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Exploring Cetaceans at Pioneer Seamount: Insights from Pacific Oceanography

Explore the history and species at Pioneer Seamount, including blue whale call measurements. Uncover the mystery of the 52 Hz Whale and delve into acoustic ocean climate experiments. Learn about whale behavior, sound frequency analysis, and automated call detection methods. Discover the unique calling sequences of blue whales and the fascinating underwater world at Pioneer Seamount.

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Exploring Cetaceans at Pioneer Seamount: Insights from Pacific Oceanography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Observing Cetaceans from Pioneer Seamount SFSU Pacific Oceanography Project Michael Hoffman, Carl Vuosalo, and Roger Bland, Physics and Astronomy Department and RTC Newell Garfield, Geosciences Dept and RTC

  2. SFSU Pacific Oceanography ProjectMichael Hoffman, Carl Vuosalo, and Roger Bland, Physics and Astronomy Department and RTCNewell Garfield, Geosciences Dept and RTC Observing Cetaceans from Pioneer Seamount • History (and Fate) of Pioneer Seamount • Looking at the Data • Species • Results of Blue Whale call measurement. • The mystery of the 52 Hz Whale • Conclusions

  3. PIONEER SEAMOUNT OBSERVATORY Talk at American Cetacean Society, April 6, 2005





  8. Acoustic Temperature of Ocean Climate (ATOC) Experiment


  10. How do we get the sound? Pillar Point; digitize, buffer data PMEL NOAA, Newport, Or Pioneer Seamount 1 MHz BW Pac Bell ADSL 4 analog signals @ 1 kHz ea internet ftp www.physics.sfsu.edu/ ~seamount SFSU Archive The World 2 hrs = 63 MB 20 GB/month

  11. 10x Raw Data 3 minutes 0 pressure 0 time 1 second 0 pressure

  12. How do we look at the sound? 500 Hz • Spectrogramsshow us the different tones found in a recording of sound. frequency 0 0 time 15 min

  13. RAFOS Frequency -Swept Sources 500 Hz Naval Postgraduate School Source Deployments broadband (experimental) frequency narrowband 0 0 time 15 min

  14. ?? 500 Hz frequency 0 500 Hz frequency 0

  15. Earthquakes

  16. Ship Sounds 1x 10x

  17. 1x Wind

  18. Animal Sounds Pioneer S.M. sensitive up to 450 Hz 100 Hz to several kHz dolphin frequencies too high for PSM 2 to 50 kHz

  19. SCALING: How low can you go? Animal Sounds 50 Hz 512 Hz (high C) 10,000 Hz

  20. 1x Can You Name that Whale? 10x 500 Hz frequency time 25 min 0

  21. 1x Humpback Whales 10x Megaptera novaengliea 500 Hz frequency time 25 min 0

  22. Can You Name that Whale? 10x 500 Hz frequency time 15 min 0

  23. Finback Whales 10x Balaenoptera physalus 500 Hz frequency time 15 min 0

  24. Whale Zoo at Pioneer Seamount 10x 500 Hz frequency time 15 min 0

  25. Can You Name This Whale? 10x 500 Hz frequency 15 min 0 time

  26. “B” call “A”call Blue Whale 10x Balaenoptera musculus

  27. 1x The “A” call 10x

  28. 1x The “B” Call 10x

  29. “C” Call 10x

  30. C A C C A B A B A B A B A B B B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A “A-B” Calling Sequence 90Hz 16Hz

  31. Rapid “B” calling 10x

  32. “Maaa Ma” 10x

  33. Identified as Blue Whales calls by: Mark A. Mc Donald, John Calambokidis, Arthur Teranishi and John A. Hildebrand, The Acoustic calls of blue whales off California with gender data, Journ. J Acoustic Soc. of Am 109 (4), April 2001. “D” Calls 1x 10x

  34. Blue Whales Talking?

  35. 10x 500 Hz frequency 15 min 0 time

  36. Finding Calls Automatically MATCHED-FILTER DETECTION t

  37. Finding Calls Automatically: 6,000 detections

  38. Day vs. Nightime Calling Day vs. Night time calling 6 pm PST 6 am PST

  39. Seasonal Variability

  40. Curve fitting with linear chirp

  41. Frequency and Slope Results:16.01Hz with 0.1 Hz variation

  42. How Do they Do it? Graphics from Aroyan, McDonald, Webb, Hildebrand, Clark, Laitman and Reidenberg, “Acoustic Models of Sound Production and Propagation,” in Hearing by Whales and Dolphins, ed. Au, Popper and Fay (Springer,2000) p. 409-469.

  43. Time between calls: all “B” calls “A-B” calling: T=128 sec s=8 sec T “B-only” calling: T=50 sec s=3 sec A B A B A B

  44. Watkins et al: the “52 Hz whale. Twelve years of tracking 52-Hz whale calls from a unique source in the North PacificWatkins, Daher, George and Rodriguez (Woods Hole), Deep-Sea Research I51 (2004) 1889

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