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CLEO-c & CESR-c: Probing Physics Behind & Beyond the Standard Model Mats Selen, University of Illinois 2002 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics. What is CESR-c & CLEO-c. CLEO-III detector CESR running at lower energies. CLEO-c Detector. Detector Works Great! Presently
CLEO-c & CESR-c:Probing Physics Behind & Beyond the Standard ModelMats Selen, University of Illinois2002 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics
What is CESR-c & CLEO-c CLEO-III detector CESR running at lower energies
CLEO-c Detector Detector Works Great! Presently running on (1S)(Ecm = 9460 MeV) RICH: 83% of 4p 87% Kaon ID with 0.2% p fake @0.9GeV Solenoid: 1.5 T now,... 1.0T later Tracking: 93% of 4p sp/p = 0.35% @1GeV dE/dx: 5.7% p @minI Calorimeter: 93% of 4p sE/E = 2% @1GeV = 4% @100MeV 85% of 4p For p>1 GeV
The Run Plan (More or Less) 2002: Prologue: Upsilons ~1-2 fb-1 each at Y(1S),Y(2S),Y(3S),… Spectroscopy, matrix element, Gee, B hb 10-20 times the existing world’s data (started Nov 2001) 2003: y(3770) – 3 fb-1 30 million DD events, 6 million tagged D decays (310 times MARK III) C L E O c 2004: MeV – 3 fb-1 1.5 million DsDs events, 0.3 million tagged Ds decays (480 times MARK III, 130 times BES) 2005: y(3100), 1 fb-1 & y(3686) –1 Billion J/y decays (170 times MARK III, 20 times BES II) A 3 year program
The CESR machine group is good: One day scan of the ’:(1/29/02) L ~ 1 x 1030(~BES) When weadd Wigglers Ebeam~ 1.2 MeV at J/
The Big Idea: Tagging e- e+ e- e+ p- K+ Even though we will have less data, our final errors in many important charm analyses will be significantly smaller than those possible at the b-factories. • Very clean events ! • Flavor ID • Unambiguous Reconstruction MC Log scale! Beam constrained mass
Why CLEO-c ? Why Now ? Drive for show, putt for dough ! • We expect great advances in flavor and electroweak physics during the next decade: • Tevatron (CDF, D0, BTeV,CKM). • B-Factories (BaBar, Belle). • LHC (CMS, ATLAS, LHC-b). • Linear Collider (?). • What could CLEO-c possibly have to offer this program?
CLEO-c will play three important roles: • We will perform a suite of measurements whose results will significantly increase the precision of Standard Model tests being done by all experiments. • We will directly probe physics within and beyond the Standard Model. • We perform a comprehensive experimental study of non-perturbative QCD.
1. Measurements that will enable precision Standard Model tests by us as well as other experiments: • fD+ and fDs at ~2% level. • Keystone absolute hadronic charm branching ratios with 1-2% errors. • Precision form-factors in semileptonic PP and PV decays (few % accuracy). • Lengthy list of exclusive charm semileptonic branching fractions with 1-2% errors.
Goal for this decade: high precision measurements of Vub, Vcb, Vts, Vtd, Vcs, Vcd, and associated phases. Over-constrain the various “Unitarity Triangles” - Inconsistencies New Insights ! Many experiments will contribute to these measurements. CLEO-c will enable precise new measurements to be translated into greatly improved CKM precision! Vub/Vub 25% Vud/Vud 0.1% Vus/Vus =1% l l e B n n K n n p p Vcs/Vcs =11% Vcb/Vcb 5% Vcd/Vcd 7% l D n l K B n l D D n p Vtb/Vtb 29% W Vtd/Vtd =36% Vts/Vts 39% t b Bd Bd Bs Bs
Flavor Physics 1.8% ~15% (LQCD) CLEO-c will improve precision: Example: Length of this side= Lattice predicts fB/fD & fBs/fDs with small errors. If precision measurements of fD & fDs existed (i.e. CLEO-c), we could obtain precision estimates of fB & fBs. This is also needed for precision determinations of Vtd and Vts. Similarly, fD/fDs checks LQCD fB/fBs calcultation.
fDs from Absolute Br(Ds m+n) |VCKM|2 |fD|2 l n • Measure absolute Br (Ds mn) • Fully reconstruct one D (tag) • Require one additional charged track and no additional photons. • Compute MM2 MC Ds mn Vcs, (Vcd) known from unitarity to 0.1% (1.1%)
The importance of absolute Charm BRs Vcb from zero recoil in B D*l+ CLEO LP01 Stat: 3.1% Sys 4.3% theory 4.6% Dominant Sys: slow, form factors & B(DK) dB/B=1.3% Vub/Vcb from at hadron machines requires: B(/\cpKp) poorly known: 9.7% > B >3.0% at 90% C.L
The importance of absolute Charm BRs HQET spin symmetry test Test factorization with B DDs Understanding charm content of B decay (nc) Precision Z bb and Z cc (Rb & Rc) At LHC/LC H bb H cc
Absolute Branching Ratios Decay s L Double PDGCLEOc fb-1 tags (dB/B %) (dB/B%) D0K-p+ 3770 3 53,000 2.40.6 D+ K- p+p+ 3770 3 60,000 7.20.7 Ds fp 4140 3 6,000 251.9 ~Zero background in hadronic tag modes Measure absolute Br (D X) with double tags Br = # of X/# of D tags MC CLEO-c sets absolute scale for all heavy quark measurements
Compare B factories & CLEO-C CLEO-c 3 fb-1 BaBar 400 fb-1 Current abcdefghi Statistics limited Systematics & Background limited
Semileptonic Form Factors. |VCKM|2 |f(q2)|2 Absolute magnitude & shape of form factors is a great test of theory. B l i.e. u b HQET D l c d 1) Measure D form factor in Dl (CLEO-c): Calibrate LQCD to 1%. 2) Extract Vub at BaBar/Belle using calibrated LQCD calc. of B form factor. 3) Precise (5%) Vub is a vital CKM cross check of sin2. 4) Absolute rate gives direct measurements of Vcd and Vcs.
PDG CLEO-c Vcs /Vcs = 1.6% (now: 11%) Vcd /Vcd = 1.7% (now: 7%) Semileptonic dB/B, Vcd, & Vcs D0 pln D0Kln Use CLEO-c validated lattice + B factory Br/p/h/lv for ultra precise Vub
CLEO-c Standard Model tests: • 1-2% measurements of |Vcd| and |Vcs|. • Dl / DKl semileptonic analyses. • Mixing sensitivity at the 1% level. • CP violation sensitivity at the 1-2% level. • A variety of rare D decays at the 10-6 level. 2.
The D0 and D0 are produced coherently in a JPC = 1-- state. K+ p- e- e+ p- K+ Charm Mixing Consider time integrated ratios of rates to various final states. See hep-ph/0103110Gronau, Grossman & Rosner
K- K- p+ p+ p- p+ K- K+ Ratio of Rates: x = DM/G To 1st order, where y = DG/2G Charm Mixing One example (many to choose from):
At the ”(3770) Observing this is evidence of CP CP(f1 f2) = CP(f1) CP(f2) (-1)l = CP- K+ + - (since l = 1) K- e- e+ p- p+ CP Violation e+e- ” D0D0 JPC = 1-- i.e. CP+ Suppose both D0’s decay to CP eigestates f1 and f2: These can NOT have the same CP :
Comprehensive study of non-perturbative QCD: • and spectroscopy. • Masses & fine structure. • Leptonic width of S states. • EM transition matrix elements. • New forms of matter: • Glueballs (gg) • Hybrids (gqq) 3.
Gluonic Matter c ¯ c Example exclusive mode K+ K- X • Gluons carry color charge: should bind! • CLEO-c 1st high statistics experiment covering 1.5-2.5 GeV mass range. • Radiative y decays are ideal • glue factory: • But, like Jim Morrison, glueballs have been sighted • too many times without confirmation.... Inclusive g spectrum (CLEO-c) Example: fJ(2220)
Additional topics Likely to be added to run plan • ’ spectroscopy (10 8 decays) ’chc… • t+t- at threshold (0.25 fb-1) • measure mt to ± 0.1 MeV • heavy lepton, exotics searches • LcLc at threshold (1 fb-1) • calibrate absolute BR(LcpKp) • R=s(e+e- hadrons)/s(e+e- m+m-) • spot checks If time permits
CLEO-c Physics Impact (what Snowmass said) In a World wherewe have theoreticalmastery of non-perturbative QCDat the 2% level • Crucial Validation of Lattice QCD: Lattice QCD will be able to calculate with accuracies of 1-2%. The CLEO-c decay constant and semileptonic data will provide a “golden,” & timely test. QCD & charmonium data provide additional benchmarks. (E2 SnowmassWG) Now
CLEO-c Physics Impact (what Snowmass said) • Knowledge of absolute charm branching fractions is now contributing significant errors to measurements involving b’s. CLEO-c can also resolve this problem in a timely fashion PDG B FactoryData withCLEO-c LatticeValidation CLEO-c data and LQCD The potential to observe new forms of matter – glueballs, hybrids, etc – and new physics- charm mixing, CP violation, and rare decays provides a discovery component to the program Also endorsed by HEPAP.
Proposal Timeline • CLEO-C workshop (May 2001) : successful • ~120 participants, 60 non-CLEO • Snowmass working groups E2/P2/P5 : acclaimed CLEO-c • HEPAP endorsed CLEO-c • CESR/CLEO PAC Endorsed CLEO-c (Sept/01) • Proposal submission to NSF was on October 15. • Site visit planned for March/02 • Science Board March/02, • Expect approval shortly thereafter • See http://www.lns.cornell.edu/CLEO/CLEO-C/ for project description • We welcome discussion and new members