Opinions AP Prompt
The Prompt: • THE PROMPT: • From talk radio to television shows, from popular magazines to Web blogs, ordinary citizens, political figures, and entertainers express their opinions on a wide range of topics. Are these opinions worthwhile? Does the expression of such opinions foster democratic values? • Write an essay in which you take a position on the value of such public statements of opinion, supporting your view with appropriate evidence.
How well did students perform? • Students who succeeded with this question showed that they had read widely about current events and were aware of the ubiquity and increasing density of public communication. • In other words, the best papers knew that you really can’t escape public opinions and recognized their impact.
What the best papers did well: • EXAMPLES, EXAMPLES, EXAMPLES. • Relevant EXAMPLES • Evidence is well thought out and explained so the reader doesn’t have to fill in the gaps.
Common Errors: • Relied on repetition to fill up the page • Circular Thinking: public expression of opinions if good because it’s good that everyone expresses opinions. • Seemed confused or overwhelmed by the prompt. • Substituted a simpler task.