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ADAPTATED TAKING FROM THE ORIGINAL STORY,ANONIMOUS AUTHOR, PUBLISHED IN THE "(NOME DELLA SCUOLA)" SCHOOL MAGAZINE. Once upon a time there was a big wood with lots of all kinds of trees. Very amusing animals lived there.
Once upon a time there was a big wood with lots of all kinds of trees. Very amusing animals lived there. In winter, the pines and the bots were covered with snow and they seemed to become magical with all that ice splendour. The holm oaks seemed to touch the sky.
Over their branches the birds chirped very happily, the squirrels built their refuges in the holes of the trunks and the hares hided from the rain under the trees. A lot of good and sweet fruits ripened in this wood and the animals stopped to eat: one fruit, one after another… They were very sweet tooth.
There was a small lake in the middle of the wood. Its water was so clean and transparent that you could see the small stones at the bottom and lots of multicoloured fishes. In autumn, the leafs of the trees, carried by the naughty wind, settled on the water of the small lake and looked like small multicoloured boats.
Next to that lake there was a very nice white house; the windows had red embroidered curtains and on the windowsill there were always vases with assorted and fragrant flowers. A kind and friendly grandmother lived in that house. She had a very gentle smile. Her name was Granny Linda. She liked the cleanliness: her house was always beautiful and tidy. Her white hair was tied up behind the nape of the neck. Her eyes radiated goodness behind the small round glasses. She wore long, long dresses with a big apron.
6 Granny Linda was not alone; her husband lived with her. His name was Grandad Beniamino. He was a nice, generous and good old man; he always wore a multicoloured checked shirt and some trousers with enormous pockets, in which you could find thousands of things: small pieces of thread, small nails, a small pencil, a small pocketknife, some sweets and a big handkerchief.
Sometimes…Slight was like his name: he hided the supplies of the animals of the wood, he ate all the most tasty and ripe fruits, he shouted when everybody slept… Anyway, he was really a rogue. However, after every prank, he was upset because he was not so bad; he was only a little. Restless and he always felt like joking. A majestic holm oak grew near their house. It was the house of two goblins: Giòand Slight. Giòwas good and kind; he always behaved and he liked to help everybody.
But one day something terrible happened. Granny Linda had prepared in the kitchen all the ingredients to make a cake: flour, eggs, sugar and strawberry jam. She decided to go to the wood and pick up some fresh small strawberries to decorate the cake.
While she was out, Slight went into the house and, in a minute, he threw the sugar and the flour on the floor, he flung the eggs on the window panes and he spread the jam on the table. When Granny Linda arrived, she looked at the disaster; she was so upset that she wanted to cry. Her always beautiful and tidy house was dirty and untidy. What could she do…?
At that moment the good goblin Giò arrived and he quickly thought about the way to help. He remembered that one day his grandfather, one very wise goblin, told him about a blueberry plant that had on top of it one blueberry bigger than the others and with magic powers. He ran fast to the wood to look for it. Grandfather goblin was right: the giant blueberry really existed! Giò went running along the path to go back to granny’s house.
Granny Linda thought that she loved cleaning the house more than anything else and two things helped her in her tasks: the broom and the dustpan. She decided to make them magical. Don’t cry any more: I have brought you the magic blueberry; after eating it, whenever you want, you will have the power of turning into magic all the things you touch.
She ate the blueberry and, as soon as she touched them, the broom and the dustpan took life. The house was brilliant and sparkling again. Granny Linda was happy. She gave thanks by heart to the good goblin Giò. She decided to name the broom “Netto” and the faithful millet dustpan “Gina”. They were her two tireless assistants.
The autumn arrived. Linda and Beniamino went deep into the wood to pick up some chestnuts with their friend the good goblin Giò. They didn’t invite Slight because they were a little angry with him.
The goblin felt very offended and started to organize a lot of pranks! He ran along the wood, climbed up the trees and he wrecked the nests of the birds that ran away desperately; he looked for the squirrels in the holes of the trees to scare them away; he made them run away and he scattered their supplies; he slid over the branches to make the leafs fall.
Granny Linda and GrandadBeniamino looked at all the animals running away very scared and, very interested, they went to inspect the wood to understand what was happening. It didn’t take long to find out the cause of the disaster! We must do something to repair this disaster! While Granny Linda, with Gina and Netto, were picking up the leafs, Beniamino rebuilt the nests of the birds and repaired the dens of the animals. He picked up some walnuts shells and some multicoloured berries to make some small toys for the children too.
And what about Slight? Following a squirrel, trying to rouse it to a fury, he arrived at the town. Linda, Beniamino and Giò were worried about the activities of the mischievous goblin. They followed his footprints and they arrived at the town too.
They hadn’t been there for a long time, so long that they didn’t recognize it: the sky was grey, the air was dense; it caused coughing and it was difficult to breathe; there weren’t many green places; everything looked like cement and asphalt. The cars ran fast like arrows giving out grey andstinking fumes that mingled with the fumes that went out of the chimneys of the factories. Everything was grey and the town looked gloomy.
An unexpected noise startled them: the goblin Slight had spilt one of the big bins that were full of rubbish. He was scattering the rubbish everywhere.
It was a big surprise because in that bin there were all kinds of things: leftovers, not opened crates, toys, clothes, plastics, glass bottles, expired medicines, newspapers and magazines… GrandadBeniamino was astonished: Why do people throw all this things away?
It was urgent to put this disaster in order. Granny Linda quickly thought about her exceptional assistants and she told Giò to look for them. Netto and Gina followed the instructions of Granny Linda and Grandad Beniamino: They separated the rubbish into several small heaps.
One policeman who was controlling the traffic a small way away, approached to see what was happening around the knocked over bin. Grandad Beniamino explained to him that it would be better to collect the rubbish into different bins, because lot of things could be used again.
The policeman, delighted with the idea, wanted to communicate it immediately to the Mayor and he went with our two friends in their way along the town.
But are all this things really necessary to live? Linda and Beniamino were amazed looking at the shop windows; they didn’t understand why there were so many superfluous things.
The policeman told him one explanation: “For sure you could live perfectly well with much less. But, unfortunately, people are used to have a lot of and seek for more; thus we produce, we pollute, we consume and we waste. We are always in a hurry…, we want to do thousands of things…, so we even use the cars although we could go by bicycle or walking. And this is the result: grey sky, trees that look ill with its grey leafs…”
It was a gloomy town. Granny Linda thought that this was the moment to use her magical power: she saw a soft feather duster in a brilliant shop window. She asked for it, then she touched it and… Nino, do your duty!
In an instant, the feather duster swept the grey colour of the roofs, windowsills, leafs of the trees, walls of the houses, sky… Now the town was really beautiful!
Linda and Beniamino were satisfied. Granny Linda had used the magic, but now people could act. They had understood the lesson: they could leave the car in the garage more often; they could commit to waste less and always use the recycling bins, purifying filters could be installed in the chimneys of the factories..
A long time passed and the Mayor of that town wanted to honour Grandad Beniamino and Granny Linda because thanks to them the appearance of the town had changed.
They were invited to a great party organized just for them. They were honoured by giving the town a new name. Granny Linda and Grandad Beniamino wanted to name it “ECOLANDIA”, because its inhabitants had understood the importance of respecting the nature and avoiding wasting the resources that we are continuously provided with. Slight was soon forgiven for his pranks. Those pranks were not useless as they gaveGrandma Linda and Grandad Beniamino the chance to find out important solutions for the problems of the town.
The new of the clean town, where people lived comfortably, spread very quickly. And other villages, towns and cities wanted to follow the example of Ecolandia; so the more people followed the advices of Granny Linda and Grandad Beniamino the more people lives improved.
Use them! Use the bicycle instead of the cars more often! … Go walking to the nearby places! Promise not to waste the things that are still useful!
Thus, our villages, towns and cities will be as beautiful as Ecolandia and they won’t need the magic of Granny Linda, the broom Netto, the feather duster Nino and the faithful millet dustpan Gina.
Sergio Álvarez Delgado, Claudia Estrada García, Victoria García Espina, Irina Gomarín Rodríguez, Marcos González Álvarez, Iván González González, María Groba Salgueiro, Sandra Lobo González, Ángela Mediavilla Núñez, Elena Pérez Tirador, Inés Pintado Alcoba, Esmailin Quezada Ramírez, Niels Joaquín Sánchez Beltré, Tamara Segovia Bartolomé, José Daniel Casas Teixeira, Luis Vargas Vargas, Francisco Vázquez González, Sergio Zapico Gutiérrez. Heliana Álvarez Vázquez, José Manuel Batista García, Andrea Castañón Fernández, Aitami Cruz Rodríguez, David Del Campo Díaz, Alejandro Duarte Álvarez, Eneko González Ormaetxea, Juan Manuel González Sierra, Marta Hevia Braga., Kevin Morán Goulart, Rosalis Quezada Ramírez, Juan José Rodríguez Alfonso, Esther Sánchez Varela, Daniel Vega Fernández, Tiago Yakio Inoue, Ángel Zapico Encina Made in Vital Aza School in Pola de Lena -Asturias-, Spain, by Class 5º: Class 6º: Theachers:Montserrat Cachero López (Coordinación) Rocío Ares Díaz María Teresa García Menéndez Ludivina de la Riva Fernández With the colaboration of all the staff meeting. In coordination with his workers of the Direzione Didattica 1º Circolo School of Lauria - Italy, where the project responsible is the teacher Carmina Ielpo. "World-tour...to know, to communicate, to educate to the active citizenship" 2006-2007