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“Don’t Despair – Instead, Repair!”

In this text, Nehemiah urges us to seek God and not despair. Explore the power of prayer through adoration, repentance, reviewing promises, and specific requests. Learn how prayer and action combine to overcome challenges.

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“Don’t Despair – Instead, Repair!”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Don’t Despair – Instead, Repair!” Nehemiah 1:5-11

  2. 19 yr-old Nassau Community College student, Moe Pergament, pulled a toy gun on police, wanting them to kill him…

  3. Recently in Dallas, TX, a jeweler returned to the hotel parking lot and could not find the jewelry in the car worth thousands…

  4. In short, in today’s text, Nehemiah under the inspiration of God, instructs us not to despair; instead, repair!

  5. Purpose: to view four elements involved with effective prayer

  6. I Recognize the Character of God (1:5-6a) A. Adoration and Worship

  7. The greater God becomes in each of our lives, the smaller our problems and disappointments actually become…

  8. I Recognize the Character of God (1:5-6a) A. Adoration and Worship B. Based on Scripture

  9. Nehemiah recognized the character of God through His Word… -- so can we and so must we!

  10. I Recognize the Character of God (1:5-6a) A. Adoration and Worship B. Based on Scripture C. Includes Praise and Thanksgiving

  11. …holy, righteous, uncompromising, honest, blameless, just, unblemished, pure, untainted, unadulterated, above reproach, forthright, perfect, faultless, irreproachable, impeccable…

  12. II Repent of All Sin (1:6a-7) A. Honest Facing of Guilt

  13. Nehemiah recognized his sin and the sin of Israel resulted in the condition of Israel then…

  14. 2 Corinthians 10:12

  15. II Repent of All Sin (1:6a-7) A. Honest Facing of Guilt B. Absence of Self-Righteousness

  16. “I always like to hear a man talk about himself, because then I never hear anything but good.” Will Rogers

  17. III Review God’s Promises (1:8-10) A. Does God Need Reminding?

  18. … BUT you and I sure do!

  19. Deuteronomy 28-30

  20. III Review God’s Promises (1:8-10) A. Does God Need Reminding? B. Do We Need Reminding?

  21. God knew we would need reminding… “As often as you do this you do show My death until I come again.”

  22. IV Request Specific Help (1:11) A. Nehemiah Got Specific

  23. “… make Your servant successful today, and grant him compassion before this man.”

  24. IV Request Specific Help (1:11) A. Nehemiah Got Specific B. We Need to Get Specific

  25. We need to follow the example of Nehemiah when it comes to this very matter…

  26. Philippians 4:6

  27. Psalm 35:1

  28. James 4:3

  29. “Bill, the Lord and you have certainly worked wonders with this farm.”

  30. Summary and Conclusion: Such would be funny if it weren’t so common an attitude. You see, we often have it all backwards – apart from God we can do NOTHING. Nehemiah 1 is a blend of prayer and action. Both are needed in dealing with despair and disappointment…

  31. “Got Any Rivers You Think Are Uncrossable” Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He does the things others cannot do.

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