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1920s and 30s The Great Depression. Review. This was the name given to the period of fear of communism in the U.S. following WWI. The Red Scare. Who were the targets of the Palmer Raids?. Suspected radicals and communists.
This was the name given to the period of fear of communism in the U.S. following WWI. • The Red Scare
Who were the targets of the Palmer Raids? • Suspected radicals and communists
This Tennessee court case highlighted the conflict between traditional and modern ideas. • The Scopes Trial
This great American poet was a product of the Harlem Renaissance. • Langston Hughes
A quiet, handsome hero, this man was the first to solo across the Atlantic. He later created controversy by taking a strongly isolationist position prior to U.S. entry into WWII. • Charles Lindbergh
His assembly line techniques made automobiles more affordable. • Henry Ford
This African American political figure founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association. • Marcus Garvey
During the 1920’s, federal regulatory agencies became increasingly dominated by businessmen. Consequently, reforms from this earlier era were being distorted to help business. • Progressive Era
Being a follower of this religion may have cost Alfred Smith the 1928 election to Hoover. • Catholicism
Overproduction and a drop in foreign demand led to trouble in this “growing” industry in the 1920s. • Agriculture
Angry homeless people referred to their shantytowns by this term. • Hoovervilles
What was Roosevelt’s main reason for rejecting the idea of federal aid to individuals? • Nothing! Hoover objected to it, but FDR did not.
Name three specific details about the New Deal given by FDR in the 1932 campaign. • There • Were • None
For what reason was the Bonus Army protesting? • Payment of bonuses promised to them as veterans of WWI
This labor organization formed during the 1930’s in response to a desire by workers to form industry-wide unions. • Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
In order of implementation, what are the three “R’s” of the New Deal? • Relief • Recovery • Reform
A key objective of the National Recovery Administration was to develop codes of fair competition in business. What congressional act created the NRA? • National Industrial Recovery Act
Which Supreme Court case ruled the NIRA (NRA) unconstitutional because it regulated intrastate commerce? • Schechter v. U.S.
This act provided for collective bargaining for labor. • National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
Under this program, farmers were paid to destroy crops and livestock to increase farm prices. • Agricultural Adjustment Act
What term was given to FDR’s attempt to “reform” the Supreme Court? • Court Packing
Although he did not fully embrace the economic philosophy of this man, FDR did reluctantly adopt his concept of deficit spending. • John Maynard Keynes
This Louisiana political boss wanted to “soak the rich” and make “every man a king.” • Huey Long
Which two New Deal programs were ruled unconstitutional? • NIRA (the NRA portion) • AAA
What action by FDR would have most troubled the Founding Fathers on legal grounds? • Attempting to pack the court to better serve his needs
What new type of stores were 1920’s consumers flocking to because of variety of products and seemingly affordable payment plans? • Department/Chain Stores
What percentage of the American workforce was unemployed at the height of the Depression? • 25%
By November of 1929, $30 billion had been lost from this financial institution. • The stock market
President Hoover was against granting this kind of aid for those suffering from the Depression. • Direct Federal Government Assistance • He thought that local governments should dole out relief
Many bought stock in this manner, rather than paying for it all up front. • Buying on margin
This Republican president was widely blamed for the Great Depression. • Herbert Hoover
Name two leading causes of the Great Depression. • Easy Credit • Unbalanced Foreign Trade • Mechanization of Industry • Uneven Distribution of Income
What kept most Americans from wanting to accept aid from the government during the Depression? • Pride
This New Deal program hired unmarried males to work in forestry projects. • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
This was the name given to the day on which the Stock Market ultimately crashed. • Black Tuesday • The previous Thursday (“Black Thursday”) set the crash in motion, but history remembers Tuesday the 29th as the day of infamy.
In terms of political philosophy, which party tended to desire the least change? • Republicans • Known as the political “right” or right wing
Whose social/economic program was referred to as the New Deal? • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Shanty towns of the poor during the depression were known by this name. • Hoovervilles
He was a radio preacher who was critical of FDR and spoke out in favor of Hitler. • Father Charles Coughlin
In order, what are the three “R’s” of the New Deal? • Relief • Recovery • Reform
Through what form of media did Americans receive FDR’s “Fireside Chats”? • Radio
This natural disaster added to the misery of Southern and Midwestern farmers during the Depression. • The Dust Bowl • A severe prolonged drought that left the soil dry and unable to sustain crops
Who asserted that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself?” • FDR
In terms of political philosophy, which party tended to desire more change, sometimes even radical change? • Democrats • Known as the political “left” or left wing
This name refers to the initial flurry of New Deal laws and agencies formed at the start of FDR’s presidency. • The (First) Hundred Days
Under which of the 3 R’s would the Securities and Exchange Commission be included? • Reform
This New Deal legislation followed the Bank Holiday and provided for federal bank inspectors. • The Emergency Banking Act
Many of the New Deal programs were developed by these informal advisors to FDR. • The Brain Trust
For what was the Bonus Army protesting? • Payment of bonuses promised to them as veterans of WWI