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Witchcraft in Salem, 1692. Jessica Stern, PhD California State University, Fullerton. Timeline, 1692. January : Betty & Abigail afflicted in Salem Village February 29 : Justices of the Peace Hathorne and Corwin issue first three arrest warrants Late March : Accusations spread to Salem Town
Witchcraft in Salem, 1692 Jessica Stern, PhD California State University, Fullerton
Timeline, 1692 January: Betty & Abigail afflicted in Salem Village February 29: Justices of the Peace Hathorne and Corwin issue first three arrest warrants Late March: Accusations spread to Salem Town May 14: Sir William Phips arrives with new charter and becomes governor, ending the interim government May 27: Court of Oyer and Terminer established June 10-September 22: 20 executions October 8: Gov. Phips prohibits the use of spectral evidence October 29: Gov. Phips prohibits more arrests, releases many, and dissolves the Court of Oyer and Terminer May 1693: Phips pardons those remaining in prison
Judicial phases Salem Village Examinations Salem Court of Oyer and Terminer May 27-October 29 Men’s and Women’s jury examined the accused bodies for physical evidence Grand Jury collected testimony and interviewed suspects to determine trial viability Petty Jury heard cases of individuals indicted by Grand Jury and issued final verdict • January 29-May 27 • Justices of the Peace John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin issue arrest warrants and conduct public examinations • Suspects held in Salem prison awaiting formal trial
Signs one’s a witch Being accused of being a witch (presumption) Having a relative who is a witch (presumption) Having quarreled with someone who shortly thereafter faced a tragedy (presumption) Having a devil’s mark (evidence) Charms, books, puppets on property (evidence) Inability to recite the Lord’s prayer (evidence) Touch test (instituted after May 1692) (evidence) CONFESSION
Spectral Evidence Most fraught debate between government officials, ministers, and the Oyer and Terminer judges. In accepting spectral evidence, the Salem judges radically deviated from the New England tradition and William Perkins, one of the main authorities on witchcraft prosecution. Ultimately led to the dismantling of the witchcraft trials. Main question: Could the Devil impersonate an innocent person?
Jean de Lèry, HistoriaIndiaeOccidentalis, Tomisduobiscomprehensa. Brazil([Geneva], 1586)