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Solar Thermal Solutions

Solar Thermal Solutions. The Future is SunDock. V1001. What our customers expect. SunDock systems are made for the future . Our customers ' requirements are : Reduced costs Climate protection Compliance with environmental regulations Increased profitability

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Solar Thermal Solutions

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  1. Solar Thermal Solutions

    The Future is SunDock V1001
  2. Whatourcustomersexpect SunDock systems are made for the future. Ourcustomers' requirementsare: Reducedcosts Climateprotection Compliance with environmental regulations Increasedprofitability Abilitytoserveincreasingenergydemands
  3. What SunDock represents SunDock tubecollectors and installation conceptssafeguard our customers' investment in comprehensiveenergyconcepts for the future. SunDock is synonymous with: Long product life cycle High qualitystandards High performance High energyoutput Small amount of floorspacerequired Innovative, flexible mountingconcepts Internationallycompetitivepricestructure
  4. SunDock USP vs. the competition SunDock guarantees high qualitystandards with itsmanufacturingsite in Germany. SunDock offersextremely flexible, state-of-the-artmountingconcepts for all PowerSol tubecollectors. SunDock offersconsulting and projectmanagementservicesworldwide. SunDock offers an international infrastructure for R&D, manufacturing, delivery, service and maintenance.
  5. Products & Services
  6. Projects & References The SunDock managementteamoffers multiple years of experience in the design, manufacture, sales and projectmanagement of solar thermal applications and solutions. Modern and flexible mountingconcepts for all SunDock collectorsguarantee a simple installation and ideal spatial use. In addition to the B2B and B2C business, SunDock directlysupervisescomprehensive, industry-focusedprojects. Selected referencesareavailable in thefollowingareas: Tourism Industrial manufacturingplants Industrial real estate
  7. 800 VRSK moduleswith a planarabsorberfordomesticwaterheating and solar-assistedbuildingheating. Italy / Bruneck - State Center for Education
  8. 100 VRSK 6R moduleswith a planarabsorber for domesticwaterheating and facadeshading. Italy / Bozen - Indoor Swimming Pool
  9. 355 VRSK 6R moduleswith a planarabsorberfordomesticwaterheating and shading. Beirut / La Marina Yacht Club
  10. 328 VRSK moduleswith a planarabsorberforsolar-assistedcooling, domesticwaterheating and solar-assistedbuildingheating. Spain / Benidorm - Belroy Hotel
  11. 9 VRSK 6R moduleswith a straightabsorberfordomesticwaterheating, solar-assistedbuildingheating and shading. Germany / Pfalz - Designer House
  12. Thanks for your attention!
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