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An Adapter-Based Approach to Co-evolve Generated SQL in M2T Transformations

Jokin García 1 , Oscar Díaz 1 and Jordi Cabot 2 Onekin 1 University of the Basque Country, Spain AtlanMod 2 Ecole des Mines, Nantes (France) Thessaloniki - 19 th of june, 2014 CAiSE. An Adapter-Based Approach to Co-evolve Generated SQL in M2T Transformations. Index. Problem statement

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An Adapter-Based Approach to Co-evolve Generated SQL in M2T Transformations

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  1. Jokin García1, Oscar Díaz1 and Jordi Cabot2 Onekin1 University of the Basque Country, Spain AtlanMod2 Ecole des Mines, Nantes (France) Thessaloniki - 19th of june, 2014 CAiSE An Adapter-Based Approach to Co-evolve Generated SQL in M2T Transformations

  2. Index Problem statement Case study Solution Evaluation Conclusions, future work

  3. Problem statement: context Software components on top of platforms Dependencies Platform evolution is a common situation. DB API Blog CMS Wiki Application API

  4. Problem statement: context Perpetual beta state of platforms. External dependency

  5. Problem statement: context Domain model M2T Transformation Code Model refs. (Dynamic) Embedded platform code (Static) Transformation code

  6. Problem statement: problem Different versions of the platform leave the code and M2T transformation outdated. M2T ? Code DB Δ DB’

  7. Problem statement: solution Adapter to adapt generated code to new platform M2T Adapter Code Code MediaWiki Δ MediaWiki’

  8. Case study: MediaWiki DB in Wikiwhirl

  9. Case study: MediaWiki Used by Wikipedia and more than 40.000 wikis In 4,5 years: 171 schema upgrades

  10. Case study: MediaWiki DB in Wikiwhirl Platform-dependent concepts Refs to domain model

  11. Solution Synchronize the generated code with platform Using adapters at runtime M2T print("INSERT into categorylinks (cl_from, cl_to, cl_sortkey, cl_timestamp) VALUES (@pageId, '" + categoryTitle + "','" + pageTitle) Adapter New columns “cl_type”, “cl_sortkey_prefix” and “cl_collation” Code INSERT INTO categorylinks (cl_from, cl_to, cl_sortkey, cl_timestamp, cl_type, cl_sortkey_prefix, cl_collation) VALUES (@pageId, ‘Softwareproject’, ‘House_Testing’, (DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), ‘%Y%m%d%k%i%s’), ‘page’, ‘’, ‘0’); MediaWiki’

  12. Process outline Comparison (EMFCompare) 2 Domain model Difference model New schema model Old schema model Transformation (M2T+adapter) Injection (Schemol) Injection (Schemol) 3 1 Code (MediaWiki DB) New MediaWiki schema Old MediaWiki schema

  13. Process outline Don't worry: all in one click Comparison (EMFCompare) 2 Domain model Difference model New schema model Old schema model Transformation (M2T+adapter) Injection (Schemol) Injection (Schemol) 3 1 Code (MediaWiki DB) New MediaWiki schema Old MediaWiki schema

  14. Process: Differences between platforms: DB schema Comparison (EMFCompare) Injection (Schemol)

  15. Process: Schema Modification Operators (SMO)

  16. Process: Adaptation Plaform-specific, schema-independent Replace all “println” instructions with “printSQL” Import “printSQL” library ZQL extension For each printSQL invocation: Iterate over the changes reported in the Difference model Checks if any of the changes impacts the current statement. Needed information to adapt the statement is retrieved and added to a list of parameters: the statement, affected table, column, … A function that adapts the statement is called and new statement is printed.

  17. Process: Adaptation output Added columns Delete tables Delete columns

  18. Roles Producer Injector for target platform Implement adapter as a library for transformation Consumer Import adapter library in the transformation Execute the batch

  19. Evaluation Manual Cost = D + P * #Impacts D: Detection time P: Propagation time Assisted Cost = C + V * #Impacts C: Configuration time V: Verification time

  20. Evaluation

  21. Dump changes from code to transformation Assist manual propagation Record generation with change to be done and where (line and column in the transformation) M2T transformation M2T transformation’ HOT printSQL(“select * from …”, line, column) print(“select * from …”) RECORD: #Added columns cl_type, cl_sortkey_prefix and cl_collation #transformation line: 12, column: 11 INSERT INTO categorylinks (cl_from, cl_to, cl_sortkey, cl_timestamp, cl_type, cl_sortkey_prefix, cl_collation) VALUES (@pageId, ‘Softwareproject’, ‘House_Testing’, (DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), ‘%Y%m%d%k%i%s’), ‘page’, ‘’, ‘0’);

  22. Conclusions Mechanism to adapt code generated by M2T transformations to platform evolution Apply in a specific case study Premises: platform instability and transformation coupling

  23. Issues and future work Generalization: other platforms Methodology for adapter development

  24. Questions Implementation: www.onekin.org/downloads/public/Batch_MofscriptAdaptation.rar Screencasts: www.onekin.org/downloads/public/screencasts/MOFScript/ jokin.garcia@ehu.es http://www.onekin.org

  25. Process: Adaptation • 1- Iterate over the changes reported in the Difference model 2- check that the deleted column's table corresponds with the table name of the statement • 3- the statement, the table name and the removed column are added to a list of parameters • 4- outputs an SQL statement without the removed column, using a function with the list of parameters that modifies the expression

  26. Generate traceability model MOFScript + Adapter Domain model Traceability model Difference model 3 <Transformation: line, column >-> <Code: line, column> printSQL(statement l,ine, column, print_type)

  27. Visualize traceability model HandyMOF Traceability model ICMT July 21-23 York

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