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Learn about ExCEL grant funding sources, program requirements, attendance targets, and essential guidelines for after school sites. Ensure compliance with grant regulations.
ExCEL Information 2013-2014 August Institute
excel information 1) BASIC INFORMATION • Basic Grant Information 2) ATTENDANCE & EMS • Attendance • Early Release • EMS 3) PROGRAM • Academic Partnership & Academic Liaison Role • Lesson Plan Template • Restorative Practices • Family Literacy Requirement 4) STAFFING • Instructional Aide requirement • Snack & Food Handling 5) FINANCIAL INFORMATION • Contracts • Invoices & Allowable Expenses • Payroll 6) OTHER IMPORTANT INFO 7) MANDATORY WORKSHOPS 8) SFUSD SNACK REPORTING
ExCEL Grant Information ExCEL After School Programs are funded by BASE grants: ASES for Elementary, Middle and K-8 21st Century for Elementary, Middle and K-8 ASSETS grants for High Schools • ASES grants are 3 year renewable funding sources. • 21st Century and ASSETS grants are 5 year grants which sunset (end). Sites whose funding has ended must be re-applied for through an RFA process through CDE.
ExCEL Grant Information • ExCEL elementary and middle school BASE grants can ONLY be used to provide after school programming daily (180 days) immediately after the school day. • ExCEL High School ASSETS base grants can be used to operate programs before school, after school, and weekends in accordance with grant guidelines. • Some sites may also receive 21st Century related grants including: • Equitable Access – This grant supports full inclusion support services for targeted student groups • Family Literacy – This grant provides literacy and career support for the adult family members of ExCEL program participants.
ExCEL Grant Information The grant requires set number of days and hours that a program must be open each week Elementary and Middle Schools: • MINIMUM of 15 hours per week • MUST remain open until at least 6:00pm every day • MUST commence immediately following every regular school day High Schools: • Minimum of 15 after school hours a week • ANY combination of after school, before school, weekends, summer, intercession and vacation
ExCEL Program Requirements • Provide a comprehensive After School Program which consists of a balance of academic and enrichment activities, including physical activity components. High schools must provide credit recovery. • A maximum 20:1 student to staff ratio is required. • All staff who directly supervise students must meet the minimum qualifications of an Instructional Aide in SFUSD and have TB and DOJ fingerprint clearance per SFUSD requirements.
Attendance Targets Attendance is based on sign-in sheets • Elementary and Middle School BASE grant attendance targets are calculated based upon $7.50/day/student • High School ASSETS grant attendance targets are calculated based upon $10/day/student Examples: 1.) Elementary grant award of $130,000/ 180 days/ $7.50 = 96 students daily 2.) High School grant award of $150,000/180 days/$10= 83 students daily NOTE: Targets are calculated based upon the total grant award, not the site budget allocation or contract amount.
Attendance • Failure to achieve attendance targets may result in a reduction of future grant awards from the California Department of Education. • Keeping accurate attendance records in the required formats is critical for compliance. ExCEL programs may be audited or monitored by the state each year and detailed review of attendance documentation and counts are included.
Attendance • Target ADA does not mean enrollment number- it means the number of students actually attending program with completed sign-in/out information. • Attendance rates must be maintained from 85-100% of target to avoid funding reductions from the California Department of Education.
ExCEL Attendance Must-Dos: Elementary & Middle School Sites • All Elementary and Middle school sites must use the SFUSD ExCEL Weekly Sign In/Out sheet as the Master Sign In Sheet printed from the EMS. • All students present are signed in at the beginning of program andsigned out when they leave. • All students who leave before the allowable 15 minutes of time before the close of program, MUST have the proper Early Release code recorded on the sign in/out sheet as well as the time of departure. The EMS has a function that allows for an Early Release code to be auto populated for those students who leave early on a regular basis. If the site chooses to use this function, there MUST be an Early Release form on file for audit purposes for each student with an auto populated code. PLEASE REVIEW ATTENDANCE GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS ON THE ExCEL WEBSITE
Early Release Codes(For Elementary & Middle School Sites only) For Early Release Codes, the protocol is: • On-going codes that pre-populate your forms through EMS require an early release form signed by the parent on file. • Example: A student leaves every day at 5:00 PM because they need to ride the bus • One time, non-recurring early releases do NOT require a form. • Example: A student has a doctor’s appointment and leaves at 4:15 PM today.
ExCEL Attendance Must-Dos – High School Sites • All High School sites must use the SFUSD ExCEL High School Sign In sheet as the Master Sign In Sheet. • For High School Sites, the Master Sign In Sheet can be created in two ways: • OPTION 1: • All students sign-in present on one activity/master/group sign-in sheet. • Any secondary sign-in sheets are to be used for tracking purposes ONLY. • OPTION 2: • Attendance is taken at a set program time (“Homeroom Model”). During this time, designated staff and or students sign themselves in for the individual program activity. These sign in sheets become the Master Sign In sheet. PLEASE REVIEW ATTENDANCE GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS ON THE ExCEL WEBSITE
What is EMS? EMS is ExCEL’s on-line attendance tracking and grant management system developed by Cityspan. It is similar to the CMS system utilized by DCYF.
EMS – new Sign In Sheet • Mandatory • Each youth has an IN row and an OUT row. • Attendance must still be input by DAY. • For Elementary & Middle School Sites.
Attendance • Attendance should be input each week and will be locked on the 5th each month (see calendar on website for details). A written email request to ExCEL is required for unlocking. • Track your site progress: use the EMS on-line attendance tracking system to run a “progress by grant type” report!
Academic Partnership Framework The Academic Partnership Framework that ExCEL is promoting consists of: • Strong partnership between school site and CBO • Shared priorities for student success • Academic Liaison position to coordinate academic after school components • Utilizing data to inform instruction PURPOSE : For all ExCEL After School Program sites to develop solid academic program components that support student skill building and contribute to academic achievement.
Academic Liaison An Academic Liaison position will be utilized (formerly called Lead Teacher) to provide leadership, guidance, and support to academic after school offerings, not direct instruction. The Academic Liaison (AL) will be selected by the school site principal. The scanned Academic Liaison Designation Form is due via email to the ExCEL Office on 9/13/13 and an orientation meeting for Academic Liaisons will be held on 9/19/13.
Lesson Plan Key Points for Planning *ExCEL Lesson Plans* • Keep in mind the following frameworks: • ExCEL Theory of Action • School Day Common Core “Habits of the Mind” in after school • Restorative Practices • Physical Activity When should I use the template? • The Lesson Plan template is a required attachment for educational excursions • It may also be utilized by program sites to structure activities if your agency does not have its own template. • All programs are strongly encouraged to use the guiding frameworks to inform planning.
Restorative Practices • San Francisco schools are adopting Restorative Practices to build positive relationships and effect change in how teachers and students interact. • Incorporating restorative practices into the after school program setting is a TRANSFORMATIVE CHANGE - shifting from behavior policies that focus on rules and consequences TObuilding community that repairs and restores. • This year, allExCEL Programs will participate in a cohort support model to integrate and utilize Restorative Practices at their sites.
Restorative Practices WHAT IS HAPPENING THIS YEAR ExCEL Site Coordinator or designee must attend one of the RP workshops scheduled 8/7and 8/8of the August Institute. Program Directors are welcome as well. You are assigned to a cohort by CBO. You are committed to attend 4 RP trainings this year. The dates are pre set so you can add them to your calendar. (ExCEL will provide food, but we are looking for hosts sites to have the meetings) You are expected to implement RP into your programs. DC’s will check and assist with your progress. Karen Polk is also available to assist throughout the year upon request.
Restorative Practices Cohort by CBO • Cohort 1:Urban Services YMCA/Bayview YMCA/ ASEP/ ROCK/ Chinatown YMCA • Cohort 2:BACR/ Stonestown YMCA • Cohort 3:Embarcadero YMCA /GLO/RDNC/CYC/Reading Partners/SF Arts ED/Jamestown/ Up On Top • Cohort 4:Mission YMCA /Mission Graduates/Mission Neighborhood/Mission YMCA /SNBC Aspiranet/Telegraph Hill/Buchanan/Presidio YMCA
Family Literacy Requirement ALL 21st Century ExCEL programs (including ASSETS programs) must, at a minimum, use family needs assessment information to 1) Develop flyers or referral lists of available family literacy/adult education services in the community AND/OR 2) Coordinate with local service providers to offer family literacy services for ExCEL families. Family Literacy services may include: • Interactive literacy activities between parents and their children • Training for parents on how to be full partners in their children’s education • Adult education classes including GED support • English/literacy classes • Employment and interview support classes NOTE: ExCEL program sites with Family Liaisons will have the opportunity to partner with SFUSD family engagement and parent liaison staff at their school site to coordinate access to services for families. ExCEL Central Office is funding extended hours to Family Liaison staff for this purpose.
Instructional Aide (IA) Requirement • All program staff and subcontractors who directly supervise students must document meeting minimum educational requirements or pass the IA exam administered by the ExCEL Office. • Documentation in EMS: • Sign-in to EMS • Click on Participants & Staff • Click on View Program Staff • Click on Staff Name
NO Instructional Aide Exam Required IF A Staff Member Has One of the following: An AA degree or higher or Official transcripts reflecting 48 college units and a high school diploma/equivalent or Completion of CBEST and a high school diploma/equivalent
Frequently Asked Questions • Who has to meet the requirement? • Direct supervision of pupils refers to all adults who count towards the required 20:1 pupil-to-staff ratio. Any staff member who is responsible for a group of students and is included in the site count to meet the minimum ratio is included in this definition and must meet the Instructional Aide Requirements defined by SFUSD. • Who must have TB/Fingerprinting clearance? • All program staff and volunteers (18 and older) on campus with students must have TB/Fingerprinting clearance. This includes AmeriCorps members, volunteers and any other staff in contact with students. • What if I pay my staff with DCYF or other non-ExCEL funds? • The Instructional Aide requirement applies to any staff members who are directly supervising students, regardless of the funding source used to pay them.
Instructional Aide Exam Calendar 2013-2014Location: 20 Cook St. http://www.healthiersf.com/Calendar/mainCal.cfm?catids=4&chgColors=teal
Snack & Food Handling • Food Handlers Certification Requirement: By the start of each school year, each program site is required to have at least one program staff certified as a Food Handler by the SF Department of Public Health. Any program staff who works with food must complete the on-line Food Handlers course. Related training/certification costs are allowable expenses using ExCEL funds. For school year 2013-2014, this requirement must be in place by January 1, 2014. Please refer to the ExCEL website for more information.
Contracts • The ExCEL office contracts annually with CBO lead agencies to implement comprehensive after school programs at SFUSD school sites.
Contracts • Contract Amendments - Allowed on a case by case basis ONLY; Contracts are established with CBOS annually for the fiscal year of 7/1 – 6/30. • Carry over- There are NO carry over funds allowed from year to year. SFUSD bills CDE on a cost reimbursement basis. Any funds not expended by the end of the fiscal year cannot be billed to CDE. As such, all POs are liquidated at the end of the fiscal year. It is absolutely necessary to invoice on a monthly basis and meet end of year invoice deadlines.
Contract Documents • Budget Detail form to allocate funds for the year: • Single Funded Sites - This form is to be completed for contracts that only receive one funding source. • Dual Funded Sites - This form is to be completed for contracts that receive two sources of funding such as 21st Century base and ASES base or 21stCentury Supplemental and ASES supplemental grants.
Invoices • Invoices are due monthly on the 10th of each month. • ExCEL has detailed guidance on how to prepare invoices and what back up documentation is required. • PLEASE REVIEW DOS AND DONTS FOR INVOICES ON OUR WEBSITE!
Tips for Faster Invoice Processing • Please do not staple the supporting documents inside the invoices. Paper or Binder Clips are requested. • As a first choice for Invoice Numbers, please use our example: • 1stfour letters of School Name—Month—Year—School ID #—Grant • Examples: • Dual Accounts: • LAKE-01-13-670-21STC • LAKE-01-13-670-ASES • Single Accounts: ROOS-09-13-797-FL • If you have a unique invoice number per invoice per month you’d like to use, please be consistent throughout the year. Do not use the same invoice number twice, as there were lots of duplicate account numbers last year. • Please make sure the following information is correct on the invoice: • Purchase Order (PO) number • K-Reso Number • SACS Codes
Invoices ExCEL Cover page - Mandatory Summary page – ExCEL or CBO version PAGE 2 PAGE 1
Monthly Invoice • The second page of the invoice is not mandatory. • If you choose not to use this page, you will need to input your expenses directly into the invoice template each month. • If you choose not to use the second page summary sheet, you must submit a summary sheet of your own that clearly outlines what expenses are charged to the corresponding line item • Each invoice MUST have a unique invoice number. Invoice numbers can consist of the first four letters of the school site name – month- year (two digits) and the school code. For example, an August 2013 invoice for Roosevelt would look like this: • ROOS-08-13-797 • No two invoices should have the same invoice number. For sites with multiple grants, the invoice number must differentiate between grants. For example: • ROOS-08-13-797-ASES
Invoices • Invoices are paid on a cost reimbursement model. Payroll should be billed for the month in which it is PAID out even if the hours worked fall in the previous month. (For example if staff worked August 1-15 paid on 8/25 will be billed on the August invoice, but staff time worked August 16 – 31 paid on 9/10 will be billed on the September invoice.) • General ledger must be on file with the CBO and available upon request, but is NOT required each month as invoice documentation. Receipts and payroll must be submitted as documentation of expenses with the invoice to the ExCEL office.
CBO Expenditure Approval Form for Allowable Expenses • Submit to your District Coordinator for approval before purchasing the item. • Include rationale and all needed attachments BEFORE submitting to your District Coordinator. • Include APPROVEDCBO Expenditure Approval Form for Allowable Expenses in invoice along with the receipt of the item.
Allowable Expenses • Transportation for educational excursions may be invoiced to ExCEL. • Computers and tablets need to be purchased through the District and must include a complete Principal Expenditure Approval Form and a price quote from the SFUSD IT Department. • Proper documentation for CBO Expenditure Approvals includes a breakdown of the costs. Educational excursions and subcontractors also require a completed lesson plan template with the educational objectives outlined. • ExCEL Logo is required on all custom printed materials.
Paperwork Requirements for Working in the ExCEL After School Program How do you HIRE and PAY SFUSD Staff, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, etc.?