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Explore how application monitoring data can enhance enterprise architecture models by extracting and mapping service and infrastructure topologies. This advanced seminar discusses the integration of a new feedback channel into the software and architecture lifecycle and the presentation of architecture differences to gain insights. Learn about challenges, requirements, and implementation strategies for this innovative approach.
Enhancing enterprise architecture models using application monitoring data Christopher Janietz, 2018/10/12, Advanced Seminar (Advisor: Martin Kleehaus)
Agenda Motivation Research Questions & Approach Conceptualization Implementation Evaluation& Outlook
Application APM Tool Implementation partner: EAM Tool
Research questions 1 How to extract and map coherent service and infrastructure topologies from enterprise architecture management and monitoring systems? Metamodel Requirement matrix Literature study APEAM Sync GraphQL Layer API integration
Research questions 2 How can this new feedback channel be sufficiently integrated into the software and architecture lifecycle? Sync concept Field studies Literature study
Research questions 3 How can architecture differences be sufficiently presented to gain knowledge on apparent problems? Field studies Sync concept Workflow concept Literature study
Literaturestudy 31 Papers 13 Papers (Filter of related works, incorrect assumptions, …) Artifact/Service discovery Approaches / Goals Problems / Open questions EaaM(Everything as a Model) Discipline Code Annotation Code Analysis Complexity Enterprise Topology Graph Don’t use existing information Neglect existing EAM Tools Network Monitoring (Cloud) Migration / Cleanup Scripts Specific to Software Stack Microservice Architecture Discovery Software Integration CMDB CMDB
Literaturechallenges ...unrealistic Model drivenapproaches ...eitherverygenericortoonarrow(Network / Software Integration) ...do not makeuseofexistingdata
Metamodel Runtimearchitecture (APM) Architecturedocumentation (EAM) UI Synthesis of both Domain APM Service EAM Service UnifiedService Product (Team) ServiceReferences Infrastructure Backings
Domain Model Assumption / ProductOrganization • Remarks: • Typicallyteams/productsdetermine the domain • Out ofdomainservices (OOD) mightoccurnevertheless • Standard softwarecanbehandled in a similarmannerwhenbrokeninto APIs
Metamodel: UnifiedService <Team/Product>-<Domain/Abbreviation>-<Function?>-<Type?> bt basket calculation service inspire data service product Domain / Assignment
Metamodel challenges ...APM toolshave a different understandingof a service ...EAM toolsarelacking the microservicegranularitylevel ...driftbetweenidealisticproductorganizationandreality
APEAM Architecture • Requirements: • Live data • Integration infrastructureforothertools • Abstractionfrom APM and EAM tool • Recognition ofchanges
APEAM Implementation • Remarks: • Timestamptreshold • Abstractionof APM and EAM • GraphQLindependentinterface
APEAM GraphQL Model Visualization Data Exploration
Syncconcept Event Feed CI / CD Pipeline Trigger APEAM Manual
DockerIdAssociationInferencer EamProductToDomainInferencer Product eu.gcr.io/mms-work/dev/fifa/login-admin
APEAM GraphQL Demo
APEAM Challenges ...planningIT API isessentiallyexecuting SQL ...dynatracehas a betterfrontend API thanpublic API ...getting the rightlevelofabstraction
Requirements APM Tool EAM Tool
Evaluation Ops (SRE) Enterprise architects Developers / Software architects
Outlook andLearnings Extension of the enterprise graph Drawing conclusions from the graph/monitoring data
Thankyou Martin Kleehaus (TUM) Stefan Weiskopf (MMS SRE) Dominik Pusch (MMS EA) Andreas Geroe (MMS Dev) All other participants…
Christopher Janietz B.Sc. 17132 christopher@janietz.eu