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Horticultural Classification

Horticultural Classification. Edible crops Fruits Tropical Tree fruits Small fruits Subtropical Tree fruits Small fruits Temperate Tree fruits Small fruits. Horticultural Classification. Edible crops Vegetables Cool - season Warm - season.

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Horticultural Classification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Horticultural Classification • Edible crops • Fruits • Tropical • Tree fruits • Small fruits • Subtropical • Tree fruits • Small fruits • Temperate • Tree fruits • Small fruits

  2. Horticultural Classification • Edible crops • Vegetables • Cool - season • Warm - season

  3. What fruit crops are native to North America??

  4. Horticultural Classification • Ornamental crops • Flower and foliage plants • Indoor use • Outside use • Shrubs and Trees

  5. Horticultural Classification • Miscellaneous horticultural crops • Drugs • Cocaine = from coca leaves (anesthetic) (Erythroxylon coca) • Opium = from latex in poppies (pain-killer) (Papaver somniferum) • Codeine & morphine = extracted from opium (pain-killer) • Marijuana/Hemp = stems, leaves & flowers (Cannabis sativa) • Taxol = anti-cancer drug from yew trees/shrubs • Digitalis = heart medication from foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

  6. Cocaine http://cocaine.org/

  7. Cocaine

  8. Cocaine

  9. Cocaine

  10. Cocaine

  11. Cocaine

  12. Opium http://www.poppies.org/

  13. Hemp http://www.hemp.net/

  14. Hemp clothing

  15. Hemp clothing

  16. Hemp clothing

  17. Hemp clothing

  18. Taxol

  19. Digitalis

  20. Horticultural Classification • Miscellaneous horticultural crops • Drugs • Caffeine = from coffee “beans” = seeds (Coffea arabica) • St. John’s Wort = anti-depressant (Hypericum kalmianum) • Ginkgo = memory enhancer(Ginkgo biloba) • Echinacea = reduced symptoms of the common cold (Echinacea purpurea = coneflower) • Ginseng = stimulant, multi-purpose (Panax ginseng = Korean and Panax quinquefolius = American)

  21. Coffee

  22. St. John’s Wort http://www.hypericum.com/ 0.3% hypericin

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