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Translation is a challenging job • Translation is not an easy work. It needs a serious attention and concentration. It can be said that the core of translation is a transfer of message. The translator should be careful in replacing the meaning from Source Language (SL) to Target Language (TL).
The translator must also keep the excess and mission in the Source Language then transfer them to target one. If the translator can translate well semantically but can not move the closest mission, the result of translation is unsatisfied. Therefore, to solve this problem the translator should master not only linguistics and the materials that will be translated but also the theory of translation.
The Problem of Translating Indonesian-english • In general, Indonesian or Bahasa is used freely by its users both in oral and written form. This means that the use of the language is in practice deviates or misleads from what is prescribed by the Tatabahasa Indonesia Baku.
This violation is also occurs in written form, where the language used must actually be formal. This deviation applies in a word choice, word collocation, sentence pattern and discourse pattern. • Even if the use follows the rules, there are still other problems, one of which is ambiguity as asserted by Gunawan (2001).
An instance: • What’s the best translation for this sentence? • Anakperempuanpresiden yang kayaitu” • When this translated in English, it can be either, • 1. The rich daughter of the president or • 2. the daughter of rich president. • Which one is the rich? The president or the daughter of president? • This case is the same as “Istritentara yang genititu” • Which one is “genit/coquette/firtatious”?
Other confusion • Commonly, most of the students translate even when they speak and write. This means that they write in Indonesia first what they want to say in English. Then they translate it. This of course produces problems in their translation as their Indonesian is itself still bad.
An example • “Diantarakeluargahukum, paramedis, ataumasyarakatdankorbandapatmembuatkerjasamasatusama lain” • Keluargahukum, paramedis”? • One can easily see how badly the sentence is constructed in Indonesian in the first place, this resulting in the translation being also wrong.
No coherence and cohesion • Anak yang putussekolahadalahanak-anak yang kehilanganhakpendidikannyadantidakmemilikikesempatanuntukmengembangkandirinyasecaramaksimal. Kondisisepertiiniadalahkondisi yang sangatmenyedihkan. Dampaklainmasadepananaktidakmenentusertamenjadi “unskill worker” sehinggamerekaakanmenjadibebannegaradimasadatang. • (missing transitional markers, inappropriate use of the word “lain”)
Salahsatunyaialahmindsetbahwabersekolahdanmenuntutilmubertujuanakhiragar menjadipegawaipemerintah. • One of them is the mindset that ( going to school and studying) school and study aims to end in order to (be) become civil servants (government employee/governnment official).
Di zamandulu, Belandamemberikanpendidikankepadapribumi agar bisadijadikantenagaterampildanberkualitastapimurah. Digajisedikit pun maudanadakebanggaanberlebihsebagai “Amtenaar” ataupegawainegeri . JikasudahjadiAmtenaar-nyakompeni, sipribumimerasabangga , pribumi lain dianggaplebihrendahdarinya. • In ancient times, the Netherlands (Dutch) provide education to the natives in order to become skilled and qualified but cheap (a cheap but qualified and skills officer. Paid and there is not any excessive pride as "Amtenaar" or civil servants. If it was so Amtenaar Company, the natives take pride(feel proud) , (he considered the others are compared to him )others considered inferior natives of it.
Itulahmengapabanyakkaumintelektual yang gengsiuntukmemulaidaribawah. Merekalebihbanggamenjadikaryawankantorandengangajiduasampaitigajutaperbulandibandingjadi(so) tukang (builders) nasigorengdenganlabaempatratusribuperhari. • That is why many intellectuals (feel shy/embarassed) are proud to start at the bottom (from the beginning). They are more proud (feel prouder )to be employee in an office with a (monthly) salary of two to three million per month compared with the fried rice so builders (a fried rice street vendor/seller) (with a )profit of four hundred thousand per day.
. • Selainitu, merekajugamerasatidakbisaberkontribusitanpajabatan. Padahalsesungguhnya, banyakkontributorbesardibangsaini yang takpunyajabatanstruktural. Karenajabatanitusementara, tapikontribusidankapasitasbersifatkekal- dikenangsepanjangmasa. • In addition, they also felt (that) they could not contribute without a job (job position). When in fact, a lot of big contributors in this nation who have no structural position. Because (since a job position is temporary) it is a temporary position, but the contribution and capacity ( are eternal-it will be memorized all time) to be remembered for all time eternal.