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Creating strong links between schools and SEN professionals in multi-agency teams

Creating strong links between schools and SEN professionals in multi-agency teams. By Gareth D Morewood Director of Curriculum Support Priestnall School, Stockport 14 th September 2010. What is going to happen?.

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Creating strong links between schools and SEN professionals in multi-agency teams

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  1. Creating strong links between schools and SEN professionals in multi-agency teams By Gareth D Morewood Director of Curriculum Support Priestnall School, Stockport 14th September 2010

  2. What is going to happen? • Give you a context where positive multi-agency working has recorded some success • Highlight some of the barriers that need to be challenged • Offer some ideas on how to develop further effective partnerships

  3. Background • My own journey • My current context • Ranges of needs • Structure of Curriculum Support • Provision & Access Map • Supporting students in mainstream schools – working in partnership

  4. Distributing leadership and responsibility... • Strand Manager positions • Strength in-depth • Creating strong and sustainable links • Providing pro-active support as part of a whole-school response • Ensuring corporate responsibility

  5. Does Every Child Matter? • Being Healthy • Staying Safe • Enjoying and Achieving • Making a Positive Contribution • Economic Wellbeing

  6. Evidence from where… • Success of the young people • Parent/carer feedback • Student’s own views and thoughts • Views of other professionals • OFSTED • SEF and own monitoring and evaluation

  7. Why work in partnership? • There are many well documented reports on outcomes of partnerships and collaborations in supporting vulnerable young people. • Think about your setting – why does a partnership give you higher chances of positive outcomes?

  8. What are the reasons for working together?Why do we need to work together? • Often a lack of information sharing across agencies and services • Duplicated assessments to identify needs and subsequent provision • Poorly co-ordinated integrated activities across agencies • Too much ‘buck passing’ and referring on of clients between agencies • Lack of continuity and inconsistent levels of service provision • Unclear accountability Rita Cheminais, 2009

  9. There are now requirements... The Children Act (2004) requires Local Authorities (LAs) to: • identify the needs, circumstances and aspirations of children and young people, • agree the contribution each agency will make to meeting the Every Child Matters outcomes, • improve information sharing between agencies, • oversee arrangements for agencies to work collaboratively in the commissioning, delivery and integration of services.

  10. So, where to start? • What are the six most important aspects of working in partnership? • Look at the 12 statements. • Choose 9. • Prioritise in the ‘diamond nine’ template. • Then choose the ‘top 6’...what are they? Rita Cheminais, 2009

  11. STATEMENTS – choose 9, and prioritise.... A. Taking part in joint activities and projects B. Views being listened to by others C. Able to effect change D. Knowing contributions are valued E. Sharing decision-making F. Finding solutions to problems in partnership with others G. Being respected by other practitioners H. Sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise with other practitioners I. Participating in regular inter-professional training J. Understanding different practitioners roles and responsibilities K. Having an agreed vision, aims and objectives L. Helping to remove children and young people’s barriers to learning

  12. Prioritising...

  13. Team Around the Child... The function of the TAC includes: • reviewing and agreeing information shared through CAF • planning and agreeing actions with timescales • identifying solutions, allocating tasks and appropriate resources • agreeing the Lead Professional • monitoring and reviewing outcomes with timescales • reporting, as required, to other review meetings or resource panels • identifying gaps and informing planning and commissioning

  14. Underlying Principles of the Team Around the Child Process and Meetings • The child’s needs must come first; • The family should always be present at a Team Around the Child Meeting; • Meetings follow the same format; • Proformas are provided so plans are clear, understandable and provide consistency; • The child’s welfare is everyone’s responsibility; • All organisations must work together; • The parents’ or carers’ rights must be considered.

  15. Help? Some useful documents... • Parents guide - http://www.blackburn.gov.uk/upload/pdf/TAC_Parent.pdf • Stockport Common Processes Website –http://www.stockport.gov.uk/services/cypd/childrenssocialcareandsafeguarding/commonprocesses3/

  16. Stockport Common Processes Leaflet http://www.stockport.gov.uk/2013/2982/9322/55811/thecommonprocessesmodelleaflet?view=Standard DCSF – CAF web pages http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/everychildmatters/strategy/deliveringservices1/caf/cafframework/?cidm=booklet

  17. Away from process and TAC/CIN...how about the reality? • Back to our 6 most important benefits of multi-agency working. • Do they reflect the ECM agenda? • Should they?

  18. Be healthy • physically healthy • mentally and emotionally healthy • sexually healthy • healthy lifestyles • choose not to take illegal drugs

  19. Stay safe • safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation • safe from accidental injury and death • safe from bullying and discrimination • safe from crime and anti-social behaviour in and out of school • have security, stability and are cared for

  20. Enjoy and achieve • ready for school • achieve personal and social development • attend and enjoy school • achieve stretching national educational standards at primary school enjoy recreation • achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school

  21. Make a positive contribution • engage in decision-making and support the community and environment • develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and discriminate • engage in law-abiding and positive behaviour in and out of school • develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges • develop enterprising behaviour

  22. Achieve economic well-being • engage in further education, employment or training • access to transport and material goods on leaving school • live in households free from low income • ready for employment • live in decent homes and sustainable communities

  23. CASE STUDY – Lewis P

  24. It is important to evaluate and reflect... • It is important to evaluate the impact of any partnership. • Safeguarding vulnerable young people needs to be the main priority. • Fight for better outcomes, if necessary.

  25. Reflecting – building capacity... Gibbs' model of reflection (1988)

  26. So back to Lewis – time to reflect ... your thoughts?

  27. So what makes good practice? • Where are strengths? • How can we ensure good working relationships? • How can you establish/strengthen your partnerships? • Analyse yourself...

  28. And finally.... Working with different agencies can and should provide the best way forward for some of our most vulnerable young people. Unfortunately it is sometimes the SENCo, or other educational staff who have to take the lead to get things moving. Being knowledgeable and empowered is our greatest asset. Being able to advocate strongly and support in an uncompromising manner is our greatest ally.

  29. Thanks for listening...and Good Luck! Gareth D Morewood Director of Curriculum Support [SENCo] Priestnall School Stockport gareth.morewood@priestnall.stockport.sch.uk

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