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Sharon Cordes, Ed.D. Director, Assessment Evaluation Tustin Unified School District Jose Ponce Assessment Evaluation

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Sharon Cordes, Ed.D. Director, Assessment Evaluation Tustin Unified School District Jose Ponce Assessment Evaluation

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Sharon Cordes, Ed.D. Director, Assessment & Evaluation Tustin Unified School District Jose Ponce Assessment & Evaluation Staff Tustin Unified School District IlluminateEd User Conference June 2011 Transitioning from DataDirector to IlluminateED

    2. Implementation Timeline

    3. Implementation Timeline

    4. Implementation Timeline

    5. Data Tasks Types of Data Migration Cutover style Use one data base to back up everything you think you need, and then switch over to the new system (not recommended if you are doing this for the first time) Pro: Saves money because you don’t have to pay for 2 databases Con: Can’t turn back. If you have data problems you will need to deal with them Incremental Start with one school site and move on to other school sites Pro: Slow move gives time to fix errors and fix the system Con: Learning curve Parallel You have 2 databases running, for example Data Director and illuminate Pro: You have time to check your data and use old database as back-up if you have problems Con: Most expensive option (Many do not use this option)

    6. Planning Questions to ask What do we need to back-up? Local testing, teacher quizzes, District testing? What data is important? Do we bring back one year or more? What data is needed to run reports so this new system can help our school sites/District? Input from users Illuminate Advisory Group Teachers, principals give input on what they would like seen in the new system.

    7. Implementation/Testing Goal To have a working data system when the switchover occurs without disruptions. Setup Begin loading data from Aeries Re-create test/assessments to move over Account set-up (principals/teachers/district administrators) Validation Check data from Aeries Make sure student information is correct (roster, schedule, demographic) Check state data Results in IlluminateEd should be the same as your current student information system. Test pre-built reports on state data.

    8. Initial Training Groups Assessment & Evaluation Staff IlluminateEd Advisory Group District Office Staff All Site Administrators All School Counselors Expert Teachers

    9. District Advisory Group Assessment and Evaluation Department Education Services Division Site Administrators and Teachers Elementary Middle High Outside Evaluator – Orange County Department of Education

    10. District Advisory Group Met 3 times between January and May Provided training input and feedback Identified pre-built reports needed Gave input on web cameras Identified graphic information for the Teacher Dashboard Identified student response systems and integration of data Provided input on components of IlluminateEd to deploy (e.g., Gradebook pilot after general deployment)

    11. Expert Teachers Elementary and Middle Schools – 1 Teacher High Schools – 2 Teachers Responsibilities Attend Training Support web camera/Grade cam installation Support teachers’ use of IlluminateEd

    12. First Tier Training Bootcamp 1 – 3.5 hours Introduction to Illuminate Bootcamp Follow-up – 3.5 hours Specialized Reports Web Cameras/GradeCam Scanning Advanced Training – 6 hours Review/Questions Creating Programs Troubleshooting/Problem Solving Importing and formatting raw data files

    13. Summer Institute Training for Teachers (Voluntary) Fourth Week of June (After School Ends) Expert Teachers Are the Trainers Teachers create assessments in IlluminateEd Migrate assessment data

    14. Training for all District Teachers August (1/2 day) Bootcamp 1 IlluminateEd trainers Follow-up training at school sites Expert teachers provide training Web cameras/GradeCam scanning

    15. Help Documents DataDirector to IlluminateEd Transition Guide Created with input from District Advisory Group District Staff Administrators Expert Teachers Counselors

    16. Resources For the DataDirector to Illuminate Transition Guide or other District-created training documents, please email: Sharon Cordes scordes@tustin.k12.ca.us For data-related questions: illuminate@tustin.k12.ca.us

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