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The MINER n A Experiment. Heidi Schellman for the MINER n A collaboration. The MINER n A Experiment Red = HEP , Blue = NP, Black = Theorist. D. Drakoulakos, P. Stamoulis, G. Tzanakos, M. Zois University of Athens, Athens, Greece C. Castromonte, H. da Motta, M. Vaz, J.L.Palomino
The MINERnA Experiment Heidi Schellman for the MINERnA collaboration DIS 2008 - Minerva
The MINERnA Experiment Red = HEP, Blue = NP, Black = Theorist D. Drakoulakos, P. Stamoulis, G. Tzanakos, M. Zois University of Athens, Athens, Greece C. Castromonte, H. da Motta, M. Vaz, J.L.Palomino Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil D. Casper, J. Dunmore, C. Regis, B. Ziemer University of California, Irvine, California E. Paschos University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany M. Andrews, D. Boehnlein, N. Grossman, D. A. Harris, J. Kilmer, J.G. Morfin, A. Pla-Dalmau, P. Rubinov, P. Shanahan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois J. Felix, G. Moreno, M.Reyes, G Zavala Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico I.Albayrak, M..E. Christy, C.E .Keppel, V. Tvaskis Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia A, Butkevich, S.Kulagin Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia I. Niculescu. G. .Niculescu James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia W.K. Brooks, A. Bruell, R. Ent, D. Gaskell, W. Melnitchouk, S. Wood Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia E. Maher Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts R. Gran University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth Minnesota D. Buchholtz, B. Gobbi, H. Schellman Northwestern University, Evanston, IL S. Boyd, S. Dytman, M.-S. K, D. Naples, V. Paolone University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania L. Aliaga, J.L. Bazo, A. Gago, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima, Peru A. Bodek, R. Bradford, H. Budd, J. Chvojka,,P. de Babaro, S. Manly,K. McFarland,J. Park,W. Sakumoto, J. Seger, J. Steinman University of Rochester, Rochester, New York R. Gilman, C. Glasshausser, X. Jiang, G. Kumbartzki, R. Ransome, E. Schulte Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey S. Kopp University og Texcas-Austin, Texas D. Cherdack, H. Gallagher, T. Kafka, W.A. Mann, W. Oliver Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts R. Ochoa, O. Pereyra, J. Solano Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. Lima, Peru M. Kordosky, J. Nelson William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia DIS 2008 - Minerva
The NuMI Beam Configurations. • For MINOS, the majority of the running will be in the“low-energy” (LE) configuration. • Post-MINOS: NOnA would use the ME beam, • MINERnA would prefer LE (≥ one year)and ME beam DIS 2008 - Minerva
Expected Event statistics for a generic experiment. • LE-configuration: Epeak = 3.0 GeV • rate = 60 K events/ton/1020 pot • ME-configuration: Epeak = 7.0 GeV, • rate = 230 K events/ton/1020 pot • HE-configuration: Epeak =12.0 GeV, • rate =525 K events/ton/1020 pot With E-907 at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target, expect to know neutrino flux to ≈ ± 5%. DIS 2008 - Minerva
“MINERvA” in the NUMI beamline DIS 2008 - Minerva
Basic MINERvADetector • Active core is segmented solid scintillator • Tracking (including low momentum recoil protons) • Particle identification • 3 ns (RMS) per hit timing(track direction, stopped K±) • Core surrounded by electromagneticand hadronic calorimeters • Photon (p0) & hadron energy measurement • Nuclear targets located in front of main detector • MINOS Near Detector as muon catcher n DIS 2008 - Minerva
n Complete MINERnA Experimental Set-up Side HCAL: 116 tons Side ECAL Pb: 0.6 tons Cryotarget DS ECAL: 15 tons LHe 0.25 t DS HCAL: 30 tons NuclearTargets: 6.2 tons(40% scint.) Fully Active Target: 8.3 tons VetoWall DIS 2008 - Minerva
Event Sample with 4x1020 Protons on Target LE & 12x1020 POT ME beam Target Fiducial Vol. Expected CC (tons) Yields Scint. 3 9.0M He 0.2 0.6M C 0.15 0.4M Fe 0.7 2.0M Pb 0.85 2.5M DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERvA Physics Goals • Axial form factor of the nucleon • Accurately measured over a wide Q2 range. • Resonance production in both NC & CC neutrino interactions • Study of “duality” with neutrinos • Coherent pion production • Strange particle production • Parton distribution functions (DIS) at high x • Generalized parton distributions • Nuclear dependence of all of these • Expect some significant differences for n-A vs e/m-A nuclear effects DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERvA Detector Module Inner Detector (ID) Hexagonal X, U, V planes for 3D tracking, Active Scintillator Target Outer Detector (OD)“Towers” of iron & scintillator for hadron calorimetry Lead for EM calorimetry DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERvA compared to NuTeV Moore’s law for electronics 800 channels 32,000 for less $ 5 cm DIS 2008 - Minerva
Resonance production Quasielastic event n p p +- p 0 Simulated events and particles + 0 DIS 2008 - Minerva
Neutral Pions • Photons cleanly identified and tracked • π0 energy res.: 6%/√E (GeV) • For coherent pion production, the angular distribution is dominated by physics not resolution DIS 2008 - Minerva
Particle Identification X2 differences between right and best wrong hypothesis • Particle ID by dE/dx in strips and endpoint activity p K p DIS 2008 - Minerva
We will be making precision measurements of low energy neutrino cross sections: Contributions to total cross section:TOT = QE+RES+DIS QE: Quasi-elastic RES: Resonance Inelastic, Low-multiplicity final states Inelastic, High- multiplicity final states DIS: Deep Inelastic Scattering MINERA Physics: Low Energy Neutrino Scattering Lipari, Lusignoli and Sartogo, PRL 74, 4384 (1995) DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERnA measurements Main CC Physics Topics (Statistics in active target only - CH) • Quasi-elastic 0.8 M events • Resonance Production 1.7 M total • Transition: Resonance to DIS 2.1 M events • DIS, Structure Funcs. and high-x PDFs 4.3 M DIS events • Coherent Pion Production 89 K CC / 44 K NC • Strange and Charm Particle Production > 240 K fully reconstructed events • Generalized Parton Distributions~ 10 K events All absolute cross section results will be limited by the flux normalization (~5%) DIS 2008 - Minerva
Precision Quasi Elastic MINERvA Quasielastic DIS 2008 - Minerva
1.2 EMC NMC A dependence observed in e/m DIS Could be different for neutrinos Presence of axial-vector current. Different nuclear effects for valence and sea leads to different shadowing for xF3 compared to F2. 1.1 E139 E665 1 Fermi motion 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 shadowing EMC effect x sea quark valence quark A-dependence in n scattering If we understand at 10-20 GeV Will that help at 100 GeV? Comparing with JLAB will help. DIS 2008 - Minerva
Low energy inclusive and exclusive cross sections for neutrino oscillations • p0 NC important for oscillation experiments OR e ? DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERvA schedule • MINERvA received DOE critical decision (CD) 3a approval Spring 07 • Authorization for advanced purchases • Beginning purchases for PMT’s, WLS fiber, Clear fiber, PMT box components, steel and lead • Approved for full construction authorization (CD 3b) Fall 07 • Included in FY08 Presidential Budget for Department of Energy • Construction is beginning • Detector installation and commissioning in 2009 DIS 2008 - Minerva
MINERvA Test Beam Detector • 40 planes, XUXV orientation as in full MINERvA • Removable lead and iron absorbers. • In light-proof box • Size will be smaller: ~1.2 x 1.2 m2 • Requesting Fermilab Test Beam Facility Upgrade to reach lower p/K/p momenta of order 250 MeV • Test Beam run in the M-Test beam to be scheduled for late summer this year DIS 2008 - Minerva
We’ll bring results to DIS 2010 DIS 2008 - Minerva