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Mason s Honor Code and Honor Committee

Mason's Honor Code Statement. To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the University Community have set

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Mason s Honor Code and Honor Committee

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    1. Mason�s Honor Code and Honor Committee Donna M. Fox, Ph.D. Associate Dean Office for Academic Integrity Academicintegrity.gmu.edu

    2. Mason�s Honor Code Statement To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the University Community have set forth this: Student members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work. Applies to all students on all campuses except law school students

    3. Purpose To ensure that students understand the importance of academic integrity and respect its value To provide a mechanism, when necessary, to identify students who need to be better educated or sanctioned.

    4. Types of Violations Cheating, plagiarizing, copying, unauthorized collaboration, lying, misrepresentation in terms of academic work Judicial cases referred to Becky Patt (rpatt@gmu.edu) Most common charge? Unintentional plagiarism Why report? Central repository; find repeat offenders Stress importance of academic integrity not only at school but in all aspects of life and career

    5. Who should report violators? Everyone! If a violation is observed by a student, it is recommended that he/she inform the professor of the course about the possible HC violation. Professors can file cases for students and provide additional information Student accusers are protected from harassment from accusers.

    6. Process of Charge with HC Violation Accuser downloads accusation forms from academicintegrity.gmu.edu Completes forms and provides copies of evidence to OAI Submits case to OAI in a timely manner Best to avoid discussion of case with student OAI sends out email informing student of charge and his/her rights Student makes appointment to meet with Associate Dean of OAI

    7. Transcript Notations If alleged violation occurs near end of semester, professor is instructed to record a notation of �HC.� The HC notation on the grade pull-down menu is reflected on the transcript as an �NR.� (not recorded) Students with NR cannot graduate, so it is best for student to resolve case as soon as possible.

    8. Failure to Make Initial Appointment Time limit always given for student to make appointment. Failure to make appointment by deadline will result in hold being placed on record. If a new semester will be starting and a student has already enrolled in upcoming semester, student is notified that courses will be dropped for failure to contact.

    9. What happens at the meeting? Student is shown all materials filed by accuser All options are explained to student. If first violation, can offer recommended sanctions and close case; no notations on record OR can take case to HC If second violation, must arrange for a hearing

    10. After the Hearing Professor will receive email reiterating the outcome May be instructed to submit change of grade form if necessary Student is copied on email to the professor as a courtesy

    11. Appeals Process Student has 10 working days to appeal Prof not involved with appeals process Student must provide NEW documentation not available to the hearing committee and/or student must identify hearing irregularities Three Honor Code officers who were NOT judges on the original hearing panel will review the appeal and make a decision. The student will be notified of the Appeals Board decision by email.

    12. Some Important Points Remind all students that the Honor Code is strictly enforced. Encourage all students to report possible violations to their professors. Their names will not be disclosed without first obtaining their permission. Do not be drawn into discussions about a pending HC case with a charged student to include possible sanctions. All NR notations can only be resolved through the OAI or the Dean of Students� Office. Refer students to the Writing Center if necessary, and/or obtain help from their professors. Refer students to our website (academicintegrity.gmu.edu) to the �Resources� for students. FAQs are there. If suspended, students cannot take courses elsewhere for transfer credit back to Mason during period of suspension.

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