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Learn about the Common Core State Standards Initiative and its development process in Michigan. Understand the benefits, adoption timeline, and stakeholder feedback process involved. Explore the impact on ELA, Mathematics, and STEM readiness.
Common Core Standards General Information and Stakeholder Feedback Process Review of DRAFT v. 3-10-10
Common Core State Standards Michigan is participating in the Common Core State Standards Initiative. CCSSO and NGA are working with states to develop common core academic standards in mathematics and English language arts.
Standards Development Process CCSSO and the NGA Center with ACT, the College Board, and Achieve have established the development, advisory, and validation process AFT, NEA, the Alliance for Excellent Education, the Business Roundtable, the Coalition for Student Achievement, the Hunt Institute, NASBE, and others support the initiative A National Forum on Common Standards shared ideas, gathered input, and informed the initiative A Standards Development Group is defining and writing the common core state standards
Standards Development Process A Feedback Group informs the work of the Development Group and provides input and guidance as drafts of the standards are developed A Validation Committee ensures the standards are research- and evidence-based; this group is neutral to and completely independent of the Standards Development Group Michigan is represented on both Feedback and Validation Committees
Common Core Standards Provide a common definition of College and Career Readiness (CCR) Provide a progression of content knowledge and skill from Kindergarten to CCR Define what students need to know and be able to do to be successful in entry level college courses and career training programs Define what teachers must teach to prepare students for success beyond high school
Common Core Standards (CCS) Are based on research and evidence from leading national organizations and high-performing states and countries Provide benchmarks for common assessments (state, national, and international comparisons) Provide the basis for development of common instructional resources and professional development strategies Inform teacher preparation, certification, and evaluation processes
Common Core Standards Adoption • Michigan developed HSCE to define MMC requirements and CCR (2005-7) • MDE planned to vertically align GLCE (2004) and HSCE (2006) in 2010-11 • CCS provide vertical alignment from K to CCR • CCS provide opportunities for cross-state collaboration • CCS represent a central theme in current and draft federal legislation
CCS Review and Adoption Timeline K-12 CC released for public comment March 2010 MDE conducts web survey of K-12 CC and prepares analysis for both NGA/CCSSO and State Board Final CCS released May 2010 SBE adoption June 2010 Update existing ELA and mathematics documents to indicate alignment with the common core standards Rollout common core standards and supporting materials August 2010 8
MDE CCS Review Process Draft versions of the CCS documents are posted on the Common Core Standards link at http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140--232021--,00.html MDE has developed 9 surveys for field review of the standards Stakeholders may choose to participate in any or all surveys ISDs and professional organizations are encouraged to host group review sessions
Suggested CCS Review Process Download and/or print the standards documents Print surveys for use in note-taking during review Access web survey using links provided on CCS page Provide feedback by responding to survey prompts Encourage colleague participation in the feedback process
Mathematics Surveys • General Feedback Survey (Open to all stakeholders) • Provide general comments regarding CCS for Mathematics Provide Feedback Specific to Grade, Concept, or Domain/Progression (Open to those familiar with current Mathematics GLCE/HSCE and their implementation) • K-5 Mathematics • 6-8 Mathematics • HS Mathematics (CCR and STEM)
Mathematics CCS (CCR/CCK-12) The CCR standards for Mathematics are organized by domain/concept/theme K-8 Mathematics standards are organized by grade level and domain/cluster/skill progression HS Mathematics standards are organized by CCR concept/theme, not course description (See Appendix A for ideas about course design) HS Standards that reflect STEM readiness are designated STEM
ELA / Literacy Surveys • General Feedback Survey (Open to all stakeholders) • Provide general comments regarding CCS for ELA and Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science Provide Feedback Specific to Grade or Strand (Open to those familiar with current ELA GLCE/HSCE and their implementation) • K-5 Literacy (Across content areas) • 6-8 ELA • HS ELA (9 – 12 and CCR) • 6 – CCR History/Social Studies/Science
CCS for ELA / Literacy The CCR ELA/Literacy Standards provide the organizing structure for the K-12 standards K-5 Literacy standards are organized by grade level and strand and define literacy across content areas 6 – 12 standards are divided to define 6 – 12 (CCR) for ELA 6 – 12 (CCR) for History/Social Studies and Science
Implications for Implementation Michigan Q and A document posted on MDE CCS site http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140--232021--,00.html
For more information Visit the Common Core State Standards website pages to learn more: www.nga.org or www.ccsso.org or www.corestandards.org Subscribe to Common Core State Standards updates at www.ccsso.org or the NGA newsletter at join-nganews@talk.nga.org Find CCS information on MDE sitehttp://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140--232021--,00.html
MDE Contacts Deborah Clemmons, Supervisor, Curriculum and Instruction ClemmonsD@michigan.gov MaryAlice Galloway, OEII Director GallowayM@michigan.gov Susan Codere Kelly, CCS Project Coordinator CodereS@mcihigan.gov
MDE Contacts Ruth Anne Hodges, K-8 Mathematics Consultant HodgesR3@michigan.gov Dan LaDue, HS Mathematics Consultant LaDueD@michigan.gov Lynnette VanDyke, K-8 ELA Consultant VanDykeL@michigan.gov Ruth Isaia, HS ELA Consultant IsaiaR@michigan.gov