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CERIF 1.5 Tutorial

cfFederated Identifier. cfGeographic BoundingBox. cfEquipment. cfFunding. cfFacility. cfService. cfCitation. cfEvent. cfExpertise AndSkills. CERIF 1.5 Tutorial. cfQualification. cfOrganisation Unit. cfResultPatent. cfResult Publication. cfResultProduct. cfPerson. cfProject.

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CERIF 1.5 Tutorial

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  1. cfFederated Identifier cfGeographicBoundingBox cfEquipment cfFunding cfFacility cfService cfCitation cfEvent cfExpertise AndSkills CERIF 1.5 Tutorial cfQualification cfOrganisation Unit cfResultPatent cfResultPublication cfResultProduct cfPerson cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae November 13th, 2013 euroCRISMembership MeetingPorto, Portugal cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  2. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Jan Dvořák jan.dvorak@infoscience.cz euroCRIS • CERIF TG Leader since 2013 • CRIS2012 (Prague, June 2012) Organizer Charles University in Prague • Faculty of Arts • Institute of Information Studies & Librarianship InfoSciencePraha • Research & Development & Innovation Information System (the national CRIS for CZ) ___ Most slides by Brigitte Jörg

  3. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org What is Research Information? Information about: • Researchers • Organisations (Research-performing, Funding) • Funding Programmes, Calls • Projects (Proposed, Ongoing, Completed) • Publications, Patents, Data, Products • Facilities, Equipment, Services • Addresses, Geographic Bindings, Languages • And their Relationships

  4. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Who needs Research Information? performance, strategicdecisions, priorities, comparisons visibility, finding collaborations, competitors, CV generation Researchers Decision Makers Funding Organisations Project Managers distributionofprogramsevaluationofresults, findingreviewers overview of ongoing activities Research Information Libraries acquisition, dissemination Research Organisations Publishers integration and interoperability strategic management findingreviewers, editors Educators Intermediaries / Brokers integrationof relevant findingsintolecturesandtraining findingresearchresultsofpotential marketor innovative value General Public Media Enterprises findinginformationforparticipation in projects, partnerships, usageofresults informationandeducation, interest distributionand communication

  5. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Kinds of questions we want to support • How many articles has author X published in 2011 as a first author? • How many times have articles by author X been cited by the end of the previous year? • Did author X publish with institutionally external authors? • In how many FP7 projects does/did organisation Z participate? • How many publications have resulted from project Y? • How many people have been employed in the course of FP7 projects from the 1st call in the New Member States? • How many PhD students have participated in national research projects in country C? In which countries have they earned their masters degrees? • How many women have been involved in FP7 projects? • How often have articles in journal A been requested in 2010? • How many articles have been published in field B?

  6. Funding Organisation Organisation Person Person Project Project Service Skills Publication Equipment CV Patent Classification Classification Product ( ( ) ) Semantics Semantics Event www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org The Ultimate Answer:Common European Research Information Format

  7. CERIF 1.5 CERIF 1.4 (XML) CERIF 1.3 www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org The CERIF Evolution CERIF 2006 / 2008 Model CERIF 1.3 Funding Infrastructure Equipment Similar Ideas UN/UNESCO OECD CODATA Facility Link Base Base Link ExpertiseAndSkills Measurement GEO Semantics Semantics Language Language 2ndLevel 2ndLevel Service Qualification FOR MA L SEMANT IC S EU Working Group on Research Databases Workshop CERIF 2000 Model Prize ElectronicAddresse Roles EXPERTISE OrgUnit PERSON • - Data Model • Infrastructure - Facility, Equipment, Service • - Measurement & Indicator • - Entities and Link Tables • GeographicBounding Box- CERIF 1.3 Vocabulary • - UUIDs - Terms - Schemes • - CERIF 1.4 new XML format • - CERIF 1.5 FederatedIdentifiers CV CERIF 91 PostalAddress PROJECT RESULTS EQUIPMENT PROJECT CLASSIFICATION Citation Acronym: ERGO Participant: Keith Jeffery, Anne Asser son, many more Organisations: Rutherford Appleton, Uni- versity of Bergen, … • - Data Model • Model Normalization • - Robust/ConsistentStructure • - Extensible Structure • - SemanticLayer • XML Exchange Specification- Elaboration on Publication • CERIF CoreSemantics (2008 1.2) • Data Model - Multilinguality- ControlledVocabulary- Roles / Types- User-driven • EC Recommendationto Member States Metrics Indicator Measurement Country • - Networking of DBs • Exchange of Records • EC Recommendation to Member States Event Language Currency + Linked Data 2012 2006 2008 1987 1991 2000

  8. www.eurocris.org CommonEuropeanResearchInformation Format • CERIF is an EU Recommendation to Member Stateshttp://cordis.europa.eu/cerif/ • The European Commission (EC) has authorisedeuroCRIS to maintainand develop CERIF and its usage http://www.eurocris.org/Index.php?page=CERIFreleases&t=1

  9. Funding Organisation Organisation Person Person Project Project Service Skills Publication Equipment CV Patent Classification Classification Product ( ( ) ) Semantics Semantics Event www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Model Levels • Conceptual Level (Specification) Concepts relevant for the research domainand their relationships • Logical Level (ER Model)Entities and their relationships • Physical Level (Database Scripts)Data Definition commands for the database • Semantic Layer (Declared Semantics)A formalized controlled vocabulary describing ageneral contextual semantics of the research domaininline with the conceptual, logical and machine description SQL Script ----------------------------- CREATE Table cfPers (...); CREATE Table cfProj (...); CREATE Table cfOrgUnit (...);

  10. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Model Structure (Views) • CERIF EntityTypes • Base Entities • Result Entities • Infrastructure Entities • 2nd Level Entities • GeographicBounding Box • Link Entities • CERIF Features • Multiple Language • Semantics • Measures & Indicators

  11. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Base Entities

  12. Person ID URI Gender FirstNames OtherNames FamilyNames NameVariants ResearchInterest Keywords Project ID URI Acronym StartDate EndDate Title Abstract Keywords OrganisationUnit ID URI Acronym Name HeadCount CurrencyCode Turnover ResearchActivity Keywords www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Base Entities

  13. cfPerson cfID cfURI cfGender cfBirthdate cfProject cfID cfURI cfAcronym cfStartDate cfEndDate cfOrganisationUnit cfID cfURI cfAcronym cfHeadCount cfCurrencyCode cfTurnover www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Base Entities cfTitle cfAbstract cfKeywords cfFamilyNames cfFirstNames cfName cfDescription cfOtherNames cfDescription cfKeywords cfNameVariants cfKeywords

  14. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Result Entities

  15. ResultPublication ID URI Title Subtitle Abstract Bibl. Note PublicationDate TotalPages StartPage EndPage Keywords ResultPatent ID URI PatentNumber Title CountryCode RegistrationDate ApprovalDate Description Keywords ResultProduct ID URI www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Result Entities

  16. cfResultPublication cfID cfURI cfNumber cfPublicationDate cfStartPage cfEndPage cfTotalPages cfEdition cfSeries cfIssue cfVolume cfISBN cfISSN cfResultPatent cfID cfURI cfPatentNumber cfCountryCode cfRegistrationDate cfApprovalDate cfResultProduct cfID cfURI www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Result Entities cfTitle cfBibliographic Note cfSubtitle cfAbstract cfVersionInfo cfKeywords cfAbbreviation cfName cfName cfDescription cfAbstract cfKeywords cfKeywords cfVersionInfo cfVersionInfo

  17. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Infrastructure Entities Equipment Facility Service

  18. Service ID Acronym URI Title Description Keywords Equipment ID Acronym URI Title Description Keywords Facility ID Acronym URI Title Description Keywords www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Infrastructure Entities Equipment Facility Service

  19. cfService cfID cfURI cfAcronym cfEquipment cfID cfURI cfAcronym cfFacility cfID cfURI cfAcronym www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Infrastructure Entities cfName cfDescription Equipment Facility cfKeywords Service cfName cfDescription cfName cfKeywords cfDescription cfKeywords

  20. www.eurocris.org cfFederated Identifier CERIF 1.5 cfFunding cfEquipment cfEvent cfGeographicBoundingBox cfService cfCitation cfFacility cfExpertise AndSkills cfQualification cfResultProduct cfResultPublication cfOrganisation Unit cfPerson cfResultPatent cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  21. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Measuring Impact in CERIF (MICE) MICE, a JISC-funded Project coordinated by Richard Gartner, Kings College, London, UK

  22. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Measurement & Indicator Is an Aggregation Entity cfMeasureIdentifier cfCountInteger • cfCountIntegerChange cfValueFloatingPoint • cfCountFloatingPointChange cfValueJudgementalNumeric cfValueJudgementalNumericChange cfValueJudgementalText cfValueJudgementalTextChange cfURI

  23. www.eurocris.org Measurement & Indicator (some examples) • economic and commercial • economic • impact on business • improving performance of existing businesses • increased turnover by 1.2M€ in 2012 • time savings of 14.56% • reduced costs by 42% • new products/processes • creating numbers of new products/services • commercialising / other success measures Indicator Measurement Extract from the MICE List of Indicators

  24. www.eurocris.org cfFederated Identifier CERIF 1.5 cfFunding cfEquipment cfEvent cfGeographicBoundingBox cfService cfCitation cfFacility cfExpertise AndSkills cfQualification cfResultProduct cfResultPublication cfOrganisation Unit cfPerson cfResultPatent cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  25. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF – Generic Entity Structure Generic Identifier URI Attributes Multilingual Entities Relationships (Links)

  26. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Some CERIF Link Entities Funding Equipment Facility ExpertiseAndSkills Qualification Service Prize ElectronicAddresse CV PostalAddress Citation GeographicBounding Box Metrics Indicator Measurement Country Event Language Currency

  27. role=author‘saffiliation role=author role=deliverable role=researchassistant role=coordinator role=principalinvestigator www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Some CERIF Link Entities Funding Equipment Facility ExpertiseAndSkills Qualification Service Prize ElectronicAddresse CV PostalAddress Citation GeographicBounding Box Metrics Indicator Measurement Country Event Language Currency

  28. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Some CERIF Link Entities

  29. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org Result_Publication Instance Diagram(slide by Keith Jeffery) OrgUnit M Part of member Person A OrgUnit O employee member OrgUnit N Part of Project leader Project P author owns IPR Publication X

  30. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Semantic Layer • Allowstocaptureany Schema orStructure • Flat Lists • Thesauri • ClassificationSystems (e.g. SKOS, ...) • Taxonomies • Ontologies • Open / Extensible in all directions • New Schemas • New Concepts / Terms • New Relationships • Enablestomanage • Roles/ TypesSemantics • SubjectHeadings • Archiving(Time component) • Allowsfor simple MappingsbetweenSchemes

  31. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF Semantic Layer (Declared Semantics) Recursion is-a maps-to is-part-of Is-broader-term Scheme-Assignment Time-based

  32. www.eurocris.org cfFederated Identifier CERIF 1.5 cfFunding cfEquipment cfEvent cfGeographicBoundingBox cfService cfCitation cfFacility cfExpertise AndSkills cfQualification cfResultProduct cfResultPublication cfOrganisation Unit cfPerson cfResultPatent cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  33. www.eurocris.org CERIF Federated Identifiers • Project/Grant • Funder’s reference number • Organisation • VAT Identification Number • Internal Code • FundId • Classification • External Code • ResultPublication • DOI • WoS Accession Number • Person • Social Security Number • Staff Id in HR system • Author identifier • ORCID • ScopusID

  34. www.eurocris.org CERIF Federated Identifiers • Records the “tag” by which an object is known elsewhere • For any Base, Result, Infrastructure, or 2nd Level entity • Connected to a Service representing the context: • The issuer of the identifier • Usually an information system

  35. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org cfFederated Identifier CERIF XML 1.5 Interchange Format cfEquipment cfFunding cfFacility cfService cfCitation cfEvent cfGeographicBoundingBox cfExpertise AndSkills • Forpoint-to-point interchange • XML namespace • XML Schema • Based on theER model cfQualification cfResultProduct cfResultPublication cfPerson cfOrganisation Unit cfResultPatent cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  36. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF 1.5 XML Interchange Format <CERIF xmlns=“urn:xmlns:org:eurocris:cerif-1.5-1”> <cfProj> <cfProjId>internal-project-identifier</cfProjId> <cfAcro>ACRO</cfAcro> <cfURI>http://www.project-url.ac.uk/acro.html</cfURI> <cfTitlecfLangCode="en" cfTrans="o">The title of the project</cfTitle> <cfAbstrcfLangCode=”en" cfTrans="o">The goals of the project</cfAbstr> <cfProj_Class> <cfClassId>infrastructure-project-uuid</cfClassId> <cfClassSchemeId>-project-types-scheme-uuid</cfClassSchemeId> </cfProj_Class> <cfProj_OrgUnit> <cfOrgUnitId>orgunit-1-identifier</cfOrgUnitId> <cfClassId>coordinator-uuid</cfClassId> <cfClassSchemeId>orgunit-project-roles-scheme-uuid</cfClassSchemeId> <cfStartDate>from-datetime</cfStartDate> <cfEndDate>to-datetime</cfEndDate> </cfProj_OrgUnit> </cfProj> </CERIF>

  37. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CERIF 1.5 Release • CERIF Model IntroductionandSpecificationcoming • CERIF XML Data Exchange Format Specification✓ • CERIF Formal Semantics(Vocabulary) ✓ • CERIF SQL Scripts ✓(euroCRISmembersonly) • CERIF XML Schemas ✓ • CERIF XML Examples✓ • CERIF Semantics (Excel) ✓

  38. www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org cfFederated Identifier Ongoing Activities: CERIF 1.6 cfEquipment cfFunding cfFacility cfService cfCitation cfEvent cfGeographicBoundingBox cfExpertise AndSkills • Model Cleaning • Research Data • Cross-TG Activities • Linked Open Data TG • InstitutionalRepositories TG • Architectures TG • Indicators TG • Best Practice TG • Cooperationwith • CASRAI • VIVO • RDA • ORCID cfQualification cfResultProduct cfResultPublication cfPerson cfOrganisation Unit cfResultPatent cfProject cfElectronicAddress cfPrize cfPostalAddress cfCurriculumVitae cfIndicator cfMeasurement cfCountry cfLanguage cfCurrency

  39. www.eurocris.org What makes CERIF shine • Right level of abstraction • Normalized model • Record data only once • Reference rather than copy • Versatile Semantic Layer • Time-based relationships • Clean design, regular structure

  40. CERIF www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org What is a CRIS? Research Information System Current = CRIS • … thatmeans • ofcurrentinterest • not necessarilyongoing • … informationabout • Researchers • Organisations (Research-performing, Funding) • Funding Programmes, Calls • Projects • … • … drivenby • Concepts • Model • Implementation (Information System) anintegratedapproachtowardsmanagingresearchinformation

  41. End-User CRIS Research Context [projects, persons, organisational units funding, products, patents, publications facilities, equipment, events] CERIF CERIF Various protocols OAI-PMH OA Repository (hypermedia) Documents e-Research repository Datasets and Software www.eurocris.org www.eurocris.org CRIS and Repositories at an institution(slide by Keith Jeffery)

  42. www.eurocris.org European Association of Research Managers and Administrators International Council for Science; Commission on Data Access www.eurocris.org All European Academies

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