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Short Story Chart for 'The Necklace'",

Draw and fill in a chart for the short story "The Necklace" in your notebook. Also, review grammar notes and complete a subject/predicate worksheet. English language.

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Short Story Chart for 'The Necklace'",

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  1. English 9, Day 13 * Wed/Thurs #20: Notes on YOUR SS Turn in CECE #4 (keep #3 . . . We start folders today!) Draw this 1/2 PAGE chart in your notebook. (Note that it is familiar: you drew one [#13] for “The Necklace.”) Fill in this chart for the SHORT STORY (colored packet) that you read. then . . . open your self-selected book and read!!!!

  2. Help me to help you . . . • . . . I want you to get every point in this class that you deserve!!! • If you are absent, write ABSENT on the top of the assignment as you turn it in. • If you need me to grade something in your notebook, TELL me . . . Put a post-it on the front cover!!

  3. Table of Contents 8. “The Necklace” Agree/Disagree 9. Mme. MathildeLoisel (chart) 10. Beliefs and Values (chart) 11. After Reading 12. Text Connections 13: “TN” Class Notes 14) “The Necklace” Review: #15: Grammar Notes 16. Subject/Predicate Worksheet #17: Notebook Cover Explanation Notebook check on Fri/Mon

  4. Upcoming. . . I will NOT be at PT conferences on Tues evening!!!

  5. Vocabulary 2 = quiz Fri/Mon

  6. CECE Due Wed by 12 p.m.!!

  7. You should be working on CECE #5 • Due two weeks = Wed by noon • 5 entries on Works Cited (prob needs to be its own page by now????)

  8. NEW CECE POLICY • Whereas we are killing too many trees . . . • Whereas we really only need information on the first page of the article . . . • Whereas there are too many crazy advertisements on some of these websites . . . • . . .therefore, from now on please only print PAGE 1 of the article . . . • or as much as you need to have title, author, publication date, etc.

  9. Review of CECEs • Format blank sheet of paper into = fold into two columns, hot dog fold.

  10. Peer Review • You are taking role of teacher-peer • You are a nice person of honor and integrity • Your peer belongs in this class, just as you do: help him/her succeed • Be honest, but also kind.

  11. Review of CECEs • Staple to front of CECE packet • In top margin, write NAME AND PERIOD NUMBER of author.

  12. Review of CECEs #1 Format = Article attached? MLA format?

  13. Include per # with class MLA heading 3B Title could be clever! CECE #2 Title of Publication (italics) “Title of Article”

  14. Review of CECEs #1 Format = MLA Header? DS? Font? Article title in “”? Publication in italics? Page citations? Last name pagination Article attached?? Missing anything???

  15. Review of CECEs #2 Quotation We have looked at THE CONTEXT . . . Today we look specifically at THE QUOTATION Look specifically at quotation and citation. Does it flow w/ paragraph? Is it cited correctly? How could you improve it?

  16. 2. Quote • Should not be too long • Should be the piece that sparked a memory! • Must be punctuated correctly

  17. 2. Quote • Should not be too long • Should be the piece that sparked a memory! • Must be punctuated correctly • Must be followed by the correct citation Example: In the novel Peace Like a River, Reuben describes his brother’s intense expression when Davy shoots the goose. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). This scene, and Reuben’s description of it, foreshadows the scene where, with equal calmness and confidence, Davy shoots and kills Tommy Basca and Israel Finch. Etc.

  18. Use different signal phrases to add variety The author reveals that “several state agencies had visited the facility previously and documented inadequate emergency procedures” (Smith).

  19. 2.a. Smooth Quote Introductions The quotation should always be part of the context sentence’s grammatical pattern. • Yes: Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). • No: Davy’s expression worries Reuben “on his face is nothing at all…” (Enger 16). • No: Reuben finds Davy’s expression striking. “On his face…” (Enger 16). If you can’t work a quote into the context sentence smoothly, introduce it with a colon. • Davy’s intense expression puzzles Reuben: “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).

  20. 2.b. Punctuating the quotation • The quote will start with a lower case letter if you start in mid-sentence • Reuben finds it striking that“on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). • The quote will start with a capital letter if it is the beginning of a sentence • Reuben recalls clearly Davy’s shooting of the goose, emphasizing how “His right index finger is just whitening on the trigger, and on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16).

  21. 2. Quote Must be followed by the correct citation • After the quotation: • (author’s last name (space) page number) • IF YOURS IS FROM AN ONLINE SOURCE, NO PAGE NUMBER!!! • (author’s last name)

  22. Review of CECEs Internal Citation • The author and page number will be in parentheses after the quote. • NOT end notes, NOT foot notes The internal citation POINTS to the works cited page . . . It tells you which entry to look for. (Smith) = points you to article by Smith (“All About Chili”) = points you to no-author title of article

  23. 2.c. Punctuating the Quote (cont.) The author and page number will be in parentheses after the quote. Reuben finds it striking that “on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). • There is no comma between the author’s name and page number • The page number is not introduced with “page” or “pg.”

  24. 2.d. Punctuating the Quote (cont.) The period goes after the parenthesis. • ….striking that“on his face is nothing at all but the knowledge that the goose is his” (Enger 16). When a quotation ends with a question mark or an exclamation point, leave the end punctuation inside the quotation mark and add a period after the parenthesis. • In the opening of the novel, Reuben points out to the reader that most babies cry at birth: “How you yowled!" (Enger 8).

  25. Review of CECEs #2 Quotation We have looked at THE CONTEXT . . . Today we look specifically at THE QUOTATION Look specifically at quotation and citation. Does it flow w/ paragraph? Is it cited correctly? How could you improve it?

  26. Review of CECEs #3 Works Cited 4 entries for this paper, 5 for next week, etc. = you need this paper to write for next week!!

  27. Hanging indent #4 = 4 entries Last name # Works Cited "Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview." WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014, www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/athletes-foot-topic-overview. Accessed 6 July 2015. Author. “Title of article.” Title of publication, Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs and/or URL, DOI or permalink). Date of Access (if applicable). Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_ make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015. Should be all black . . . This is color coded to show diff parts Truncated URLs = ok

  28. Capitalizing titles of articles in CECEs • Sometimes, for some reason, publications are not sticking to conventional English capitalization rules re: article titles. Example: on cnn.com “Russian fighter jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of US aircraft.”

  29. Capitalizing titles of articles in CECEs • Sometimes, for some reason, publications are not sticking to conventional English capitalization rules re: article titles. Example: on cnn.com “Russian fighter jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of US aircraft.” What to do??????? add [sic] to the end of the quote to show that the grammar or spelling mistake was noticed but kept to keep the integrity of the original author “Russian fighter jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of US aircraft” [sic].

  30. Capitalizing titles of articles in CECEs “Russian fighter jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of US aircraft” [sic].

  31. Hanging indent #4 = 4 entries Last name # Works Cited "Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview." WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014, www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/athletes-foot-topic-overview. Accessed 6 July 2015. Author. “Title of article.” Title of publication, Publisher, Publication Date, Location (pages, paragraphs and/or URL, DOI or permalink). Date of Access (if applicable). Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_ make-vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015. Should be all black . . . This is color coded to show diff parts Truncated URLs = ok

  32. Turn in CECEs to me . . . • . . .and I’m giving CECEs to you . . . .

  33. Return of CECEs • Get a folder (color does not matter) . . . • Get a label . . . Write name on it • Last name, first name • CECE Cover sheet (yellow – similar to the yellow you have, but note that it has a back side)

  34. Return of CECEs • Log in CECEs 1, 2, 3 • Use input from CECE 1, 2, 3 as you develop CECE #4.

  35. Return of CECEs • Squiggle through 10/4 . . . Won’t be using that one!

  36. 21. Compound Subjects/Predicates

  37. 21. Compound Subjects/Predicates

  38. Upcoming. . . I will NOT be at PT conferences on Tues evening!!!

  39. HOMEWORK • Next class: BYOB (always) • Next class: vocab activities, vocab quiz, notebook check • Next Wed: no CECE due

  40. Ms. T’s Schedule • GRIZ 7:15-7:40 (usually) • LUNCH (usually) • AFTER SCHOOL 2:40-3:15 (sometimes)

  41. Tuinstra-ismshonor & integritytotally schmotallys-mother

  42. Enroll in Remind!!!

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