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Organizational Theory. 2- Classical Organizational T h eory. Classical Organizational T h eory. Article - James G. March, “ The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945 ”, 2007
Organizational Theory 2- ClassicalOrganizational Theory
ClassicalOrganizational Theory Article- James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 • Thispiececomparesandexplainsthestudies done in thefield of management in thehistoricalperspective since 1945 tonowadays. • Theauthoremphesizesthatthefield of management is hetergenousanddefinitelydevelopedbytheinfluence of thecommitment of peoplefromdifferentdiciplines.
Article:James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 TheOrganizational Theory wasmainlyinfluencedbythethreeimportantevents of the 20th century: 1. Second World War 2. SocialandPoliticalmovementsbetween 1960s and1970s (Europe and USA) 3. The fall of theİronCurtain (USSSR) andtheincrease of themarkets.
Makale 1- James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 Organizationalapproach is not limitedwith 20 thcentury: • Western Roots (Aristotle) • Renaissanceand Reform movements in Europe (developments in politicalscienceandsearchfor ideal stateandmanagement) • Theperiodpriorto 1930s: Socialengeneeringapproach: Therise of theHitler’s Germany.
Article: James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 FirstEuropeanscholarsworked on managementandadministratiom: USA basedscholars:
Article:James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 Second World WarandChanges: • The US had become an attractiveandsafeplaceforacademicstudiesbecause of theeceonmicproperitynddevelopmentsof thecountry.Theresearchwasimprovedand done bythescholars (Jews) whoranfrom Germany andAustria. • İncrease in academicpublications
Article: James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 1965, Rand McNally, Handbook of Organizations • One of thefirststudies in thefield, setsthecommonprinciples of management on variousorganizationsviadifferent • Aftermtahof theWarstudiesfocus on thistype of reseach II. Wave/ Protest Movements in 1960s and 1970s • Aftermath of World WarTwoEuropeanscholarsdrawsdifferentwaycomapşngtotheirAmericancollegues.Manynewscholars star newstudiesşnthefield. Theeconomicrecoveryafterthe World WarTwoplays a huge role. • There aredifferentdevelopments in differentcountries in thefield of administrationandmanagement • Theinfluence of Protestandve counter-culturemovements • Thepessimistattitudeagainstthesocialreshapepoliciesof 1950s • The increase of thenumber of theQuantitativestudies.
Article: James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 The Fall of the USSR • Thedall of the USSR in 1991 andbipolar World becomesone polar. • There is demandforthethoughtsandideas of Avustrian School amongstudentsandacademicians. • The transformationfromPublicmanagementorganizationtoBusiness orientedadministrationapproach. • Theprominence of concneptssuch as: Leadership, unionizationandentrepreneurship
Article: James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 Günümüz ? İşletme Odaklı Örgüt Kuramı Yaklaşımı • Genel yönetim bilimleri yaklaşımından ziyade işletme okulu odaklı örgüt / yönetim yaklaşımının gelişimi. • Ekonomi, psikoloji, siyaset bilimi gibi sosyal bilimlerle etkileşim. • Özel sektör üzerine yapılan çalışmalara odaklanma. Kamu sektörüne yönelik yapılan çalışmalardan uzaklaşma • Firma üzerine odaklanma. Örgüt kavramına yoğunlaşmaktan ziyade örgüt performansı gibi çalışmalara yoğunlaşma. • Toplumsal stratejiler yerine örgüt stratejisi üzerine yoğunlaşma.
Article: James G. March, “The Study of Organizations and Organizing Since 1945”, 2007 Yönetim / örgüt kuramlarının geleceği ? • 1960 ve 70’ler yaşanan olaylar nedeniyle disiplin davranış bilimleri ve pozitif bilimlerinin katkısıyla gelişme seyri izleyecektir. • Küresel ekonomik, politik ve kültürel bağların artması örgüt çalışmalarını etkilemektedir. Bilgi teknolojilerinin gelişimi vb. • ABD ve Avrupa’nın ekonomik, politik ve kültürel merkezler olarak rollerinin azalmaya başlaması (Doğu Asya ekonomilerinin yükselişi) • Refahın dağılımında yaşanan değişim. …