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Computer Systems and Device Management

Computer Systems and Device Management. Fred Kuhns. Operating System. File Manager. Process & Resource Manager. Memory Manager. Device Manager. Processor(s). Main Memory. Devices. Hardware. OS Organization. OS Techniques.

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Computer Systems and Device Management

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  1. Computer Systems and Device Management Fred Kuhns

  2. Operating System File Manager Process & Resource Manager Memory Manager Device Manager Processor(s) Main Memory Devices Hardware OS Organization cs422

  3. OS Techniques • Controlling access to hardware resources is done using hardware supported privilege levels, typically two: user and system • Privileged operations, resource management, protection enforcement (isolation), and sharing performed by a trusted control program: the Kernel • Users request OS services using a well defined interface that validates user and notifies OS of request: two common methods: • System calls: trap changes mode and executes privileged code in context of calling process • Message passing: interface constructs message and sends to another system (i.e. privileged) process cs422

  4. char block Device drivers System Call – Traditional Monolithic Kernel execution environment application trap libraries user System call interface kernel System Services File subsystem dispatcher IPC Process control subsystem Buffercache Scheduler Exceptions Interrupt Memory hardware cs422

  5. DB server Memory mngr Task mngr I/O mngr Message Passing – Micro-Kernel Client microkernel cs422

  6. Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALU) Control Unit Primary Memory Device Controller Device Device Controller Device Device Controller Device Device Controller Device Von Neumann Architecture Central Processing Unit (CPU) cs422

  7. An Example: Port Processors for an IP Router ControlProcessor Switch Fabric ATM Switch Core IPP OPP IPP OPP IPP OPP IPP OPP IPP OPP IPP OPP FPX FPX FPX FPX FPX FPX Port Processors SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC LC LC LC LC LC LC Line Cards (link interfaces) cs422

  8. Dist. Q. Ctl. Dist. Q. Ctl. Dist. Q. Ctl. Dist. Q. Ctl. FlowLookup FlowLookup Flow/RouteLookup Flow/RouteLookup Functional Diagram of the Port Processor (SPC)_ ControlProcessor Switch Fabric SPC SPC OutputPortProc. InputPortProc. . . . cs422

  9. The Smart Port Card: an embedded processor Switch Interface DRAM Link Interface CPU Module APIC PCI Bus System FPGA Serial Ports cs422

  10. Typical Pentium PC Architecture Addr/Data Ctrl Ctrl Cache CPU North- Bridge DRAM Addr/Data/Ctrl PCI Bus Intr NMI INIT SouthBridge (PIIX3) (PIC, PIT, …) PCI Devices ISA Bus ISA Devices Super-IO BIOS BIOS RTC Uarts Kbd/Mse Floppy Parallel ... cs422

  11. . . . . . . . . . Zooming in on Computer Architecture CPU Memory 0 1 PC MAR IR Reg N Instruction MBR Reg 1 Reg 0 Instruction I/O AR Instruction execution unit I/O BR Data Devices Data Data Data . . Buffers N PC - Program Counter IR - Instruction Register MAR - Memory Address Register MBR - Memory Buffer Register I/O AR - Input/Output Address Register I/O BE - Input/Output Buffer Register cs422

  12. Processor Registers • User-visible registers • Enable programmer to minimize main-memory references by optimizing register use • Control and status registers • Used by processor to control operation of the processor • Used by operating-system routines to control the execution of programs cs422

  13. User-Visible Registers • May be referenced by machine language • Available to all programs - application programs and system programs • Types of registers • Data - can be assigned by the programmer • Address - contain main memory address of data and instructions. Or may contain a portion of an address that is used to calculate the complete address. • Condition Code or flags cs422

  14. Control and Status Registers • Program Counter (PC) • Contains the address of an instruction to be fetched • Instruction Register (IR) • Contains the instruction most recently fetched • Program Status Word (PSW) • condition codes • Interrupt enable/disable • Supervisor/user mode cs422

  15. Fetch Cycle Execute Cycle Fetch Next Instruction Execute Instruction HALT START Instruction Cycle • Processor fetches instruction from memory • PC contains address of next instruction to be fetched • PC incremented after each fetch cs422

  16. Modern Instruction Cycle • (a) A three-stage pipeline • (b) A superscalar CPU (Stallings, Operating Systems, 4th Edition) cs422

  17. CPU Registers Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory PC 300 AC IR 1940 300 300 300 300 300 300 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 0 301 301 301 301 301 301 5 9 4 1 5 9 4 1 5 9 4 1 5 9 4 1 5 9 4 1 5 9 4 1 302 302 302 302 302 302 2 9 4 1 2 9 4 1 2 9 4 1 2 9 4 1 2 9 4 1 2 9 4 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 940 940 940 940 940 940 941 941 941 941 941 941 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 Example of Program Execution CPU Registers PC 301 AC 0003 IR 1940 1 - load Step 1 Step 2 CPU Registers CPU Registers PC 301 PC 302 AC 0003 AC 0005 IR 5941 IR 5941 3 + 2 = 5 Step 3 Step 4 5 - add CPU Registers CPU Registers PC 302 PC 303 AC 0005 AC 0005 IR 2941 IR 2941 2 - store Step 5 Step 6 cs422

  18. clock handler Interrupts – devices notify CPU of some event Processor Device table dispatcher (interrupt handler) X Bus command status rt-counter Timer Interrupt is generated every 10ms, used by OS for accounting and resource (CPU) sharing. cs422

  19. Instruction Cycle with Interrupts Interrupt Cycle Execute Cycle Fetch Cycle Interrupts Disabled Check for & Process Int Fetch Next Instruction Execute Instruction START Interrupts Enabled HALT cs422

  20. Interrupt Cycle • Processor checks for interrupts • If no interrupts fetch the next instruction for the current program • If an interrupt is pending • save current PC value • set PC to start of dispatcher • System interrupt dispatcher saves some general purpose registers, determines interrupt type (or id) and calls handler by indexing into an array of function pointers. cs422

  21. Simple Interrupt Processing Hardware Software Device controller or other system hardware issues an interrupt Save remainder of process state information Processor finishes execution of current instruction Processor signals acknowledgment of interrupt Process interrupt Processor pushes PSW and PC onto control stack Restore process state information Processor loads new PC value based on interrupt Restore old PSW and PC cs422

  22. What about Multiple Interrupts • Simple Approach - disable interrupts • Use Priorities to differentiate between interrupt classes • Disable interrupts so processor can complete task • Interrupts remain pending until the processor enables interrupts • After interrupt handler routine completes, the processor checks for additional interrupts cs422

  23. Device Driver I/O and Devices Processor Device table dispatcher (interrupt handler) X Bus command status data 0 data 1 Device Controller (firmware and logic) ... data N-1 Device X cs422

  24. I/O Techniques • Direct I/O with polling, aka Programmed I/O • Processor does all the work. Poll for results. • Interrupt Driven I/O • Device notifies CPU when I/O operation complete • Memory Mapped I/O • rather than reading/writing to controller registers the device is mapped into the OS memory space • increased efficiency • Direct memory access (DMA) • DMA controller read and write directly to memory, freeing the CPU to do other things. • CPU notified when DMA complete cs422

  25. Insert Read command to I/O Module CPU I/O Read Status of I/O Module I/O CPU Not Ready Error Condition Check Status Ready Read word from I/O Module I/O CPU Write word into memory CPU Memory No Done? Yes Next Instruction Programmed I/O • Processor transfer data to/from device. • Read/write directly to status and command registers • Processor polls device for status • Consumes a lot of processor time because every word read or written passes through the processor cs422

  26. Insert Read command to I/O Module CPU I/O Do something else Read Status of I/O Module Interrupt I/O CPU Error Condition Check Status Ready Read word from I/O Module I/O CPU Write word into memory CPU Memory No Done? Yes Next Instruction Interrupt-Driven I/O • Similar to direct I/O but processor not required to poll device. • Interrupt asserted to notify processor of a change in status cs422

  27. Issue Read block command to I/O module CPU DMA Do something else Read status of DMA module Interrupt DMA CPU Next Instruction Direct Memory Access (DMA) • I/O exchanges occur directly with memory • Processor grants I/O module authority to read from or write to memory • Relieves the processor from the task • Processor is free to do other things • An interrupt is sent when the task is complete • The processor is only involved at the beginning and end of the transfer cs422

  28. Another Look at I/O • Synchronous (Programmed I/O) - control returns to user program only upon I/O completion. • Idle CPU until the next interrupt • wait loop (contention for memory access). • Asynchronous (Interrupt driven I/O) - control returns to user program before I/O completion. • System call – request to the operating system to allow user to wait for I/O completion. • Device-status table contains entry for each I/O device indicating its type, address, and state. cs422

  29. Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous cs422

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