesori, parinti si comunitate. Cu totii suntem angrenati in promovarea educatiei energetice in invatamantul secundar! FLORIAN LIXANDRU- HEAD TEACHER OF SCHOOL 45 “TITU MAIORESCU” EyeManager Chamionship has already brought benefit to all actors involved: students, teachers, parents and local community. We are all committed to promoting long-term energy education in secondary schools!
M-a frapat receptivitatea elevilor fata de acest proiect, in special fata de activitatile specifice auditului energetic, mai ales ca erau atatea lucruri noi! Proiectarea activitatilor didactice a constituit pentru noi, profesorii, liantul echipei de proiect. MONICA CARUNTU- SCHOOL PROJECT COORDINATOR I was amazed by the students’ implication and excitement toward the project, especially for the specific activities of the energy audit as there were so many new situations to get over! Designing the didactical approach represented for us, the teachers, the liaison for the project team.
Lucrand impreuna cu elevii la auditul energetic, am invatat si eu practic cum se realizeaza astfel de activitati. Eu , oricum, sunt adepta teoriei care porneste demersul didactic de la practica la teorie si nu invers! MONICA GICA Working together with students for the energy audit, gave me the chance to understand practically all the procedures. Anyway, I am in favor of the theory which focuses on “learning by doing” didactical strategies!
THE EXPERT'S OPINION Profesorii si elevii au raspuns pozitiv tuturor activitatilor proiectate pana acum si speram sa colaboram la fel si in viitor pentru atingerea obiectivelor educationale ale acestui proiect european. Activitatile de diseminare au eficientizat colaborarea intre Scoala 45 , ICI si factorii externi implicati. ADRIANA ALEXANDRU- ICI The teachers and students have answered positively to all the projected activities so far. We expect a productive collaboration in the future, in order to meet the educational aims of this European project. The previous dissemination sessions streamlined the cooperation among School 45, ICI and stakeholders.
PARENTS' OPINION “We all must be interested in this type of education!” R.Dumitrescu “The project seems important for our children’s future.” G. Mirea “My son finds the championship very challenging!” D. Musetescu “Toti trebuie sa fim interesati de acest tip de educatie” R.Dumitrescu “ Campionatul este o provocare pentru fiul meu” D. Musetescu “Proiectul este important pentru viitorul copiilor nostri.” G. Mirea
STAKEHOLDERS' OPINION Victoria Barbu- Head teacher School 11 Diana Melnic- Director of Bucharest Training Center Dana Moraru- Projects Inspector “I appreciate the practical side of this project.” DM “EyeManager is a projection of the European dimension of education” D.M. “EyeManager este o proiectie a dimensiunii europene a educatiei” D.M. “Apreciez partea practica a proiectului.” DM “ Cred ca proiectul va avea un impact major asupra invatamantului secundar.” V.B. The Mayor’s representative “I think this project will have a major impact on secondary education” V.B. “The Local Council encourages the positive attitude toward energy saving” “Consiliul local incurajeaza atitudinea pozitiva fata de economisirea energiei electrice.”