1. Aquaculture feeds: history, present and future (fish farmers perspective) By Bjørn Myrseth.
Marine Farms ASA
E-mail: bjorn.myrseth@marinefarms.no
2. Feed convertion rate in Norwegian fish farming 1975 - 1995
3. Calculated discharge of organic matter (BOD), nitrogen and phosphorous in salmon production in Norway. Figures in brachets are total from feed.
5. Table I. Production cost, feed cost and feed conversion. Official Norwegian figures.
7. Table II. Norwegian production costs per kg 2001. In NOK.
10. Table III. Norway. Use of by-products.
11. Waste and use of by products.
12. Fish feed and the environment. High digestability reduce waste.
Low in phosphorous.
Low in nitrogen.
(Fig 2 again)
15. Feed delivering methods.
17. Food safety.
19. Fish feed and fish health.
20. To obtain sustainable feed suppliers and feed quality, we need:
21. As farmers we need: