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A first look at the digital approach

This paper presents a first look at the digital approach for determining optimum cell size in particle detection. The study focuses on the energy and position resolution using mono-energetic charged pions. Samples of various sizes and configurations are analyzed, and the results are compared to analog methods. The goal is to gain insights into the role of digital techniques in overall energy flow.

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A first look at the digital approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A first look at the digital approach Vishnu V. Zutshi NIU/NICADD

  2. Introduction • Towards determining an optimum cell size • Very preliminary work • Should be taken in the spirit of a workshop • Both EM & HAD considered digital • No clustering, only counting • Mono-energetic charged pions • Primarily working with SD

  3. 1cm x 1cm The Samples • Sample 0: (600 x 1200) • Sample 1: (600 x 1200) with 128 layers • Sample 2: (600 x 1200) with 128 layers and 1cm absorber • Sample 3: Sample 2 with (300 x 600) • Sample 4: Sample 2 with (150 x 300) • Sample 0 has particles at 90deg the rest of have them spread across the central 120deg EM segmentation fixed at 840/1680 (q/f)

  4. Single particle resolutions I

  5. Analog and digital Sample 0

  6. Sample 1 10 GeV charged pion

  7. Single particle resolutions II

  8. Of linearity Samples 2,3 & 4

  9. From counts to GeV Sample 2,3 & 4

  10. Single particle resolutions III

  11. 10 GeV pion – Sample 1

  12. 10 GeV pions – Sample 2

  13. 10 GeV pions – Sample 2

  14. Sample 1 vs Sample 4

  15. Summary • Preliminary work on the digital approach has begun • Intending to study in detail: Energy resolution Position resolution Effect of thresholds Role in overall Energy Flow

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