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The Process of Translating. When we are translating, we translate with four level : The SL text level : the level of language, The referential level: imaginary, objects or events The cohesive level: grammatical, tone,
The Process of Translating When we are translating, we translate with four level : The SL text level : the level of language, The referential level: imaginary, objects or events The cohesive level: grammatical, tone, The level of naturalness: common language appropriate to the writer or the speaker in certain situation.
The Relationship of Translating to Translation Theory • The purpose of this theory of translating is to be of service to the translator. • It is designed to be continuous link between translation theory and practice. • Translation theory framework which proposes that when the main purpose of the text is to convey information and conceive the reader, a method of translation must be natural. • The theory of translating is dealt with ‘naturalness’ which has both grammatical and lexical and is a touchstone at every level of a text, from paragraph to word, from title to punctuation.
A Functional Theory of Language Three language function Expressive informative vocative Translation Practice Translation theory Semantic communicative Frame of reference Problem Contextual Factor Theory of translating Textual Referential level Cohesive Natural
The approach There are two approaches to translating: • You start translating sentence by sentence: to get the feel and the feeling tone of the text. • You read the whole text two or three times, and find the intention, register, tone, mark the difficult words and passage and start translating.
Textual level Working on the text level, you automatically make certain conversions; you transpose the SL grammar (clauses or groups) into their ‘ready’ TL equivalent and you translate the lexical unit into the sense that appears immediately appropriate in the context of the sentence.
The referential level You should not read a sentence without seeing it on the referential level. Whether a text is technical or literary or institutional, you have to make up your mind, what it is about, what it is an aid of. For each sentence, when it is not clear, when there is an ambiguity, when writing is abstract or figurative, you have to ask your self. What is actually happening here?, and why?, for what reason, for what purpose, can you see it on your mind? Can you visualize? All languages have polysemous words and structures which can be finally solved only on the referential level.
Cohesive level • The cohesive level divided into three levels: 1. The structure through the connective words such as, conjunction, definite article, referential synonym, punctuation marks. 2. Mood: dialectical factor moving such as, positive and negative, emotive, neutral 3. Thought through the connectives and the feeling tone. It deals with the length of paragraphs and sentences.
The level of naturalness • Your translation makes sense. • It reads naturally, that it is written in ordinary language, the common grammar, idioms and words that meet that kind of situation.
Noun Phrase Water : Air Some water : Sedikit air Some fresh water : Sedikit air segar Some fresh drinking water : Some fresh drinking water from the well:
As a subject The use of natural fertilizer has long been conducted to crops. (Penggunaanpupukalamitelah lama dilakukanterhadappalawija) As an object The company designed an electric car which enables us to have a maximum speed of 150 miles per hour. (perusahaanitumerancangmobillistrik yang memungkinkankitamamacukecepatanmaksimum 150 mil per jam) As a complement His hobbies are swimming and collecting stamps. (Hobinyaberenangdanmengumpulkanperangko) As an adverb with preposition The anchor delivers the news in the studio. (Penyiaritumenyampaikanberitadi studio) As an appositive Sherina, a talented singer, is producing her new album. (Sherina, artistelanta, sedangmemproduksi album barunya)
Pre-modifier and post-modifier Pre-modifier + Noun: A beautiful lady Noun + Post-modifier Sand in the bucker Birds flying in the sky Pre-modifier + Noun + Post-modifier A beautiful artist singing on TV
Determiner • Article: a/an, the • Demonstrative: this, these, that, those. • Quantitative: all, some, any, both, a few, few, much, many, either, neither, • Possessive: my, your, his, her • Numeral: cardinal/ordinal number
Form of noun phrase • The newly married couple. (Pasanganbarumenikah) • The fast growing industry. (industri yang berkembangdengancepat) • A well-designed room (sebuahruangan yang dirancangdenganbaik) The one-handed woman (Wanitabertangansatu) a bald headed professor (Seorangprofesorberkepalabotak) The new canned food (Makanankalengbaru) Determiner + Adv. + Adj/ V-ing/V3+ Noun Determiner + Adv. + Noun-ed + Noun
Noun + Post-modifier • Noun + Prepositional Phrase The books on the table. (buku-buku yang beradadiatasmejaitu) The woman with the red hat. (wanitadengantopimerah) • Noun + Participle Phrase Noun + Ving : yang me/ber.. Noun + V-ed: yang di…. The car parked under the tree. (Mobil yang diparkirdibawahpohon) Two cats fighting against each other. (Duakucing yang salingberkelahi)
Noun + to infinitive/ to be V-ed Five miles to walk (Jarak lima mil yang harusdijalani) An extremely complicated problem to solve (Suatumasalah yang sangatrumituntukdipecahkan) A good service to be given to the customer (Suatulayanan yang baikuntukdiberikankepadaparapelanggan) • Noun + Adjective Something important (Sesuatu yang penting) The chairs available (Kursi-kursi yang tersedia) • Noun + Adverb Books alike (Buku-bukusejenis) The hotel nearby (Hotel ditempatsekitar) • Noun + Noun The book store (tokobuku) World class (kelasdunia)
Exercise • Two dozen of the eggs on the table. • The meeting of all members on July 26 in Paris. • His wife’s dependence on him in every way. • His strong rule over the country for many years.
Very large animals. • A nine-year-old child • The collation between a motorcycle and a car • The bins provided • The main purpose of the government to build more vocational school • A light moving rapidly across the sky • The first commercially successful steamboat. • A small car-factory