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Hinduism….and YOU!. Vocab. Vedas - the eternal truth Their texts (bible) Trimurti - The Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). Varna- The priests or Brahmins Vaishyas - Traders and farmers Kshatriyas - warriors Shudras - menials and servants Atman - Eternal Soul Karma - Moral law
Vocab • Vedas- the eternal truth • Their texts (bible) • Trimurti- The Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). • Varna- The priests or Brahmins • Vaishyas- Traders and farmers • Kshatriyas- warriors • Shudras- menials and servants • Atman- Eternal Soul • Karma- Moral law • Moksha- Release from Reincarnation. • Brahman- God
More Vocab! • Margas- Paths to Moksha • Juana-Margas- The way of knowledge or insight • Karma-marga- The way of action or appropriate works • Bhakti-marga- the way of devotion to Brahman. • Maya- The power of Brahman to make things manifest. • Darhma- a guide to appropriate behavior • Avatara- Forms of Brahman (decent) • Mantras- sacred chants that turn random sound into power and order
Hinduism The eternal Truth • Hinduism is the name given in the 1800’s to describe a broad range of religions in India. • The written language is called Sanskrit. • Hinduism in Sanskrit is called Sindhu • This means river and it refers to people of the indus valley. • 80% of India’s one billion population considers themselves Hindu’s. • There are many different versions of Hinduism within India, but they all go by the same guidelines.
Hinduism • Hinduism is one of two longest surviving religions. • Judaism is the other. • Its roots sprang from the Indus valley in 2500 B.C. • That’s close to 4500 years ago! • When the Aryan’s invaded India in 1500 BC they brought certain Vedas to the Hindus.
Hinduism • The Vedas is the equivalent to the Bible to the Hindus. • There are four Vedas • Sambitas • Brahmanas • Upanishads • Sutras • This is also known as Shruti. • In Sankrit it is known as “that which is heard”.
Hinduism • There are other texts, like the Shruti • Which has Ramayana and the mahabharata • This contains the epic poem the BhagavadGita. • In the Vedas, its characterized by elemental gods and goddesses. • These will later form the Trimurti of the gods Brahman, Shiva and Vishnu • The Rig Veda text consists mainly of hymns and prayers addressed to them.
Hinduism • The religious undertone of Hinduism became a part of society, it hinted at a sort of caste system. • This wasn’t intentional because the religion is about how to live a life of appropriateness. • The caste system were known as Fati. • It developed when the religion became more theocracy the priest became dominate.
Fati • Fati order was this: • Brahmins- Priests • Kshatriyas- warriors • Vaishyas- traders and servants • Shudras- menials and servants • These are called the outcastes and untouchables • This group perform the foulest and most polluting tasks.
Fati • The caste system still dominates India today. • The Indian government has tried to change the way society thinks about the Shudras but have been unsuccessful.
Brahma and Atman • Brahma- is the Hindu’s version of God • He is the Creator • He is the essence of everything living including the Atman • Atman is the eternal soul • This Atman has been reborn million of times in different forms • The form depends on Karma
Brahma and Atman • Karma- is the moral law of the universe • The universe is made up of Brahma • Our sense of Karma is reward and punishment during life • It actually is the law that is very impersonal and very certain like gravity. • Depending if you have lived the life of Margas, depends if you are reborn as something of higher standing or lower standing. • Margas is the way of appropriate behavior.
Brahma and Atman • The whole point of life is to reach the point of Moksha • Moksha- is the point of release • In Moksha, your eternal soul goes back to be apart of Brahman and the universe, you’re never to be reborn again! • There are several ways to get to Moksha and these ways are called Margas.
Margas • Juana-Margas- this is the way of knowledge or insight. • This way believes the more knowledge of the world you know the better your chances of Moksha. • Karma-marga- is the way of action and appropriate works. • By good works, you enter the state of Moksha • Bhakti-marga- the way of devotion to God. • By worshipping the gods, they will grant you Moksha.
Margas • There are several application in the margas • An example is Yoga. • Means “Individual holiness” • Most of these margas are of progress toward Moksha. • They share a belief in Maya and Dharma. • Maya- is the power of Brahman or God to make things manifest. • When people impose wrong views on appearance, the world becomes illusory and ensnaring. • Therefore the basic ill is ignorance or Avidya
Margas • Dharma means appropriate behavior. • Hinduism can be mapped out by Dharma! • It is a path to a good rebirth and to Moksha. • Another name for Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma • Or Everlasting Dharma. • Along with the margas, there are different types of stages or desirable goals that all Hindus most go through.
Purushartha • These four goals are called Purushartha • Or Desirable goal • These four are: • Dharma- appropriate behavior • Artha – the pursuit of legitimate worldly success • Kama- the pursuit of legitimate pleasure • Muksha – release of the eternal soul
Ashramas • With the Purushartha there are the Ashramas • The Ashramas are stages of life that each Hindu are expected to pass thorugh. • There are four of them: • Brahmacarya- A student • Griharstha- A house holder • Vanaprastha-one who withdraws for reflection • Samnyasin- world-recouncer
Margas • Another paths say that Muksha could not be attained unless you detach all feeling from the world • This includes polluting and repulsive things. • Some extreme cults live in cremation grounds. • They also eat, wine, meat, fish, parched grain. • This is called pancamacra
Help in Margas • Hindus, who do not how to start in the ways of Margas, find help. • Gurus, philosophers and to them, help from Brahman. • Brahman, to Hindus, is the source and pervader of all appearance who is present in humans as atman. • The soul.
Brahman’s help • In the help of finding Muksha during the Margas, Brahman is thought to manifest in many forms • Even in the form of a female • The feminine deity is extremely reverend. • The form that Brahman takes is called avatara • Avatara- to descend • The most important avatars are Vishnu, as Krishna. • Others would be Vishnu, Shakti and Shiva • The worshipers of these Avatars are called: • Vaishnavas (Vishnue), Shaivas (Shiva) and Shaktas (Shiva)
Worship • Darshan- this means worship • Is a viewing image and puja (ritual) is of paramount importance. • In the home or in the temple • The temple is build to house the image of Brahman • And to bring his presence into it through ritual • The temple is built in accordance with the structure of the universe. • Leading up to the highest point above the image of Brahman.
Darshan • Entering into the sacred power of the universe is also achieved through different kinds of cosmic diagrams • These are called Yantras and mandalas. • This is also summed up in Mantras • Mantras are sacred chants that turn random sound into power and order • The most powerful of them all is OM or AUM. • It is the sound used in mystical contemplation.
Shiva the Destroyer • It is believed that Brahman has different forms, He is creator but he is also destroyer… • The Destroyer form is called Shiva. • Shiva is the third in the Hindu trinity or Trimurti. • Vishnu and Brahma are the other three. • He is everything and therefore appears in many different forms. • He is creator, destroyer and perserver and is often depicted with three faces. • Two opposites, such as male and female • Great yogi and deligent householder • Bhairava the destroyer and the giver of rest. • Third is serene and peaceful reconciling all of the sides.
Shiva the Destroyer • In the Shiva Purana text, he has over 1000 names. • Some are Mashevara, Lord of Knowldedge. • Mahakala, Lord of time. • His city is Varanasi and anyone who dies there will go straight through death to Shiva. • Even if they are burdened by bad Karma • Shiva is often worshiped through the linga (male energy surrounded by the Yoni, the female source of life) • According to the shiva purana it is not the linga that is worshipped, but the one whose symbol it is.