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All-island Energy Forum

All-island Energy Forum. Boyne Valley Hotel 12 th March 2004. All-island Energy Market. Joint Steering Group Presentation to Energy Industry Forum Mike Warnock Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment. All-island Energy Market Joint Steering Group. Joint Steering Group comprises:

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All-island Energy Forum

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  1. All-island Energy Forum Boyne Valley Hotel 12th March 2004

  2. All-island Energy Market Joint Steering Group Presentation to Energy Industry Forum Mike Warnock Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

  3. All-island Energy Market Joint Steering Group • Joint Steering Group comprises: - Senior Officials: DETI (Mike Warnock) and DCMNR (Martin Brennan) - Regulators: CER (Tom Reeves) and NIAER (Douglas McIldoon) - A sub-group to deal with: Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

  4. JSG Terms of Reference Role: • To progress development of all-island energy market in both jurisdictions • Oversee studies on key issues • Report regularly to Ministers Gov’t (policy lead), Regulators (create environment) Grid Operators (delivery of objectives) Other interests: • Involve key interests e.g. sub-group on energy efficiency and renewables

  5. Areas of Cooperation • Ministers specified 6 areas where co-operation shaould be advanced by the JSG. • The focus of co-operation is operational. • The six areas are: - Cross border trading in electricity - Electricity system interaction and integration - All-island gas network - Co-ordination of regulatory activities - Climate change, emissions and renewable energy - Energy efficiency policies

  6. Cross Border Trading in Electricity • New Market Arrangements for Electricity in the ROI (the MAE) - to be operational by February 2006 • NERA Study on impact of MAE on NI - Interim Report - NERA Final Report

  7. Electricity System Interaction and Integration • Co-ordinated all-island transmission planning • Outcome of the All-island dispatch study • Current work programme: - TSOs work programme - Joint Transmission Planning - Interconnector studies - All-island Dispatch - Other harmonising work

  8. All-island Gas Network • Physical Infrastructure: - Gormanstown to Antrim - Belfast to Derry - Proposed Derry to Letterkenny Pipeline • Tariffs: - Harmonisation of tariff principles and structures

  9. Co-ordination of Reglatory Activities • Two Regulators take a positive and collaborative approach to their work • Further collaboration during 2004-2007 may include: - Aligning electrictiy transmission and distribution control periods (post 2007) - Aligning electricity transmission, distribution and PES supply tariff reviews (post 2005) - Single policy and trading regime for wind - Common approach to other renewable technology - Electricity Trading Arrangements

  10. Climate Change and Renewable Energy • Climate Change: - Different Kyoto commitments - Emissions Trading • Renewable Energy - All-island potential - JSG sub-group work programme - New support schemes - Grid constraints and intermittent supply

  11. Energy Efficiency • Sub-group will consider: - energy efficiency policies - all-island promotional and educational activities

  12. Conclusion • Role of JSG • Work to date • Future Progress

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