Miss Yates’ News: Sept. 1st-5th The children were tested to see if they qualify for Speech services last Friday, Aug. 22th. Mrs. Mayer, our Speech teacher at St. James, will send home a letter on their results. I am also sending home your child’s DIBELS reading assessment results. We can go over their results at our Parent-Teacher Conference Sept. 18th/19th. Thanks! M 9/1-No School-Labor Day! Tu 9/5-Last Day for Shorts! P.E.-Tu/Th Comp./Music-M/W/F Art-Tuesday Library-Thursday Our St. James Blood drive is Fri., Sept. 12th from 11:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (the same day as our Grandparent’s Day Lunch/Bingo). The children are encouraged to find one donor to donate blood and they will receive a drawstring bag and sticker for being a Pint-sized Hero. The children are very hot after our afternoon recess, please consider sending a water bottle with them to school. Show and Tell this week is the letter /c/ like cat. Reading: Letters: F, G, H Math: Addition number sentences Handwriting: “a” and “d” We are starting our Family Life curriculum. Please go over the Parent Connection with your child that will go home on Tues., Sept. 2nd. byates@sjcsks.org (316) 609-9645 http://www.missyateskindergarten.weebly.com