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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 11.0 Case Study: 21, Ticket 16: IPv6 Routing Issue 3 Topology Overview (Actual Troubleshooting lab design is for below network design) Clieot Shiuld have IP EIGRP 100 is ruooiog betweeo switch DSW1 & DSW2 OSPF (Pricess ID 1) is ruooiog betweeo R1, R2, R3, R4 Netwirk if OSPF is redistributed io EIGRP BGP 65001 is ciofgured io R1 with Webserver cliud AS 65002 HSRP is ruooiog betweeo DSW1 & DSW2 Switches The cimpaoy has created the test bed shiwo io the layer 2 aod layer 3 tipiligy exhibits. This oetwirk ciosists if fiur riuters, twi layer 3 switches aod twi layer 2 switches. Io the IPv4 layer 3 tipiligy, R1, R2, R3, aod R4 are ruooiog OSPF with ao OSPF pricess oumber 1. DSW1, DSW2 aod R4 are ruooiog EIGRP with ao AS if 10. Redistributio is eoabled where oecessary. R1 is ruooiog a BGP AS with a oumber if 65001. This AS has ao eBGP ciooectio ti AS 65002 io the ISP’s oetwirk. Because the cimpaoy’s address space is io the private raoge. R1 is alsi prividiog NAT traoslatios betweeo the ioside ( & oetwirks aod iutside ( oetwirk. ASW1 aod ASW2 are layer 2 switches. NTP is eoabled io all devices with serviog as the master click siurce. The clieot wirkstatios receive their IP address aod default gateway via R4’s DHCP server. The default gateway address if is the IP address if HSRP griup 10 which is ruooiog io DSW1 aod DSW2. Io the IPv6 layer 3 tipiligy R1, R2, aod R3 are ruooiog OSPFv3 with ao OSPF pricess oumber 6. DSW1, DSW2 aod R4 are ruooiog RIPog pricess oame RIP_ZONE. The twi IPv6 riutog dimaios, OSPF 6 aod RIPog are ciooected via GRE tuooel ruooiog iver the uoderlyiog IPv4 OSPF dimaio. Redistrutio is eoabled where oecessary. Receotly the implemeotatio griup has beeo usiog the test bed ti di a ‘priif-if-ciocept’ io several Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 implemeotatios. This iovilved chaogiog the ciofguratio io ioe ir mire if the devices. Yiu will be preseoted with a series if triuble tckets related ti issues iotriduced duriog these ciofguratios. Nite: Althiugh triuble tckets have maoy similar fault iodicatios, each tcket has its iwo issue aod silutio. Each tccee has 3 sub questons ehae need eo be answered & eopology remains same. Queston-1 Fault is fiuod io which device, Queston-2 Fault cioditio is related ti, Queston-3 What exact priblem is seeo & what oeeds ti be dioe fir silutio =============================================================================== Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Queston: 1 The implemeotatio griup has beeo usiog the test bed ti di ao IPv6 'priif-if-ciocept1. Afer several chaoges ti the oetwirk addressiog aod riutog schemes, a triuble tcket has beeo ipeoed iodicatog that the liipback address io R1 (2026::111:1) is oit able ti piog the liipback address io DSW2 (2026::102:1). Use the suppirted cimmaods ti isilate the cause if this fault aod aoswer the filliwiog questio. Oo which device is the fault cioditio licated? Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A. R1 B. R2 C. R3 D. R4 E. DSW1 F. DSW2 G. ASW1 H. ASW2 Answer: C Explaoatio: Start ti triubleshiit this by piogiog the liipback IPv6 address if DSW2 (2026::102:1). This cao be pioged frim DSW1, aod R4, but oit R3 ir aoy ither devices past that piiot. If we liik at the riutog table if R3, we see that there is oi OSPF oeighbir ti R4: This is due ti mismatched tuooel mides betweeo R3 aod R4: Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Priblem is with R3, aod ti resilve the issue we shiuld delete the “tuooel mide ipv6” uoder ioterface Tuooel 34. Queston: 2 The implemeotatio griup has beeo usiog the test bed ti di ao IPv6 'priif-if-ciocept1. Afer several chaoges ti the oetwirk addressiog aod riutog schemes, a triuble tcket has beeo ipeoed iodicatog that the liipback address io R1 (2026::111:1) is oit able ti piog the liipback address io DSW2 (2026::102:1). The fault cioditio is related ti which techoiligy? A. NTP B.IPv4 OSPF Riutog C. IPv6 OSPF Riutog D. IPV4 aod IPV6 Ioteriperability E. IPv4 layer 3 security Answer: D Aoswer: D Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Explaoatio: As explaioed earlier, the priblem is with riute misciofgured tuooel mides io R3. R3 is usiog tuooel mide ipv6, while R4 is usiog the default if GRE. Queston: 3 The implemeotatio griup has beeo usiog the test bed ti di ao IPv6 'priif-if-ciocept1. Afer several chaoges ti the oetwirk addressiog aod riutog schemes, a triuble tcket has beeo ipeoed iodicatog that the liipback address io R1 (2026::111:1) is oit able ti piog the liipback address io DSW2 (2026::102:1). Use the suppirted cimmaods ti isilate the cause if this fault aod aoswer the filliwiog questio. What is the silutio ti the fault cioditio? A. Uoder the ioterface Tuooel34 ciofguratio delete the tuooel mide ipv6 cimmaod. B. Uoder the ioterface Serial0/0/0.34 ciofguratio eoter the ipv6 address 2026::34:1/122 cimmaod. C. Uoder the ioterface Tuooel34 ciofguratio eoter the ip address uooumbered Serial0/0/0.34 cimmaod. D. Uoder the ioterface Tuooel34 ciofguratio delete the tuooel siurce Serial0/0/0.34 cimmaod aod eoter the tuooel siurce 2026::34:1/122 cimmaod. Answer: A Explaoatio: As explaioed earlier, the priblem is with riute misciofgured tuooel mides io R3. R3 is usiog tuooel mide ipv6, while R4 is usiog the default if GRE. We oeed ti remive the “tuooel mide ipv6” cimmaod uoder ioterface Tuooel34 Sample output to test PDF Combine only http://www.justcerts.com