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Soy is a European crop

Donau Soja: developing soybean in Europe for the European protein transition Feeding the Foodture Seminar Leuven, 14 June 2018. Soy is a European crop. Golf stream as engine for the European weather …. Direction of main precipitation events ---

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Soy is a European crop

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  1. Donau Soja: developing soybean in Europe for the European protein transitionFeeding the Foodture SeminarLeuven, 14 June 2018

  2. Soy is a European crop Golf streamasengineforthe European weather …. Directionofmainprecipitationevents --- Alps asweatherdesigningtopography (Foto Switzerland) … Share ofcroplandincreasefrom west to East on thelatitudeof Vienna. --- Foto ausm Flieger ….. Main soiltyps in Danube Region --- Beijing?

  3. Haberlandt at the World Exhibition 1873

  4. Trial Sites Friedrich Haberlandt 1875-1878 Austria Vienna 1 Gartenpalais Schönborn (damals BOKU) 2 Simmering 3 Grinzing 4 Essling 5 Hirschstetten Lower Austria 6 Gmünd 7 Lichtenegg 8 Schloss Matzen 9 Therasburg 10 Altlengbach 11 Osterburg 12 Münchendorf 13 Mödling 14 Krems 15 Wilfersdorf 16 Rabensburg Upper Austria 17 Schloss Grünau 18 Ritzlhof 19 St. Wolfgang 20Salzburg Carinthia 21 Friesach 22 Klagenfurt Styria 23 St. Peter bei Graz 24 Ackerbauschule Grottenhof 25 Reitenau Burgenland 26 Bernstein 27 Schachendorf 28 Sulz Czech Republic 29 Velké Meziříčí 30 Napajedla 31 Mistek 32 Praha 33 Brno 34 Ivančice 35 Děčín Libverda 36 Kvasice 37 Přerov 38 Nový Jičín 39 Lednice 40 Budišov 41 Křižanov 42 Mimoň 43 Vyšší Brod 44 Vojnice 45 Krásné Březno 46 Cítoliby 47 Lovosice 48 Třeboň 49 Mnichovo Hradiště 50 Lužany 51 Kadaň 52 Klatovy 53 Chrudim 54 Zàmrsk 55 Lukavice 56 Hluboká nad Vltavou Ukraine 57 Заліщики (Salischtschyky) 58 Хуст (Chust) 59 Зубра (Zubrza) Slovenia 60 Serdica 61 Ptuj 62 Maribor 63 Ljubljana 64 Koper 65 Rodik 66 Rubije 67 Slatnik Italy 68 Gradisca d’Isonzo 69 Trieste 70 Gorizia 71 Merano 72 San Michele Hungary 73 Miklósi 74 Pápa 75 Tana 76 Kajárpéc 77 Eger 78 Kápolnás-Nyék 79 Mosonmagyaróvár 80 Sárbogárd 81 Budapest 82 Békes-Csaba 83 Bálványos Romania 84 Cuieşd 85 Fughiu 86 Oradea 87 Arad 88 Lucăcești 89 Rădăuți Slovakia 90 Krompachy 91 Sučany 92 Markušovce 93 Poltár 94 Mojmírovce Croatia 95 Banija 96 Zagreb 97 Skradin 98 Dubrovnik 99 Sinj Serbia 100 Zrenjanin Germany 101 Dargun 102 Leisnig 103 München 104 Weihenstephan 105 Erlangen 106 Sondershausen 107 Bernburg 108 Hildesheim 109 Düsseldorf 110 Leipzig 111 Friedberg 112 Bonn 113 Deuben Poland 114 Kluczowa 115 Prószków 116 Dunino 117 Krzyzowice 118 Tyniec Mały 119 Poznań 120 Brzeźnica 121 Klusy 122 Szymanowice 123 Kurowice 124 Tarnów 125 Suchowola 126 Klecza Dolna Switzerland 127 Chur Netherlands 128 Wageningen Russia 129 Калининград (Kaliningrad)

  5. Haberlandts book ‘The Soya bean’ Friedrich Haberlandts publication “Die Sojabohne” (“The Soybean”) of 1878

  6. Soy production in Europe Share of soya on arable land (2016) ›3% Russia (European) 1.5 1-3% ‹1% Germany Poland 2.6 1.6 Yield (2012-2016 avg) Ukraine 2.1 ›3.0 MT/HA 2.0 France 2.0 Austria 2.5-3.0 MT/HA Hungary 2.7 2.6 1.3 Romania ‹2.5 MT/HA 2.3 Croatia Italy 2.3 Serbia 2.3 3.1 2.6 2.0 1.9 Source: DS statistics spreadsheets + FAO stats

  7. Soya production doubled to 9 million tonnes from 4 million ha during 2011- 2017

  8. Soy is competitive in Europe Institute for Business Management andAgrarianStructure

  9. Break-even price of soybean Aim: equalcontributionmargin  necessarypriceofsoya = 2.0 to 2.4 * priceofwheat 1.5 to 2.2 * priceofwheat yields wheat: 7 dt per ha Soya bean: 28.3 dt per ha Institute for Business Management andAgrarianStructure

  10. Soybeanpricesand non-GMO premium Daily soymeal price in the Netherlands (46% prot.) GMO, non-GMOandES/DS certifiedsoymealpricesandpremiums in Europe

  11. CE Europe = coreregionofsoybeans Italy (Po valley) Austria (Danubevalley) in hectares (ha) Austria: 65,000 Hungary: 65,000 Italy: 320,000 Serbia: 200,000 Ukraine: 1,900,000 Romania: 160,000 Maturitygroups: 00-II Serbia (Danubevalley)

  12. Soybean as an emerging crop for cool regions • Maturitygroups: 00,000(0) • Challenges: • coldstressduringemergenceandflowering • shortvegetationperiod Mixed agriculturalarea, livestock andcrops Germany: 20,000 ha Poland: 15,000 ha

  13. Golf streamasengineforthe European weather …. Directionofmainprecipitationevents --- Alps asweatherdesigningtopography (Foto Switzerland) … Share ofcroplandincreasefrom west to East on thelatitudeof Vienna. --- Foto ausm Flieger ….. Main soiltyps in Danube Region --- Beijing? 49° Vienna 40° Beijing, New York, Mid-West

  14. European protein crops are high yielding,but Europe is a world champion in growing wheat European wheat has a three-fold yield advantage European and US soya bean and US wheat have similar yields Source: FAOstat 2013.

  15. European livestock production depends on imported protein – and crop land outside Europe Carbohydrate Protein Von Witzke & Noleppe 2010

  16. Europe’s ‘Schnitzel connection’

  17. Changes in wheat yields Eitzinger, Kersebaum, Formayer 2009, Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel

  18. The European (EU) arable plant protein account Murphy-Bokern, Westhoek and Peters 2017

  19. DONAU SOJA ASSOCIATION • independent • international • non-profit • multi-stakeholder organisation • membership organisation • DonauSoja promotes a more sustainable, economically viable and European protein supply.

  20. Europe Soyais… • Regional (controlled origin) • Non-GM (according to German VLOG, Austrian ARGE, Danube Region non GM standards or equivalent) • Reduced use of pesticides and ban on siccation (e.g. glyphosate) & aerial spraying of pesticides • No land use change/no deforestation: cultivation only on land dedicated to agricultural use before 1.1.2008 • International social & labour rights: compliance with relevant ILO convention Certification done by independent certification bodies & supervisory inspections by Donau Soja organisation

  21. Product labels • Hard IP or • quantityequivalence • European origin • Hard IP • fromthe • Danuberegion Regional Non-GM label

  22. A reliable label Greenpeace Austria andtheconsumersrated Donau Soja as „reliableandsustainable“.

  23. DS/ES guaranteesregionality Soya Producer From the farmer to the final product Primary processor (oil mill, toaster, food producer) Collector Trader Soya Producer Soya asfoodor drinks Toasted soybeans or soymeal as feed Note: In riskcategory 3 countries: 100 % farmersinspections Farmer self-declarations Lot Certificates

  24. Origin detectionofsoybeanby isotope analysis Analysis and database establishment by Imprint Analytics Isotope database In the analysis the main isotope patterns of the elements (C, N, S, O) are identified and categorised for the main soya bean growing regions. By a categorization of the isotope patterns the tool can be used to trace the origin of soya beans Collection of >800 samples from the main growing regions world wide and with focus on Europe. Was this bean grown in Europe? Response database: Yes, by a “high X” probability.

  25. MISSION Donau Soja promotes a sustainable and European protein supply

  26. SupportING farmers



  29. Protein Partnership • Partnership between soya users and soya producers • The soya user supports training of farmers under our best practice model as well as certification and can use a „Protein Partner Logo“ to show his support. • The fee is related to a production volume in tons, starting with 10.000 tons for 30.000 Euros. First partner REWE, interest from other retailers.

  30. Europe SoyaDeclaration • Declaration was signed by 14 EU agriculture ministers on 17 July 2017 in Brussels • Declaration was signed by 4 more non-EU countries in January 2018 in Berlin

  31. Soybeanoilmills in Europe


  33. Current breeding programmes • IHAR & Poznan University of Life Sciences & DANKO, Poland • ARDS Turda & ARDS Fundulea, Romania • Agroscope, Switzerland • IFVCNS & Selsem, Serbia • EuralisSemences and RAGT, France • Saatzucht Donau & SaatzuchtGleisdorf, Austria • ERSA FVG & SIPCAM, Italy • GabonaKutató, KAPOSVÁR UNIVERSITY, Hungary • University of Hohenheim, LfL in Bavaria Germany • Inst. of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya, Ukraine

  34. European soybean breeders and seed companies (DS-members) Prograin ZIA Agroyoumis Danko Eurosivo P.H. Petersen Bonafarm NSSEME IVFNS Agroscope SCDA Turda EuralisSemences Delta Agrar Saatzucht Probstdorf Saatbau Linz Saatzucht Gleisdorf Saatzucht Donau Raiffeisen Ware Austria

  35. EU has 445 registered cultivars  European plant varietydatabase

  36. The Donau Soja vision for the European protein supply Sourcing protein (soya) feed demand in Europe until 2025 – ourgoalistoincreaseourmarketshare in European Soyaproduction > 1/3 iscertified from Europe by 2025 - all soya demand couldbe satisfied with certified soybeans - half of soya demand will be covered by non-GM European production No big expansion in agriculural land use, no reduction in production of other crops: share of soya bean in total arable land goes up from 2 % to 5 % in Europe(1/3 of maize)


  38. Donau Soja – A European team

  39. Find us – our social media activities Thankyouforyourattention! www.donausoja.org Donau Soja is supported by Austrian Development Agency Donau Soja Facebook Donau Soja Youtube Donau Soja Linkedin Donau Soja Instagram

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