DO'S AND DONT'S OF DENTAL HEALTH DO'S DONT'S Brush Twice Daily Eat Sugary Food Brushing removes bacteria before they affect enamel. It also helps to prevent the plaque buildup on the gums. Sugar offers a flourishing environment for the bacteria therefore, avoid eating food that can stick on your teeth. Change Your Toothbrush Smoke Replace your toothbrush after every 2-3 months because its bristles tend to get damaged and become less effective with time. This can cause Oral Cancer and stain the tooth enamel. It also causes them to fall out early. Visit A Dentist Regularly Chew Pen Or Pencil See a dentist to evaluate your oral hygiene. It can help to diagnose problems like cavities, and other issues at early stage. Chewing hard objects like pencil or pen can crack or cause chip in your teeth. Grind Your Teeth Clean Your Whole Mouth If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, wear a mouthguard while sleeping. Excessive crushing may harm the teeth. Do not just brush your teeth. Use a mouthwash to clean your cheek, throat and tongue. Floss In-Between Brushing Play Sports With Mouth Guard Some contact sports have high risk injuries. So you must wear mouth guards to prevent wrecked teeth. Using a floss is imperative to remove the remains of food stuck in-between the teeth. Presented By www.clearlakeendo.com Clear Lake Endodontics 1560 Live Oak, Suite C, Webster, TX 77598 Phone: (281) 316 - 2411