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NEW RESULTS in non-malleable codes PROGRESS REPORT seminar supervised by jesper buus nielsen. CRYPTOGRAPHY in modern world. How to analyze security ? Find all possible attacks ? - Infeasible ! Need mathematical modelling and proofs a.k.a. Provable Security.
NEW RESULTS in non-malleable codesPROGRESS REPORT seminarsupervised byjesperbuusnielsen
CRYPTOGRAPHY in modern world How to analyze security ? Find all possible attacks ? - Infeasible ! Need mathematical modelling and proofs a.k.a. Provable Security
Provable security at a glance 1. Define security notion/models. 2. Design cryptoscheme • Usually described in mathematical language. 3. Prove security • Reduce security of complex scheme to simple assumption, e.g., • Number theoretic: factoring is hard. • Complexity theoretic: one-way function exists. No efficient adversary can break security if assumption holds
Time to relax? Security proof implies… • secure against • all possible attacks However, provably secure systems get broken in practice! So what’s wrong? Reality Model
Physical attacks on implementations Reality: PHYSICAL ATTACKS Ourfocus Mathematical Model: Blackbox tampering input input leakage Fk • F’k’ Fk tampered output output output
Why care about tampering ? Devastating attacks on Provably Secure Crypto-systems! More… Anderson and Kuhn ’96 Skorobogatov et al. ’02 Coron et al. ’09 …………and many more……. BDL’01: Inject single (random) fault to the signing-key of some type of RSA-sig factor RSA-modulus !
Theoretical models of tampering Tamper with memory and computation (IPSW ’06) Tamper only with memory (GLMMR ‘04) Our Focus F F k k • A Natural First Step: Simpler to handle • Might be reasonable in practice ! • Most General Model: Complicated • Limited existing results !
Ways to Protect against memory tampering • ProtectingSpecificschemes 2. Protecting Arbitrary Computation Webuildtamper-resilient PKE andSignatureScheme Initialization: K' := C= Enc(K) ExecutionofF‘[C](x): 1. K = Dec(C) 2. Output F[K](x) Buildcompilerforanyfunctionality -first proposed in GLMMR04 Buildtamperresilient- PRF, PKE, Sigs, e.g: BK 03; BCM11; KKS 11; BPT 12; DFMV13…. F’ F compile Circuit Circuit K' K This talk Memory Memory
Security guArantee Intuition: Adversary shall learn nothing usefulfrom tampering. compile K’ :=Enc(K) F F' K K’ Sim Adv
Outline: rest of the talk • Basics of Non-Malleable Codes. • Result-1: Continuous Non-Malleable Codes. • Result-2: Efficient Non-Malleable Codes for poly-size tampering circuits. • Conclusions and future works.
Basic definitions Non-Malleable Codes
Encoding scheme (Enc, Dec) Enc s C Can be randomized Source message Codeword No secret key ! Dec C s Codeword Decoded message Correctness:s: s= Dec(Enc(s)) ENC: DEC:
The “tampering experiment’’ C C*=f(C) s s* Tamper Enc Dec f 2F • f is chosen adversarially from some fixed family F Goal:Design encoding scheme (Enc,Dec)for “interesting”F that provides “meaningful guarantees”about s*. “Tampering Experiment” for encoding scheme (Enc,Dec):
Error correction/detection & Non-malleability C C*=f(C) s s* Tamper Enc Dec f 2F • Error-Correction: Guarenteess* = s but e.g. for hamming codes fmust besuch that: Ham-Dist(C,C*) < d/2. i.e. F is very limited ! • Error-Detection: Guarenteess* = {s, ?} but F can’t contain simple function e.g. constant functions fĈ(.)= Ĉ for valid Ĉ • Non-Malleability[DPW10]:Guarenteess* = s or unrelated to s. • Hope: Achievable for richF
Formalizing NMC [DPW’10] Def: A code (Enc, Dec) is non-malleable w.r.t. F if 8 Advand 8s0, s1, Tamper(s0)Tamper(s1) where, Tamper(sb) Encode C← Enc(sb). Tampering: f F Set C* ←f(C) IfC* = C returnsame Else returnC* 3. Output View Intuition The tamperingexp. should not leakanythingaboutinput ! return View
Limitation andpossibility • Impossibility [DPW10]: Not achievableifFcontainssomefwhichknowsDec. • Forany (Enc, Dec) considerfbadwhichdecodesC, flips 1-bit andre-encodestoC*. • Conclusion:Thereisno NMC forFall( |Fall. |= for-bit code) • Possibility[DPW10]:NMC existsforeveryfamily such that:|F |< HowtorestrictF ? • Way-1: Compromisegranularity –- split-statetampering: Considered in [DPW10, LL12, DKO13, ADL13, CG13 ] andour Result-1. • Way-2: Compromisecomplexity–- global tampering: Consideredfirst time inourResult-2.
Result-1 Continuous Non-Malleable Codes Based on a joint work with: Sebastian Faust, JesperBuus Nielsen and Daniele Venturi [Appeared in TCC 2014]
Split-state tampering In this model, C = (C1,C2) andf =(f1, f2) for arbitrary f1, f2 C1* C1 f1 s* Dec s Enc C2 C2* f2 • Why split-state ? • |Fsplit|= O() : Rich class of functions. • Might be easy to implement. • well-studied model in leakage-resilient crypto. 18
Nmc to protect tampering recall compile • Idea: Buildcompilerforanyfunctionality Fresh Re-encoding:Advcantampereachcodewordonlyonce Initialization: s':= NMEnc(s) F’ F Circuit Circuit ExecutionloopofF’[s‘](x): 1.s = NMDec(s‘) 2. ifs = ?thenSTOP elseoutputF[s](x) andre-encodes‘= NMEnc(s),continue.. s' s Memory Memory
A stronger tampering model • Memory space much bigger than length of codeword. f read C’ C:= NMEnc(s) C Memory M Memory M*=f(M) Advcantampercontinuously withthe same codeword.
CNMC: A natural extension continuous Def: A code (Enc, Dec) is non-malleable w.r.t. Fsplit if 8 Advand 8s0, s1, Tamper(s0)Tamper(s1) where, Tamper(sb) Encode (C1,C2) ← Enc(sb). Tampering: Repeat adaptively (f1, f2) Set (C1*,C2*) ←(f1(C1), f2(C2)) If(C1*,C2*) = (C1,C2) returnsame Else return(C1*,C2*) 3. Output View return Attack[GLMMR04]: Guess each bit, overwrite and check if the output is same- recover bit by bit Way Out: Assume Self-Destruct: If output ? once, then STOP experiment. View
CNMC: A natural extension Def:A code (Enc, Dec) is continuous non-malleablein split-stateif 8 Advand 8s0, s1, Tamper(s0)Tamper(s1) where, Tamper(sb) Encode (C1,C2) ← Enc(sb). Tampering: Repeat adaptively (f1, f2) Set (C1*,C2*) ←(f1(C1), f2(C2)) If(C1*,C2*) = (C1,C2) returnsame Else ifDec(C1*,C2*)= ? then return ? and self-destruct . Else return(C1*,C2*) 3. Output View return View
Uniqueness: a necessary property • Def: ForanyAdv it’s hard to find (C1,C2,C2‘) such that: Exsiting [LL12] construction does not satisfy Both (C1,C2) and (C1,C2‘) are valid C1 • Why necessary ? Otherwise suppose ∃ (f1, f2) Corollary: Information theoretic CNMC (split-state)isimpossible. Recovers T2 C2 After knowing T2: 3. f1 hard-code T2 and decode s← Dec(T1,T2). 4. Depending on s f1leaves it same or tampers– leaks 1 bit. f1 always replaces T1with C1 f2checks ifT2[i]= 0, then replaces T2 with C2 elsereplaces T2 with C2‘
Extractability: another property Necessary ? We don’t know. C2** Extractability C1* C1 f1 Extract s Enc If C1*≠C1 then it is possible to extract C2** (if exists) such that (C1*, C2** ) is valid. C2 C2* f2 Uniqueness + Extractability Our Construction
Our construction: intuitions Uniqueness: C2**= C2* w.h.p. C2 C2* C1 C1* f1 f2 (f1, f2) Extract C2** Decode Aprioriknown to adv. s*
Result-2 Efficient Non-Malleable Codes for poly-size tampering circuits Based on a joint work with: Sebastian Faust, Daniele Venturi and Daniel Wichs [To appear in Eurocrypt 2014]
Recall: Limitation and possibility • Question: Can we protect against all efficient functions Feff • |Feff. |= 2O(poly())? • Answer: NO! because Feff contains all efficient (Enc,Dec) • Impossibility [DPW10]: There is no NMC for Fall ( |Fall. |=) • Possibility: NMC exists for every family such that:| F |< How to restrict F : • Way-1: Compromise granularity –- Result-1. • Way-2: Compromise complexity –- global tampering : Considered first time inthis work.
Efficient & global non-malleable codes Main Result: “The next best thing” For any pre-fixed polynomial P, we can construct global and efficient non-malleable codes for any F of size | F | 2P. • What does it mean ? Choose Fs.t. |F |2P P t f 2F Choose paramt based on P
The construction Encoding input (h1,h2)←H12 r ← DR s output c= (r, z, ) h1(r) z Decoding h1 h2 Ifthen output zh1(r) else output Theorem(informal): Theaboveencodingis non-malleable w.r.t. anyFofsize 2Pw.h.p. overtherandomchoicesof h1,h2aslongast >> P. (Itisinfotheoreticand optimal ) Both of seed size t
Some intuitions recall • Choose seeds t>> P such that: w.h.p. random (h1,h2)F • Our codeword has format: C= ( , h2( ) ) • f can not compute h2 but can leak some bits of • but = (r, h1(r)) is leakage-resilient encoding of s ! [DDV’10]
Conclusions and future works • We mainly explored non-malleable codes in two separate directions. • Thus far NMC is only used to protect against memory-tampering. (We strengthen the model in Result-1) • Future Works: • Can we use NMC also to protect against computation? - • Leakage and Tamper resilient RAM ! • Other uses of NMC ? - E.g. Non-malleable commitments/ Encryptions. – General abstraction of non-malleability. • Improving the existing NMC.
Published papers Bounded Tamper Resilience: How to go beyond the Algebraic Barrier. Ivan Damgård, Sebastian Faust, Pratyay Mukherjee,Daniele Venturi In ASIACRYPT 2013. This talk 2. Contnuous Non-Malleable Codes. Sebastian Faust,Pratyay Mukherjee, JesperBuus Nielsen, Daniele Venturi In TCC 2014. 3. Efficient Non-Malleable Codes and Key-derivations for poly-size tampering circuits. Sebastian Faust,Pratyay Mukherjee, Daniele Venturi, Daniel Wichs To appear in EUROCRYPT 2014.
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