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This research study aims to assess the multi-dimensional consequences of innovations on the benefits and costs of livestock systems in ten European case studies. The objective is to develop an indicator-based decision support tool to facilitate change decision and enhance the sustainability of livestock systems.
Benefits and costs of livestock systems in ten European case studiesAnimal Future project Delphine Neumeister – French Livestock Institute Christophe Perrot (Idele), Anne-Charlotte Dockes (Idele), Monika Zehetmeier (LFL), Tamara Rodriguez Ortega (CITA), Tatiana Valada (IST-ID), Evelien de Olde & Imke de Boer (WUR), Muriel Tichit (INRA) EAAP annual meeting - Dubrovnik August 27th 2018
Objectives : • Assessing the multi dimensionalconsequencesof innovations on benefits and costs • Facilitate change decision by developingan indicator-baseddecision support tool • Improvinglivestocksystemssustainabilityby enhancingtheir innovation capacity Titre de la présentation Animal Future:Steering animal production systemstowardssustainable future
Tencase studiesacrossEurope Number of individual interviews 25 Highlands and Islands, Scotland Extensive sheep and beefsystems 1 Number of workshops 1 Boulonnais, France Dominant milk production based on permanent grasslands Bourbonnais, France Extensive sucklingcowssystems Gelderland, The Netherlands Layinghen in indoor systems 25 Bayern, Germany Oberbayern : small-structureddairycows Niederbayern : fatteningpigs in indoor systems 1 1 1 Alentejo, Portugal Extensive sheep and beefsystems Aragon, Spain Extensive sheepfarming 1 1
Methodology: Seven workshops to catch stakeholders point of view Workshops aims: • Sharing of the diagnosis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the territory (SWOT analysis) • Identification of the main issues at stake for the livestock systems in the region • Listing of the costs and benefits of livestock systems • Listing of the innovative practices to enhance the benefits and limit the costs Stakeholdersinvolved Local and regional actors: farmers, farmer organizations, advisers, processors, governments etc.) Methodology Participatory approaches Small groups
SWOT Analysis of the case studiesaccording to stakeholders perception Over 4 (incl.) case studiesreportedthese issues as relevant for them
Definitions Benefits: alllivestock activities with positive contribution for the society to the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental and social issues) [MEA2015] Costs: activities with negative contributions on these issues Portfolio: represents a balance approach where the 3 pillars of sustainability are considered of equal importance . Titre de la présentation Concept: Portfolio of benefits and costs Petals = Benefits Environment Social Spines = Costs Human and animal health
An inspiringsubject for CS stakeholders • More than 122 occurrences: 17,5 benefits or costs/ workshop • Items from the 3 pillars of sustainability • Especiallyenvironmental topics • More benefits [26] thancosts [17] • Livestockstakeholders express more easilybenefitsthancostswhenspeaking about their production • Tendancy of overestimating the benefits and underestimating the costs Titre de la présentation Case studiesBenefitsand Costsaccording to stakeholders
The analysis shows a system effect(according to local stakeholders) - Use of Bertin Method • More benefits for extensive systems (especiallyenvironmental and cultural) • A more important focus on traceability/foodsecurity for intensive systems • Costs: system effectlessobvious • Limits of the methodology: • Method and perception of CSF bias • Stakeholders points of viewmaysometimesbebiased • Manyitems for very few occurrences makeitdifficult to conclude • Difficulty to isolate impacts fromdifferentlivestock productions and systems in a territory A contextbasedcharacterisation of Benefits and Costs Main benefits and costsidentified by CS stakeholders
Titre de la présentation A contextbasedcharacterisation of Benefits and Costs
As a conclusionPerception of benefits and costs: a controversialsubject Livestockcontroversyregisters (E. Delanoue and al., ACCEPT project, 2017) Environment Impact of humanactivities on naturalenvironments Animal condition How animals are raised Sanitary Impact of livestock production on health Socio-economic DevelopmentModels Livestockactors do not systematically express the samecosts as citizens or NGO