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Gallium. Sofia Filipuzzi. Gallium. Atomic number-31 Atomic weight-69 Metal Solid at room temperature 3 valence electrons In the Boron family. History of Gallium.

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  1. Gallium Sofia Filipuzzi

  2. Gallium • Atomic number-31 • Atomic weight-69 • Metal • Solid at room temperature • 3 valence electrons • In the Boron family

  3. History of Gallium Discovered by the French chemist Paul-Emile Lecoqin 1875, who in the same year obtained the free metal by electrolysis of a solution of the hydroxide. He predicted that the unknown element should resemble aluminum in its properties.  Trace amounts of gallium are found in diaspore, sphalerite, germanite and bauxite as well as in the byproducts of burning coal. Lecoq didn’t discover gallium by accident, he had been searching it for years and since he knew about Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic trends.

  4. Uses of Gallium • Used in blue and violet laser diodes. • In nuclear weapons • As a component of a certain type of solar panels. • In the production of mirrors • It can be applied to aluminum

  5. Gallium in action

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