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Heat, Nitrate, and Other Fluxes in BIOSOPE Marlon R. Lewis Dalhousie University & Satlantic Inc.

Heat, Nitrate, and Other Fluxes in BIOSOPE Marlon R. Lewis Dalhousie University & Satlantic Inc. Halifax, Canada. Objectives: Estimation of Heat, Nitrate, Carbon (others) fluxes in SPG. Heat. Nitrate. Carbon. Net surface Heat flux. N 2 ?. Air-sea flux. Horizontal fluxes.

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Heat, Nitrate, and Other Fluxes in BIOSOPE Marlon R. Lewis Dalhousie University & Satlantic Inc.

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  1. Heat, Nitrate, and Other Fluxes in BIOSOPE Marlon R. Lewis Dalhousie University & Satlantic Inc. Halifax, Canada

  2. Objectives: Estimation of Heat, Nitrate, Carbon (others) fluxes in SPG. Heat Nitrate Carbon Net surface Heat flux N2? Air-sea flux Horizontal fluxes Absorption of solar radiation Biological uptake Biological uptake Euphotic zone Vertical flux Penetrative Irradiance Vertical flux Vertical flux “Sinking” Interesting comparison of Marquises, gyre (N, S), upwelling

  3. Heat Fluxes – Surface & Subsurface ?? ?? Net surface Heat flux Horizontal fluxes Absorption of solar radiation ?? Vertical flux Penetrative Irradiance Free-fall hyperspectral downwelling irradiance, upwelling radiance. Includes fluorometer, 2 l backscatter, CTD, surface hyperspectral Ed. Also need meteorology, ADCP (?). Net flux at base by difference. + Floats, altimetry, scatterometry @0.2 m/s, ~ 30 min. for profile If time available, can do surface Lu, Eu (z ~10-20 cm)

  4. Profile Mode Surface Mode

  5. Whole water Bromide ------ Nitrate Nitrate Fluxes (I do not need any water!) ISUS Nitrate sensor on CTD Resolve N(z) at < 0.5 m Compute dN/dT, and estimate nitrate fluxes from vertical heat fluxes. Probe Anti-Biofouling Cover Computer System UV Light Source UV Spectrograph Retro-Probe Optics User Interfaces

  6. Calibration 0-1.2 mM 0-40 mM May try new 4 cm pathlength cell for BIOSOPE to (maybe) improve limits of detection.

  7. Open Ocean – Equatorial Pacific ISUS001 nitrates from 4400km transect in EqPac on R/V Mirai MR02K06 – Feb 2003 18 profiles to 300m, 10,000 real time nitrate measurements

  8. Atlantic, Gambian Plain, March/April, 2003 O2 NO3-

  9. Similar approach can be taken with C, P, Si, Fe, others. • Need e.g. TCO2(z), Fe (z), DpCO2, etc. • Issues/Questions: • Data policy/access (for me, open to all)? • Responsible persons for meteorology, ADCP, CTD? • Underway profiling? • Interested people for C, Fe, others? • Container shipping/lash down? • PROVOR/APEX Floats w/radiometer (?) • Berth for Tech/Eng.?

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