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Cybercafe 2002 – 2011. Bre@king the isolation – project. Content:. Equipment 4 Opening hours 8 The Volunteers 9 How can You bre@k the isolation? 14 Statistics 20 The Cafeteria 24 Pictures 25 If you want to know more… 31
Cybercafe2002 – 2011 Bre@king the isolation – project.
Content: • Equipment 4 • Opening hours 8 • The Volunteers 9 • How can You bre@k the isolation? 14 • Statistics 20 • The Cafeteria 24 • Pictures 25 • If you want to know more… 31 Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…
Some facts about the cybercafe The Cybercafe is the place where the personswith MS (PwMS) of the National MS Center can meet and workon the computer.
In the Cybercafethere are 7 computers:- five Dell - Intel Core 2 Duo 3,00 GHz, 3,25 GB with Microsoft Windows XP Profesional system withfive Dell monitors (19”) - two HP - Intel Pentium 4 2,60GHz, 512 MB with Microsoft Windows XP Profesional system withone Philips monitor (19”) and one HP monitor (17”) Equipment Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…Special software and joystick… Also for persons with a severe disability the accessibility to the computer is guaranteed by the use of special aids and software – for example a joystick which one can use by the chin and appropriate software. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…Opening hours… Monday till Friday:9:30 – 12:00 13:00 – 17:00 Monday till Wednesday: 18:00 – 20:00 In the breaks from 12:00 to 13:00 and from Monday till Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:00 it is also possible to use the computer – but without help from the staff. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…The Volunteers of the Cybercafe • Zilvinas GAVENAS, Lithuania and MOS, Romania (2002-03) • Judith GAGER, Litvania and Zilvinas GAVENAS, Austria (2003-04) • Ewa SKRZYCKA and Piotrek GOLEBIOWSKI, Poland (2004-05) • Gözde KIRAL and Özgür UCAR, Turkey(2005-06) • Soner ORHAN, Turkey (2006-07) • Ersan KAP, Turkey and Eleni ATHANASIADOU, Greece (2007-08) • Janine PAASCH, Germany (2008-09) • Marie DIETZE, Germany (2009-10) • Hanna KÄHLER, Germany and Sercan BALLIKAYA, Turkey (2010-11) • Katharina SCHOPF, Germany and Nurettin GÜLEN, Turkey(2011-12) Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…How to become a volunteer • European Voluntary Service – programme which sends new volunteers to Melsbroek • Young people (till 30) from all over Europe can be volunteers and can help people, animals, the nature… • If you are interested in being a volunteer, if you think “it is something for me”, you can visit the website: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/youth-in-action-programme/european-voluntary-service_en.htm You can find there a lot of projects, choose one (or several if you like more) and find a sending organization. Your application will be send to a host organisation and if you are accepted …you become a volunteer Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… Quotation of formervolunteers: Ewa and PiotrekfromPoland, volunteers in 2004/05 “We got gladly surprised that everything works out so well. […] Melsbroek is a peaceful small village. The people are good and friendly towards us and we already feel a little bit at home. That is very important for us because we miss our families, friends and dogs. The work in the MS center gives us a great chance to help patients, address new challenges and also to get to know interesting and nice people. The discovering of your beautiful country is an additional pleasure.” Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… Dr Ketelaer is the coordinator and contact person With the financial assistance of IMSO (International Multiple Sclerosis Organisation) Dr Ketelaer is the person responsible for this project. He supports and encourages the volunteers to create new ideas. Moreover, he helps to arrange new comfortable equipment for patients (big screens, optical mouse etc…). Back to summary…
Some pictures… The Cybercafe is cool
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…For Persons with MS the cybercafe is very important because: • They can communicate with others: patients, family, friends and people from all over the world. • They can read a lot of information about Multiple Sclerosis. On the internet they have a lot of hot news. • They can practice with their minds, hands, fingers,… • They can do shopping, make payments, find sponsors,… • They can play games and be happy. • They can create their own I.M.S.O. magazine and write articles. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…I.M.S.O. magazine • I.M.S.O. has a magazine for and made by persons with MS. • The PwMS and the hospital staff write articles and make the layout. The volunteers can also contribute by writing articles. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…Everybody has different needs • In the cybercafe there are PwMS who are very familiar with the use of the internet, others are beginners. So the level of computer knowledge is very different. • The volunteers try to give helpful assistance for everybody: • If somebody knows what to do, they switch on the computer and do not disturb them. They wait for questions. • If somebody is a beginner they try to teach him about the computer, the internet and the software step by step. • They try to open more services for PwMS with special topics – like newspapers online, shopping, pen pals, chatting etc… and they try to show the PwMS how it works. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… A guide to learn There is a guide in Dutch and French in the cybercafewithwhich the volunteerscanteach the PwMShow to use the computer and show themseveralopportunities. Either the volunteers propose it to newcustomersor the PwMSsimplyaskbythemselvesfor it. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… The cybercafe’s final aim is to help PwMS to become more independent through the medium internetThe volunteers try to introduce the PwMS to the world of IT. They explain them in a simple way the basics of the use of the internet, an e-mail-account and the Microsoft software.So they can make more things on their own at home. Back to summary…
How many persons use the computers?Is the cybercafe popular in the Centre?
Statistics of 2010 Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… The cybercafe is well visited • It has about 384 visitors a month. • During 52 weeks there were 132 different PwMS in the cybercafe who visited all in all 4608 times. • 17 is the average number of visits for one PwMS. • Usually PwMS visit the cybercafe a few times per day – they need breaks for their therapy, meals etc. • About 70% of the PwMS are regular users, the others only come from time to time. • ‘The record-holder’ visited the cybercafe100 times (almost every working day) – over 500 hours. • There is an increase of internet interests. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation…The most popular things in the Cybercafe are… • Games, of course - puzzles, majong, solitair… • Sending e-mails and creating new accounts. • Chatting and communicating with others (also with visual support): patients, family, friends… (different messengers, for example skype). • Google – searching for information. • E-banking – making payments via the internet. • Microsoft Office – Word and Excel. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… The Cafeteria The volunteers of the Cybercafealso open the CafeteriafromMondaytillWednesdayfrom 6 to 8 pm. Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… And in the end …several pictures Back to summary…
The Nintendo Wii making a new account playing bowling with Nintendo Wii
playing solitair makingpuzzle
to be happy whilecompleting a puzzle using a special joystick
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… If you want to know more… http://www.imso.be/Cybercafe/ www.imso.be Back to summary…
Click “Escape” if you want to finish this presentation… The Cybercafe and the project – bre@king the isolation – were successful, are successful and we hope will be successful. Back to summary…