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If we can dream it, we can make it. 严展鹏. 词汇的数量和质量. 词汇--考试. 阅读 听力 口语 作文. 阅读. 要求:词汇的样子,不需听读写、 认出就行 词汇题 ---- 文章理解. 龌鹾. 龌龊. 词汇题 ---- 文章内在逻辑理解. He is a resolute man, once he sets up a goal, he won’t give it up easily. 听力. 要求:快速反应词汇的读音 方法:听、读 MP3 段子强攻. Turne d o n.
If we can dream it, we can make it. 严展鹏
阅读 • 听力 • 口语 • 作文
阅读 • 要求:词汇的样子,不需听读写、 认出就行 词汇题----文章理解
龌鹾 龌龊
词汇题----文章内在逻辑理解 He is a resolute man, once he sets up a goal, he won’t give it up easily.
听力 • 要求:快速反应词汇的读音 • 方法:听、读 MP3段子强攻 Turned on
1) M: Now, it is 10 o'clock. W: The bus will leave in 30 minutes. Q: When will the bus leave? 2) M: As far as I know, the film will start at 10:30. W: Don't worry,we can go to the bar and have a drink,because we have still got 20 minutes. Q: When is it now? 3) M: According to my watch,it is 10:30,but my watch is 5 minutes fast. Q: When is it now?
口语 • 目标:一阶,口语词条 • 要求:基本词汇的灵活使用 • 方法:多说
Biggest problem of speaking • Confidence Pick-up lines
M: Excuse me, may I ask you a question? • W: Certainly. • M: Well, is … your father a thief? • W: Of course not. Why do you say so? M: Cuz, he stole the stars and put them into your eyes!
写作 • 目标:一、二级词汇 • 要求:词汇的拼写与使用。 • 方法:收集句子
活作 • 刺身
肥瘦 • 伊人上马,马不知 • 伊人上马,马不支
The word monologues in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to • A. speeches • B. actions • C. noises • D. costumes
The word monologues in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to • A. speeches • B. actions • C. noises • D. costumes
The word monologues in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to • A. speeches • B. actions • C. noises • D. costumes
The word plucking in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to • A. growing • B. smelling • C. wearing • D. picking
通假字 • “函胡”通“含糊”。例如: 北音清越,南音函胡。(《石钟山记》)
The word plucking in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to • A. growing • B. smelling • C. wearing • D. picking
The word plucking in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to • A. growing • B. smelling • C. wearing • D. picking
Odor molecules diffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. What this means is that when we hold a rose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorb by five million olfactory receptor cells. • The word diffuse in paragraph is closest in meaning to • A. drop • B. flow • C. cut • D. bend
Odor molecules diffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. What this means is that when we hold a rose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorb by five million olfactory receptor cells. • The word diffuse in paragraph is closest in meaning to • A. drop • B. flow • C. cut • D. bend
Odor molecules diffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. • = • when we hold a rose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorb by five million olfactory receptor cells. • The word diffuse in paragraph is closest in meaning to • A. drop • B. flow • C. cut • D. bend
Odor moleculesdiffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. • = • when we hold a rose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorb by five million olfactory receptor cells. • The word diffuse in paragraph is closest in meaning to • A. drop • B. flow • C. cut • D. bend
Odor moleculesdiffuse into this region and are absorbed by the cilia of the olfactory receptor cells. • = • when we hold a rose to our nose and inhale, odor molecules float up into the nasal cavity, where they are absorb by five million olfactory receptor cells. • The word diffuse in paragraph is closest in meaning to • A. drop • B. flow • C. cut • D. bend
过程or结果 技巧
考试背景 • ETS • PBT, CBT, IBT • 2005.9 • 2006.9.15 • NEEA 教育部海外考试中心
托福网考概况 • 托福网考(IBT,新托福考试),自2006年9月在中国施行,取代了过去的纸笔考试形式的老托福 • 考试包括听、说、读、写四部分 • 托福网考的总分为120分 • 考试一律采取网上报名的形式
考试作用 • 托福与雅思 • 托福与GRE, GMAT, SAT等
考试分项 • Reading • Listening • Speaking • Writing • 加试
考试报名 • 注册:http://toefl.etest.net.cn • 报名咨询电话:010-62798822 • 全球报名:www.toeflgoanywhere.org
考试日期:2009年共37场 • 考试费用:1415 RMB • 送分学校:免费四所,收费每所137 RMB • 取消成绩与复议:口语+写作 • 查分和成绩报告:考试后15个工作日 • 支付方式:招商银行,工商银行
考场介绍 • 目前考场数量142个,遍布全国38个城市 • 2009年开放考位近20万
考试流程 • 考试证件 • 一类证件 • 二类证件 • 携带文具 • 考试流程
托福网考的特点 • 更真实,强调考生的英语交流和应用能力 • 更全面,测试考生的听说读写综合运用能力 • 更公正,口语部分有3-6名考官评分,写作部分2名考官评分 • 更快捷,每年30-40场考试,考试后15个工作日出成绩
托福网考在中国的发展 • 考生人数不断增长 • 2008年中国大陆地区考生数量约13万,比2007年增长了30%以上。 • 考点的发展 • 目前考场数量达到142个,遍布全国38个城市
托福考试在全球的认可 • 至2008年底,全球有134个国家和地区的6000多所院校认可托福考试。 • 除美国外,加拿大、英国及欧洲大陆和亚洲众多国家同样高度认可托福成绩。 • TOEFL– Go Anywhere From Here!
托福考试在全球的认可 • 2008年4月,英国移民体系认可托福成绩。此外,英国135所大学认可托福成绩,占英国大学总数的95%以上。 • 2008年9月,荷兰高等教育交流协会(NESO)宣布, 中国学生可凭托福成绩申请签证,赴荷兰留学。荷兰几乎所有的大学都认可托福成绩 • 2008年世界排名前百(QS公布)的大学全部认可托福成绩
2008年考生的托福成绩 • 全球平均分 79 中国平均分 76 • 单项成绩 阅读 听力 口语 写作 全球平均分 19.9 19.6 19.1 20.5 中国平均分 20 18 18 20
相关官方备考资源 • 《新托福考试官方指南》 • TPO全真模考 • www.ets.org网站上提供样题供下载 • 09年3月在YouTube网站开通托福视频频道,考生可观看与上传各类托福备考视频资料。www.youtube.com/TOEFLtv