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SMEthane. Third SMEthane Workshop ‘ ‘ Technological platform to develop nutritional additives to reduce methane emissions from ruminants ”. When : 4-5 th October 2012 Where : Hôtel Oceania, Clermont Ferrand, France
SMEthane Third SMEthane Workshop ‘‘Technological platform to develop nutritional additives to reduce methane emissions from ruminants” When: 4-5th October 2012 Where: Hôtel Oceania, Clermont Ferrand, France We are aiming to have a public presentation at show Sommet De L’elvage Clermont Ferrand (www.sommet-elevage.fr/en/) There will be an afternoon Workshop plus dinner at hotel Accommodation: Hôtel Oceania, Clermont Ferrand (http://www.oceaniahotels.com/hotel-oceania-clermont-ferrand?lg=UK) We are delighted to announce the Third SMEthane Project Workshop. The workshop will be held to coincide with the Sommet De L’evelage in Clermont Ferrand, France. The Workshop intends to outline the conclusions of the project, the lessons that have been learnt and the data obtained and to launch our online greenhouse gas calculator. Every company may invite 4 customers to attend the workshop with accommodation expenses fully covered by the project. List of attendees need to be completed by Monday 3rd September 2012 Contact: Ms. Helen Lloyd - Aberystwyth University (UK) hll@aber.ac.uk Prof. Jamie Newbold - Aberystwyth University (UK) cjn@aber.ac.uk Dr. Diego Morgavi – INRA (France) Diego.Morgavi@clermont.inra.fr Dr David Yáñez-Ruiz – CSIC(Spain) david.yanez@eez.csic.es
Workshop Program – Thursday 4th October 2012 (Lunch will be available from 1:30PM) 3:00pm Welcome Dr David Yanez Ruiz (CSIC Spain) 3.05pm Greenhouse gas research at INRA, France Dr Diego Morgavi, (INRA, France) 3:35pm Assessing the effect of plant extracts on methane production by in vitro screening tests: (dose) responses and sources of variabilityProf Veerle Fievez, (Ghent, Belgium) 4:05pm Coffee 4:30pm Developing rapid in vivo screens to measure the effect of plant extracts on methane production. Dr Kenton Hart, (Aberystwyth, UK) 5:00pm Developing in vivo screens to measure the effect of plant extracts on methane production in cattle. (Dr Sam De Campeneere, (ILVO,Belgium) 5:30pm Integrating the whole process: stability-in vitro- in vivo (short-long term). General Discussion Dr David Yanez Ruiz (CSIC Spain) 5:45pm Closing remarks: Dr David Yanez Ruiz (CSIC Spain) 8:00pm for 8:30pm Evening Meal at Hôtel Oceania, Clermont Ferrand