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Archiving Email and Documents

Archiving Email and Documents. Raghu Kodali Product Management & Strategy URM & UOA.

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Archiving Email and Documents

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  1. Archiving Email and Documents Raghu Kodali Product Management & Strategy URM & UOA

  2. The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

  3. Background Business problem Email is focal point Product Details Strategy & Architecture Universal Online Archive Email Archive Service Next steps Agenda

  4. Background

  5. The Business ProblemHistorical Content HistoricalContent Active Content

  6. The Business ProblemA Quantitative Example The Content Situation at Active Content (30 Day Life) (1.5% of Total) Historical Content (5 Year Life) (98.5% of Total)

  7. The Business ProblemHistorical Content Now Needs Real Management Primary Drivers • eDiscovery and regulatory compliance demand content retention and policy-driven lifecycles • SEC, NASD, SOx have specific retention requirements • FRCP Rule 26 formalizes ESI as evidence and stipulates management—Fortune 500s average 125 law suits in progress • eDiscovery also demands rapid content access • FRCP Rule 26 formalizes ESI delivery requirements • Traditional drivers such as DR, IP protection, and controlling storage costs have not gone away

  8. Growing size of email data Regulatory compliance and eDiscovery require retaining email records Market size of $207 million in 2006* Increase of 42.8% from 2005 Market growth to $1.0 billion by 2011 Largest volume (>7 Exabytes per year)and fastest growth Numerous high-visibility corporate scandals involving emails: 1 in 4 companies have had email subpoenaed Email archiving/retention a key element of records management and e-discovery: in virtually every deal The Business ProblemEmail is Focal Point *New software licenses revenue Source : Gartner Magic Quadrant for Active Email Archiving - 2007

  9. Product Details

  10. Archiving and Oracle ECMPart of a Broader Strategy for Content Management Secure Information Across and Beyond Management EnvironmentsInformation Rights Management Federated Enterprise SearchSecure Enterprise Search Lifecycle Management for Content Stores, Including Legacy SystemsUniversal Records Management A A A A A LegacyECM FileServers MicrosoftSharePoint EmailArchives GenericAdapter A A A Historical ContentUniversal Online Archive Active ContentUniversal Content Mgmt. Transactional ContentImaging & Process Mgmt. = Repository AdapterSearch, Archiving, & URM A

  11. Product StrategyOverview Deliver a solution for long-term management of massive volumes of historical information that is Universal: capable of managing all types of content Highly scalable: permitting ingestion of millions of objects per day and management of billions of objects online Live: providing flexible content organization and fast, easy content access facilitating e-discovery providing ready access to corporate knowledge replacing separate backup technologies Transparent: permitting continued, seamless user access to archived content Proven: leveraging the Oracle Database, Fusion Middleware, and Content Management along with best-in-class partner technologies

  12. Product StrategyArchiving Architecture SQL Descriptions of Links and Metadata(e.g. Attributes, Folders,Permissions, Policies, etc.) Content & Metadata (Triggered by explicit or implicit user actionor policy-driven process) Text/Metadata Indices High-Volume Import Handler Stubs Object ID’s Content Archive Services (Oracle and Partners) • Content Source • Exchange • Notes • SharePoint • File Servers • Others Content converted to LOBs or managed in-place as BFiles Storage Accessible To UOA

  13. Universal Online ArchiveLeveraging Proven Archiving Infrastructure SQL Descriptions of Links and Metadata(e.g. Attributes, Folders,Permissions, Policies, etc.) Content & Metadata (Triggered by explicit or implicit user actionor policy-driven process) Text/Metadata Indices High-Volume Import Handler Stubs Object ID’s Content Archive Services (Oracle and Partners) • Content Source • Exchange • Notes • SharePoint • File Servers • Others Content converted to LOBs or managed in-place as BFiles Storage Accessible To UOA

  14. Universal Online ArchiveLeveraging Proven Archiving Infrastructure Content DB Business Logic Content Sources URM Oracle and Partner Archive Services Content DB APIs, Services, and UIs URMHandler High-Volume Import Handlers ContentLCM Classification Framework CM SDK High-Volume Import Engine Repository Management Storage Management ImportSchema Tiered Storage Oracle DB Repository

  15. Universal Online ArchiveScalability Proof Points Allstate Insurance Over 500 million documents under management Averaging 4-6 million new documents/week Peak ingestion rates of 7 million documents per day La Caixa (Bank of Spain) Achieving 3 million document/day rate Expecting to eventually manage over 9 billion documents online OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) Over 400 million documents online Access rates as high as 1 million documents/day National Ignition Facility (LLNL) World’s largest scientific archive Burst rates of hundreds of Gbs per “shot”

  16. Email Archive ServiceLeveraging Proven Email Archiving (OEM Technology) SQL Descriptions of Links and Metadata(e.g. Attributes, Folders,Permissions, Policies, etc.) Content & Metadata (Triggered by explicit or implicit user actionor policy-driven process) Text/Metadata Indices High-Volume Import Handler Stubs Object ID’s Content Email Archiving • Content Source • Exchange • Notes • Other Email Servers Content converted to LOBs or managed in-place as BFiles Storage Accessible To UOA

  17. Email Archive Service Best-in-Class Email Archiving (OEM) ZL Technologies Capture from MS/Exchange and Lotus Notes SMTP or journaling capture for use with other email systems Distribution list expansion De-duplication of both messages and attachments—true single-instance storage Full, partial, and attachment-only stubbing of messages Email compliance post-review capabilities Integrated email server disaster recovery Email content classification User declaration of archived email and archive search Oracle-compatible, enterprise-scalable technology stack Proven technology with industry’s largest implementations (UBS, Wachovia, Morgan Keegan)

  18. Product Strategy What Makes It Different Complete: One solution for all types of content Best-in-class technologies for content capture An integral component of a comprehensive ECM solution Integrated: Provides both consolidated archiving and federated in-place lifecycle and records management A complete solution from a single vendor Open: Based on standard products Utilizes Oracle technology stack Delivered on multiple platforms

  19. Demo

  20. Roadmap UOA 10g (Available Q4 FY 2008) High Volume Import Engine Content Lifecycle Manager Generic Archive Interface Adapter URM Adapter for UOA Email Archiving UOA 11gR1+ (next release) * Enhanced Content Lifecycle Manager and Storage Manager Content Classification Framework Additional language and platform support for email archiving New Oracle and partner-based Archive Services for Oracle UCM File Servers SharePoint Desktops * Subject to change

  21. Next Steps • Subscribe to the Content Management Newsletterwww.oracle.com/newsletters

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