Primary and Other Outcomes: DREAM Data are number (%). *Rows are not mutually exclusive for components of the composite—if a participant had more than one component of the composite then they are counted in the relevant row. †Regression implies achieving a normal fasting glucose concentration (as defined in both rows) and 2-h plasma glucose level. FPG = fasting plasma glucose. OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test. DREAM investigators. Lancet 2006;368:1096-1105.
Primary and Other Outcomes: DREAM(cont’d) Data are number (%). *Rows are not mutually exclusive for components of the composite—if a participant had more than one component of the composite then they are counted in the relevant row. †Regression implies achieving a normal fasting glucose concentration (as defined in both rows) and 2-h plasma glucose level. ‡Defined as acute treatment with at least two of the following criteria: typical signs and symptoms, typical radiological evidence, use of diuretics, vasodilators, or inotropes. DREAM investigators. Lancet 2006;368:1096-1105.
Adverse Events, Hospitalization, and Death: ADOPT † P<0.05 for the comparison between this treatment group and the rosiglitazone group; ‡ P<0.01 for the comparison between this treatment group and the rosiglitazone group. ADOPT study group. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2427-2443.
Laboratory Assessment and Concomitant Use of Cardiovascular Drugs: ADOPT ¶ All laboratory values are mean values at 4 years; † P<0.05 for the comparison between this treatment group and the rosiglitazone group; ‡ P<0.01 for the comparison between this treatment group and the rosiglitazone group. ADOPT study group. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2427-2443.
Rates of Myocardial Infarction and Death from Cardiovascular Causes Nissen and Wolski. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2457-2471.