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Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter. Table of Contents. Purpose ? Slide 3FAR 8 Evaluation Factors ? Slide 4FAR 13 Evaluation Factors ? Slide 5FAR 13.5 Evaluation Factors ? Slide 7FAR 14 Evaluation Factors ? Slide 10FAR 15 Evaluation Factors ? Slide 11Examples of Evaluation Factors - Slide
1. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
2. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Table of Contents Purpose – Slide 3
FAR 8 Evaluation Factors – Slide 4
FAR 13 Evaluation Factors – Slide 5
FAR 13.5 Evaluation Factors – Slide 7
FAR 14 Evaluation Factors – Slide 10
FAR 15 Evaluation Factors – Slide 11
Examples of Evaluation Factors - Slide 16
Best Value – Slide 22
Section L – Slide 26
Section M – Slide 30
Oral Solicitations – Slide 32
3. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Evaluation The purpose of the evaluation phase in the contracting process is to evaluate all offers received against the evaluation factors set forth in the solicitation.
The analysis may include identifying strengths, weaknesses, and deficiencies, and providing a sound basis for an award decision.
4. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 8.405-1(c) Evaluation Factors Shall place orders with the GSA schedule contractor that can provide the supply or service that represents the best value.
In addition to price, when determining best value, among others, consider:
Past Performance
Special features for effective program performance
Trade-in considerations
Comparison of probable life
Warranty considerations
Maintenance availability
Environmental & energy efficiency considerations
(Note: More on Best Value to follow)
5. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 13.106-1 Evaluation Factors < $100K PCO shall identify basis on which award will be made
Price alone, or
Price and other factors (past performance, quality, delivery, use of best value encouraged)
Not required to state the relative importance assigned to each evaluation factor & sub-factor nor required to include sub-factors
6. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 13.106-2Evaluation Factors < $100K PCO shall evaluate quotations or offers:
In impartial manner
Inclusive of transportation charges
On the basis established in the solicitation
And all quotes or offers must be considered
PCO has broad discretion with evaluation procedures
Procedures prescribed in part 14 & 15 not mandatory
At PCO’s discretion, one or more procedures in part 14 & 15 may be used
If using price & other factors, formal evaluation plans, establishing competitive range, conducting discussions, & scoring quotations or offers is not required
PCOs may simply conduct comparative evaluation of offers in accordance with the evaluation factors we told contractors we would use
7. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 13.15 SAP Evaluation Factors > $100K For complex requirements, PCO may choose to obtain commercial items under FAR 13.5 with the source selection procedures allowed by FAR 15 in lieu of or in addition to the streamlined evaluation procedures in FAR 13.106.
In such situations, source selection procedures facilitate selecting the offer representing the best value to the Government.
PCO should keep in mind that using FAR 15 evaluation methods allows greater discretion in award selection but may require additional regulatory and administrative requirements to be satisfied (e.g., establishing a competitive range might subsequently require pre-award debriefings).
8. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 13.15SAP Evaluation Factors > $100K con’t PCOs may make awards using SAP based on factors other than the lowest proposed price.
All evaluation factors and significant sub-factors that affect contract award and their relative importance shall be clearly stated in the solicitation
Solicitation shall state whether all evaluation factors other than cost or price, when combined, are:
Significantly more important than,
Approximately equal to,
Or significantly less important than cost or price.
9. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 13.15 SAP Evaluation Factors > $100K con’t Examples of factors other than price include, but are not limited to:
Delivery requirements,
Vendor past performance,
Quality of the product or service to be procured,
Technical capability,
Business practices.
Factors must be in the solicitation AND adequate documentation in the contract file to support the inclusion of the factors.
Factors should reflect the Government’s specific requirements that are other than price related.
Emphasis should be on obtaining the best overall value for the Government, price and all other factors considered.
10. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 14 Evaluation Factors Sealed Bidding
14.101(d) – Bids shall be evaluated without discussions
6.401 – The award will be made on the basis of price and other factors considered
11. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 15Evaluation Factors Evaluation factors (EFs) and significant sub-factors (SFs) must be tailored to the acquisition
EFs and SFs must:
Represent areas of importance & emphasis to be considered in source selection decision
Support meaningful comparison & discrimination between & among proposals
12. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 15Evaluation Factors con’t All factors and subfactors that will affect award and their relative importance must be clearly stated in solicitation
Do not need to disclose the rating method
General approach for evaluating past performance information shall be described
13. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 15Evaluation Factors con’t Solicitation shall state, at minimum, whether all factors other than cost or price, when combined, are:
Significantly more important than cost or price;
Approximately equal to cost or price; or
Significantly less important than cost or price.
14. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 15Evaluation Factors con’t EFs and SFs and their relative importance are within the broad discretion of acquisition officials provided you comply with the following requirements:
Price or cost shall be evaluated in every case
Quality of product or service will be addressed in every source selection (through 1 or more non-cost factors: past performance, compliance with solicitation requirements, technical excellence, management capability, personnel qualifications, prior experience) and…
If bundling is involved, must evaluate past performance as to whether applicable small business subcontracting goals were attained
15. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
FAR 15Evaluation Factors con’t “following requirements:” (con’t)
Extent of participation of SDB in performance of contract shall be evaluated in unrestriced acquisitions > $550,000 subject to certain limitations (see 19.201 and 19.1202)
Must include proposed small business subcontracting participation in subcontracting plan as EF for solicitations involving bundling that offer significant opportunity for subcontracting
16. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors Delivery.
Requesting activity may provide instructions via the PR that delivery is a critical factor in choosing the contractor.
If requirement is determined to be urgent, PCO must identify delivery in the solicitation as a qualifying evaluation factor.
Some valid examples of urgency would be situations involving work stoppages or a safety/hazardous condition that would impair the mission of the command.
In evaluating quotations for award, the PCO must evaluate the contractor’s quoted delivery time along with the price to determine who will receive the eventual award.
Contractor offering the best guaranteed delivery would be awarded the order.
The contract file must include documentation supporting the decision to pay an additional amount for expedited or guaranteed delivery.
17. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Past Performance (required for > $1M).
Past Performance Information Retrieval System ( PPIRS) is the web-enabled, Government-wide application used by the Federal acquisition community when conducting evaluations and making source selection decisions.
Per NMCARS 5215.305(a)(2), when evaluating past performance as required for procurements exceeding $1,000,000 (see Class Deviation, DAR Tracking No. 99-O0002 dated 29 Jan 99), PPIRS shall be used as a source of past performance information.
Need not use Past Performance IF PCO documents reason it is not an appropriate evaluation factor for the acquisition
18. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Quality.
PCO may include quality as an evaluation factor in solicitation.
May entail referencing the purchase description or Performance Work Statement (PWS), identifying critical quality elements that the requested supply or service must meet (e.g., shelf life of the product, maintenance-free operation, education and experience of personnel providing the service).
May include an evaluation of past experience of company’s compliance with contract requirements and whether past products or services conformed to the standards of good workmanship.
19. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Timeliness.
When using timeliness as a factor in award, PCO evaluates the contractor’s history of on-time delivery.
PCO should determine whether the contractor has consistently adhered to established delivery schedules in the past.
20. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Technical Capability.
This factor examines the capability of the contractor’s offered product (supply or service) to meet the Government’s requirement.
When using technical capability as an evaluation factor, PCO will need the customer’s input to determine if the offered supply or service meets the Requiring Activity’s needs.
This review may include an examination of product literature, product samples (if requested), technical features, warranty provisions or an evaluation of the type and kind of personnel offered to perform the service.
21. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Business Practices.
If PCO uses business practices as an evaluation factor, consideration should be given to past experiences with the contractor (using input from customers and CORs who have previously worked with and have knowledge of the contractor’s business practices). (Note: For what should be obvious reasons, I have my reservations about using this one.)
Site surveys and pre-award surveys may be the best source of information on specific business practices affecting the promised supply or service.
22. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Examples of Evaluation Factors con’t Best Value.
Is the expected outcome of an acquisition that, in the Government’s estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirement.
The perceived benefit of a higher-priced offer should merit the additional cost or price; rationale for this tradeoff must be documented in the contract file.
FAR allows PCO to evaluate factors, in addition to price, to determine best value to the Government.
When PCO makes the determination to use FAR 15 source selection procedures, and technical factors are considered in selecting best value, the award decision takes one of two approaches:
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable
23. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Best Value (1st of 2 approaches) Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (FAR 15.101-2)
This approach is appropriate when best value is expected to result from selection of the technically acceptable offer with the lowest evaluated price.
Evaluation factors must be set forth in the solicitation, and award is made on the basis of the lowest evaluated price meeting or exceeding the acceptability standards for non-cost factors.
Tradeoffs (among cost and non-cost factors) are not permitted.
Proposals or quotations are evaluated for technical acceptability but not ranked using non-cost/price factors.
24. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Best Value (2nd of 2 approaches) Tradeoffs (FAR 15.101-1)
This approach is appropriate when it may be in the best interest of the Government to consider award to other than the lowest priced Offeror or other than the highest technically rated Offeror.
It permits tradeoffs among cost or price and non-cost factors and allows the Government to accept other than the lowest priced proposal or quotation.
Perceived benefits of the higher proposal or quotation must merit the additional cost, and the rationale for tradeoffs must be documented in the file in accordance with FAR 15.406.
25. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
PGI 215.304 Evaluation Factors May Include… The extent to which such firms are specifically identified in proposals
The extent of commitment to use such firms (for example, enforceable commitments are to be weighted more heavily than non-enforceable ones)
The complexity and variety of the work small firms are to perform
The realism of the proposal
Past performance of offerors in complying with requirements of FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business concerns, and 52519-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan
The extent of participation of such firms in terms of the value of the total acquisition
26. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section L – Instructions, Conditions, & Notices to Offerors Provides instructions to guide Offerors in preparing their responses
Must avoid inconsistencies between solicitation and other related documents
Must be consistent with SSP
Should map directly with work statement and or specs in Section C
L must be consistent with C and M
Do not request information irrelevant to the source selection
27. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section L – Instructions, Conditions, & Notices to Offerors con’t Examples of what we may want offerors to address in their proposal are:
Past Performance
Cost or Pricing Data or Information Other than Cost or Pricing Data
28. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section L – Instructions, Conditions, & Notices to Offerors con’t For all cost or price elements proposed, offerors should be requested to provide their Basis of Estimate (BOE)
Data typically requested to determine price reasonableness and or realism consist of:
Labor dollars by labor category
Labor hours by labor category
Material dollars
Subcontractor dollars
Total price
29. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section L – Instructions, Conditions, & Notices to Offerors con’t Section L must contain conditions and notices such as:
Proposal Delivery Methods – (electronic submission authorized or not authorized)
Use of contractor support – (to evaluate offers)
Subcontracting Plan Requirement -(subcontracting plan required for > $550K)
Note: See CMPG for sample of Section L
30. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section M – Evaluation Factors for Award Must avoid inconsistencies between solicitation and other related documents
Must be consistent with SSP
Should map directly with work statement in Section C
M must be consistent with C and L
31. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Section M – Evaluation Factors for Award con’t Must state the evaluation factors and sub-factors
Must state whether cost or price is significantly more important, approximately equal to, or significantly less important than the other evaluation factors or any combination of them
Note: See CMPG for sample of Section M
32. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Evaluation Factors & Oral Solicitations Under FAR 13 solicit orally if..
< $100K;
Oral is more efficient than electronic commerce; and
Notice is not required under 5.101
33. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Evaluation Factors & Oral Solicitations con’t FAR 15.203(f) authorizes use of oral instead of written for > $100K when:
Delay is detriment to the Government
Notice is not required under FAR 5.202 (emergency, contingency operations, etc)
Documentation supporting oral procedures addresses specific information
Note: Use of oral procedures does not relieve PCO from complying with other FAR requirements
34. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Evaluation Factors & Oral Solicitations con’t Regardless of whether < or > $100K documentation supporting oral solicitations should include:
RFP/RFQ number and date
Name, address, phone number for Contracting Office
Description of the requirement, quantity, required delivery date
Type of contract contemplated
Applicable certifications and representations
35. Logistics Solutions for the Warfighter
Evaluation Factors & Oral Solicitations con’t “oral solicitations should include:” (con’t)
Anticipated contract terms and conditions (clauses/provisions)
Instructions to offerors, evaluation criteria for other than sole source
RFP/RFQ due date and time
Other relevant information (incentives, cost proposal support, etc)
Rationale for use of oral solicitation
Sources solicited, including date, time, name of individuals contacted, and prices offered